Chapter 4

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Thunder rumbled far off in the distance, a very soft rain splashing on the roof, a soft sound resonating through the apartment. A single blanket was wrapped around Jisung, the poor boy crying his eyes out. Minho sat next to him, not saying a word to him. His arm laid wrapped around him, rubbing his arm slowly. Jisung shifted his body, hugging Minho closer.

Minho stifled slightly, looking down at the boy. He moved his hand, gently running his hands through his soft hair.

Jisung's cries stopped for a moment, whimpers leaving his lips. He looked up at Minho with big doe eyes, tears still streaming down his face. Minho looked down at the boy.

Jisung's lips quivered as he struggled to find his words. He blinked away some tears, only for them to be replaced within moments. He took a deep breath, finally opening his mouth to speak. "Am I unlovable?" He squeaked out, his entire body shaking.

Minho only responded with a frown, his eyes growing sad at the boy's words. He slowly shook his head, his hands still going through his hair. "No. I wouldn't say so," He responded calmly.

"Then why do they all leave me?" His voice grew weaker.

"That is… that is their own fault. You just struggle with love."

He nodded slowly, putting his head down. He adjusted his body, resting his head on his chest. He let out a deep breath, staring off into the wall. "Am I broken?"

Minho glared slightly. "No, you are not broken, do you hear me?" Jisung didn't respond. "I said do you hear me," he said harsher.

Jisung looked up. "Yes, I hear you. It's just that-"

"It's just what? You are loveable and you have friends who adore you. You aren't defined by your past relationships."

Jisung smiled softly, sitting up all the way. He took in a deep breath, relaxing. Minho slowly let go of him, retreating his hands. Jisung then lunged at him, wrapping his arms around his torso. Minho looked down confused, awkwardly wrapping his arms around him.

Jisung broke down sobbing once more. "How did I end up with such a good friend like you??"

Minho chuckled. "You're having all the thoughts today, aren't you?"

Jisung nodded, squeezing hard.

"Well… I remember you being 14."

"Oh my gosh 14… I was so cringy back then."

"Still are."

Jisung looked up at him, glaring as tears fell. "E-excuse me?"

"You're excused. What was I? 16? You… you could not, would not, stop staring at me in class. Not until I approached you and you just melted."

Jisung chuckled softly, rubbing his tears into his hands. "We both know you're lying. You were the most handsome boy in school. No one else but you. But you weren't handsome enough to melt me."

"Eh, you were my competition."

"Oh ho? Really? I was your competition?"

"You totally were. Everyone compared our visuals, it didn't help that we also ended up being best friends. I-" he paused for a second. "I think we even had people shipping us."

"Us? Being shipped? Weird."

"Eh, you get over it."

Jisung sat up, properly sitting next to him. Minho smiled down at him, wiping away the tears from his face.

"I'm gonna make tea. Is that okay?"

"Yeah. Go ahead."

Minho stood up, going to his kitchen. Jisung watched him with a smile. He flopped onto his stomach, kicking his legs into the air, his chin on his hands. Minho began to make his tea, a smile resting on his face.

"So… tell me about your love life," Jisung said, watching him.

Minho chuckled. "That's funny…"

Jisung's face fell, growing confused at his words. "I'm… I'm sorry, did I miss something?"

Minho turned, his eyes falling on him. "Jisung… I-I've never dated anyone before."

Jisung's face fell in horror, his jaw gaping open. "Oh my gosh, how could I ever forget??"

"No, it's fine. Your life is busy and mine… isn't."

"I still feel bad for asking."

Minho glared. "Stop."

"...okay, yeah, I'll stop."

Minho turned back to his tea, finishing it. Silence fell upon them, Jisung just watching Minho do his own thing. Minho did his best to finish up quickly, pouring it out into a mug. He returned to the couch, carefully sitting down next to Jisung. Jisung looked up at him with big eyes, Minho taking a sip. Jisung rearranged himself to be sitting more properly next to him, his eyes still staring up at him big as ever.

"Do you at least have a crush on someone?" He asked softly.

Minho finished his sip, looking down. "Yes, I do."

He took a small gasp. "Oh! Who?"

"I'd rather not say."

"Oh, come on! You should totally tell me! Tell your best friend," he said as he moved closer to him.

"Jisung," Minho said sternly.

Jisung moved away ever so slightly. "Oh… sorry…" he looked down. "I'll just, uh-" he moved away slightly.

Minho looked back over. He let out a soft sigh. He leaned forward, placing his mug on the coffee table. Jisung looked back, grabbing the blanket he was in earlier. He wrapped it around himself, smiling softly. He looked over at Minho, opening his arms for him. Minho made eye contact with him before glancing up and down. He moved closer, tilting his body.

Minho rested his head on Jisung's chest as he felt Jisung wrap the blanket around them. He smiled softly, staring out at the wall.

"Do you want to know about my crush?" Minho asked softly.

"If you want to talk about them."

He readjusted himself. "Well…"

I'm gonna slowly get back into posting.

I missed you all.

! Emberly !

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