Chapter 4: Intresting Results

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Renjo held on to his chair, Grânn was holding on to the door frame to the bridge, Fiennes was holding on to Renjo at the waist, and the rest held on to whatever they could.

It felt as if space wanted us; Dragging us in to oblivion. Everyone held strong through the pull of space. Oxygen spewed out of the window. The ship detected a pressure drop in the bridge and it turned the artifical gravity off. Then the access doors shut tight. The noise of hissing and sirens became straight silence.

After the doors had shut, the bridge was full of nothing, and sounded of nothing. Renjo looked around. Any sort of moisture in the cabin started to freeze up. We started to become cold. Colder and colder the bridge became. Renjo never thought he would ever go out like this. He looked at his crew. A solid 5 seconds here froze them up like icicles.

He began to think. Could I save them? Probably. Wait, how can I still look around? Why am I the only one able to move? I need to find a way to engage the shutters. I have to hurry, they wont last 2 minutes. He let go of the chair and the zero gravity consumed the couple.

Renjo looked around again for any flashing buttons that said anything involving the shutters, although buttons, lights, and screens were flashing everywhere. Then he saw it. On Dayrn's console, a red flashing button. He grabbed the floor and pushed his way over there. Even if it wasn't far walking, using hands on the icy floor made it longer.

Eventually he got there. Renjo grabbed the console and looked up, to find Daryn frozen to his chair. Renjo payed no attention to him; his main focus was to get them breathing agian. He looked at the flashing button then under it, it said, 'Emergency Shutter Door'. Renjo looked through the broken window, out into the open space, looking for anybody who was out there.

Good, no one is there. Time to fix this. He thought to myself. Renjo looked at the button, raised his hand, and mashed it in. The blinking shut off. Renjo looked to the window agian and saw smoke coming from the top, then a shutter came down fast, blocking the outside space. Surely there was a loud sound but there was nothing to hear. He looked at Dayrn's console screen and words came up saying, 'ESD Closed. Access Doors Opening. Artificial Gravity Switching On. Returning Oxygen To Cabin. Temperature Stabilizing To Set Preference.'

Renjo looked to the doors and they opened up as he was falling down to the ground. Slowly, hissing returned to his ears followed by sirens wailing and alarms going off. He gasped for air, coughing and wheezing until stabilization returned. He rolled over and back to avoid crushing Fiennes. He lay on his back, still breathing deeply. He sat for 3 minutes not doing anything.

He then tended to the others, who were now partially frozen. Enough to let them move at least. Fiennes was first, as she was the closest. Renjo checked for a pulse. At first there was nothing. He closed his eyes, knowing that no one could have survived. Then, a small but subtle beat moved his fingers. He opened his eyes. Tears were just about to run down his face.

"Fiennes? Hey, wake up." Renjo said as he tried shaking her cold and partly wet body.

Fiennes fluttered her eyes quickly, and shot upright gasping for air as well. She was relieved to know Renjo was there by her side, alive and well. She looked at him, and tears ran down her face. She grabbed Renjo's shirt and pulled him to her, hugging him in the process. He hugged her back.

"I thought we were dead for sure... I'm glad you're alive. What of the others?" she started, and as if on cue, everyone who was still unconscious shot upright, coughing and gasping for air.

After everyone was settled, Renjo told them what happened. Everybody looked at me funny, insisting that the ESD had a auto drop on situations like that. He proved them otherwise, thanks to the bridge camera, luckily still attached to the wall during the whole thing.

"Friend, come here. I wanna take a look at you. Have no worry. I just so happen to have medicinal training." Grânn said, with a great concern.

He asked questions and Renjo responded to the best he could. He proceeded to do physical tests, and finally an x-ray. His eyes widened, and he bolted out the room without saying anything after viewing the pictures.

Huh, wonder what he saw. Renjo thought, standing up and going to the info screen. His eyes widened as well. "Holy hell, I'm a cyborg. That explains a lot".

Renjo began to walk to the bridge, where small whispers and the occasional yell from Daryn echoed the hallway. He walked in to find everyone looking at him. Except for Grânn. Renjo wasn't shocked. "So, what'd you tell them Grânn?" he asked while leaning against the door frame, arms crossed.

Grãnn replied in a tone of fear, confidence, and confusion. "I just told them that you are a cyborg. But, even though I saw it with my own eyes, I still don't-. No, I would never believe it. It's impossible. Cyborgs were eliminated centuries ago." Grânn paused. "Friend, do you remember when you gained the Bermuda? Or how Fiennes became your girlfriend?"

"Well, yeah. I got the ship from a trade from a pirate, and I got Fiennes from a few dates to a local bar." He responded.

Grânn looked down to the ground and was just about to say something else until Fiennes intervened. "Babe, none of that is actually true. You were found by us. Half broken and damaged floating around in space, close to Yars Enterprise. Yes, this is confusing considering that you remember none of it, and you don't know about this because, well, we wiped your memory. We kept the files just in case. Before we found you, I was the captain. Grânn, he was the one that helped us rebuild you. All of this was technically planned out. I'm sorry. I don't want you to be upset."

Renjo walked to the chair, and sat down head in his hands. "Show me the clips. I want to see what happened." Fiennes looked to Green, and his face turned from sadness to fear and concern.

"Go ahead Green. Show him. He deserves to know." Fiennes sadly said.

Green pressed a button on his screen and an old projector from the 24th century came down from the roof.

First person World War III clips from 2248 appeared on the shutters. Countries fighting for possession over Neo Earth. Following that was the Intergalactic War I footage from 2321, where the first alien races showed their faces to humans. Afterwards was the Intergalactic War II in 2559.

Every war there was, Renjo was fighting for his side. Then the wars ended. They ended from the last attack to the enemy. An attack that was designed to have no survivors. A fleet of ships approached an enemy planet, blockaded by another fleet. They had the advantages of firepower and number. We were annihilated, and the enemy won the war as well, ending the Intergalactic War II.

The footage that was next was several sped up hours of Renjo floating in space, watching the enemy kill off any survivors. He was last to be found, then he was blown up, and the footage ended. A long pause filled the room.

"You spent about 100 years flying to Yars. After we found you, we fixed you up and gave you a false memory, because we thought that you couldn't bear to remember all that. All your current memory is computer generated. Im sorry." Fiennes explained.

Renjo stood up. "So, none of this is real? You're not my girlfriend? Grânn, we were never friends? I'm not the captain?" He began to shout. "When I woke up today, was that the first time I've been awake in years!?" He sat back down, head in his hands.

"We're genuinely sorry, fri- um, Renjo. And yes, you're right. You did wake up for the first time in years today. But what's gonna stop you from continuing to live? Tell you what; Lets go to Romero Orbital. The Feds shouldn't bother us there." Grânn suggested.

Renjo sighed. "Okay, lets go. I'll be in my room if you guys need me."

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