Chapter 5: A Bad Idea

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"Computer, tell me a joke." Renjo repeated for the 50th time, while laying in his bed trying to entertain himself while in a room as dark as he could make it, but with only a blue vibrance.

'Why did the skeleton not cross the road?'

"Why?" He asked very sarcastically.

'Because he didn't have the guts. Ha. Ha.'

Yup. Ha ha indeed. Renjo thought.

'Captain, I've not-'

He interrupted. "Don't call me captain anymore. Call me by my name, Renjo. Okay?"

'Understood. Changing name preference to Renjo. Continuing original statement. Renjo, I've noticed a huge mood swing while you have been laying there. Is there something wrong?'

"Yeah, actually. Did you not hear all the yelling in the bridge?" Renjo responded.

'In fact I did. Would you like playback?' The computer suggested.

"No, I don't. Play it for yourself and use your context clues to figure it out."

No more than 2 minutes later the computer had a result. 'Done. I see now. Okay, what could I do?'

"Nothing much really. Actually, I want you to do something for me."


"Can you bring me my old memory and place it in with my current one?"

'Renjo, it might not be a good idea.'

"Just do it."


No more than a minute later, the file was transferred to a private memory bank in his room.

'File now in your possession Renjo. Would you like me to do the transferring for you? Also, I need to scan you for any sort of port on your body for the transfer.'

"Sure. Go ahead. "

The computer scanned me, finding a port on the back of his neck. 'Found one. Inserting wire now.' A wire was plugged in, and before his eyes Renjo saw flashing images, vibrant in color.

Woah, that's so wierd. He thought.

As Renjo was being amazed, with his eyes wide open, sudden sharp pain began to grasp him everywhere. The mental memories of pain from all the wars suddenly became physical, and it happened all at once.

He yelled in suprise and pain. "AH! WHAT THE FU- AAAAAHHHH!"

The pain only grew worse, and he continued to shout. Then, Renjo passed out, mouth wide open and his eyes in shock.

He awoke laying down in a white room, with no doors. After gazing at the ceiling for a time wondering what just happened, he stood up.

A door opened. And someone be has never met, or seen before walked into the room and approached Renjo. The figure's entire body was blue including clothing.

"Hello Renjo. I am the ship's computer A.I. You are inside one of the memory banks of the ship. Mentally at least." the A.I. stated.

"Wait, mentally? You mean I'm not physically here?" Renjo questioned.

"Yes, that is correct. Every thing you see here is happening at the speed of light. But we must cut our side conversation short. As we only have fractions of a second to talk. So I'll start and explain everything. You are in a fail safe mode. Like I said, this is happening at light speed, but you and I can have a conversation lasting about 2 minutes. Back to what I was saying; Your fail safe sends a high voltage shock around your body, causing your nano controllers in your limbs and spine to freak out. When your body detects this, it stops everything for a fraction of a second. And I am here now because I connected that wire to the back of you neck." The A.I. explained.

"The light speed safe mode."

"Essentially. Any questions?"

"Uh, I guess not. How much time do I have left in my head?"

"10 seconds. Goodbye."

Before Renjo could say anything, he returned back to reality.

'Renjo, are you okay?' The computer asked.

"Huh. I'm back. Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little pain from returning that's all. How about you?" Renjo responded.

'All is well with me. Also, you might want to go into the bridge. There seems to be a problem.'

He stood up with concern and walked out of the room.

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