Chapter 5

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Minho sat alone at his desk, reading a book peacefully. He rubbed his eyes, scrunching up his face. Someone sat next to him, poking his arm. He relaxed his face, staring at the person. He smiled at him.

"Hello, Jisung."

Jisung giggled cutely. "Hello, Minho!" He leaned closer, resting his head on his shoulder.

Minho just smiled, not moving. "You're interesting."

"Well, thank you." He looked up at him with bright eyes. "School is about to end."

"Oh, is it?" Minho's eyes went up to the classroom's clock, reading the arrows. "Oh, I guess it is."

Jisung sat back up, grabbing his hand. He stood up, pulling the older with him. "Grab your stuff!" He let go of his hand. "I'll go get my stuff." He turned on his heels, going to his desk.

Minho picked his stuff up, a smile still plastered on his face. He held his items close to his chest, looking over at Jisung's desk. He watched the boy gather all his stuff up and pick them up, suddenly looking up at Minho. Jisung smiled brightly, rushing to his side.

"Do you have any plans today?"

Minho thought for a second. "Umm… no, I don't think I do."

"Do you want to come over? My parents are gonna be out on a date."

"Sure, why not? What time?"

"Just come over whenever you want."

Minho nodded, his smile growing as the bell rang. Jisung led the two out of the classroom, heading into the busy hallway.

"Meet at my locker?" Jisung asked. 

Minho nodded, turning left and away from the boy. He walked down to his locker, and opening it. He neatly arranged everything into his backpack, picking it up. He put it on his back, beginning to walk over to Jisung's locker. He saw the boy, picking up his speed. Jisung didn't see him approach, Minho taking advantage of the situation.

Minho leaned against the locker behind Jisung, poking him. He leaned close, poking Jisung. Jisung flinched quite hard, the boy turning around with big and scared eyes.

"Yah! Don't scare me!"

Minho smiled softly. "Sorry, but it was just so easy."

Jisung rolled his eyes, turning back around. He grabbed his bag, putting it on his back. 

"Let's walk?"

Minho nodded, turning. They both began to walk, following everyone out the school doors. The two walked side by side, soft talking going back and forth between them. Just simple plans, talking of school, teachers, and classmates. Eventually, the two had to walk separate ways.

"It's so weird to think that sharks existed before trees," Jisung whispered into Minho's ear.

The two boys sat on the couch, Minho's arm around Jisung's shoulder, Jisung resting his head on Minho's shoulder. Food laid on the coffee table in front of them, the TV on and playing.

"You know, this is why I usually don't let you choose what we watch."

"What? What's wrong with National Geographic?"

"Nothing, it's just a weird thing to watch with someone."

"You're just weird!"

Minho just rolled his eyes, looking at him. "How's life treating you?"

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