Chapter 8

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"Jisung, I like you," Minho mumbled, writing the words down on a piece of paper. He stared down at it, sighing. It didn't feel enough. It wasn't how he wanted to tell Jisung he was in love with him. He wanted to be able to say it in person, but he knew he never could. So, to him, this was his best option. Give the letter to him and then run far away from him. He didn't even want to be there to see Jisung react.

He needed to do something before his feeling exploded. He needed to keep his feelings under control.

"What you working on?" A voice said.

Minho scrambled to cover the paper, cover it with his classwork and notebooks. He looked up, his eyes meeting Jisung's. "Nothing." He said quickly and nervously, a dust blushing his cheeks.

Jisung smiled, sitting on Minho's desk. He arranged himself so his legs were spread, Minho's body in front of them. Minho tilted, staring at his work.

"You're sitting right on my schoolwork," He said, looking directly up at Jisung.

Jisung shrugged. "You'll get it back later. Besides, it's about to be the weekend. Don't do work over the weekend. You deserve to relax a bit."

Minho grinned softly. "I guess so." He looked up at the clock. "Class is gonna end. We going to my place?" He hesitated with the question, still afraid of saying something.

"Yeah, we can do that," Jisung replied as he stood up from the desk. "I'll go grab my things. I'll meet you at your locker." He walked away.

Minho nodded, looking down at his papers. He began to organize them, a panic overgrowing him as he was unable to find the letter. He kept looking, panicking even more, the letter being completely gone. The bell rang, and Jisung approached him. Minho quickly put everything away, standing up and staring down at him.

"Is everything okay?" He asked curiously.

"Yeah, everything is fine." Minho lied, holding his breath. "Let's just go to our lockers."


The two laid on Minho's bed. They laughed happily, listening to music and enjoying each other's company. Minho looked over at Jisung, his heart jumping out of his chest. He smiled brightly, their eyes connecting. Jisung slowly moved closer, resting his head against Minho's chest. He let out a soft sigh, closing his eyes. Minho felt a warm sensation in his chest as Jisung laid on him.

"So, tell me, do you have a crush on anyone Minho?" Jisung asked curiously.

Minho could feel himself blush, looking away nervously and shyly. "No, not really..." Jisung looked up at him with big eyes. "So... I do. It's just I really doubt they'll like me back." His heart fluttered, cursing himself out.

"Have you ever thought about confessing?"

Minho chuckled. "I actually did today but... I backed out. I just don't want to deal with rejection." He paused, sighing deeply.

"Maybe try again?" Jisung suggested.

"That would be hard. It took so much courage to actually attempt something, but I lost it so fast."

Jisung frowned. "Oh..."

"That's really all. What about you?"


He couldn't help but feel things. He was beyond enamored by him. He admired everything about him, from his stubbornness to his determination to him himself. And, most importantly, he loved the way Jisung made him feel. He knew there could easily be something more to them than just friendship, but how would he bring it up to Jisung? His heart was fluttering just thinking of it as he tried to think of a way to confess to him without coming across as desperate or pathetic. There really was no way around his ever-growing feelings. They had been building for years and finally were bursting in a wave of affection that was overwhelming.

Now Jisung? Minho had no idea how he felt toward him. Would it be too risky to tell him? All he knew was that he couldn't live without him by his side. But how could he tell him something like that? His heart couldn't even find the words to say anything. He didn't know where to start. He could throw all his cards and hope for the best but that didn't feel right either. What would happen then? What would he do if Jisung rejected him?

He was too deeply in love with his best friend, beyond scared of rejection despite being overfilled with feelings and affection.

Of course he wanted him, but how? They had been best friends since they first talked that fateful day, so he buried everything deep down inside he didn't want to ruin their precious friendship. But nothing could contain his desire. He wanted to kiss Jisung, feeling his breath on his face as he tasted his lips with his tongue. He wanted him-- his heart, his soul, his body. He craved his touch. He craved his love. He craved Jisung himself. Minho just wanted Jisung.

God damn, it hurt him. He watched Jisung go in and out of relationships, Minho knowing damn well he can love and treat Jisung better in every way possible. Despite all feelings he kept buried inside, he kept standing by Jisung's side as he went through all the relationships, and every heartbreak he had to go through. He hated it every time. He was jealous of every girl who ever gazed into his eyes or kissed his lips or made him smile like a madman. He felt powerless in regard to his feelings for his best friend. And he could never act on them.

He hated himself for that. It killed him inside every day. Why couldn't he just be honest with his feelings for him? Why was it so complicated? Why did it have to be like this? There was just so much hate in heart, as well as anger and jeaously, and he would do anything in his power to get rid of those feelings.

He sat up in bed, sighing to himself. "I need to tell him eventually," he mumbled to himself. He needed to tell him before Jisung went off with someone else again.


Jisung sat in the living room, looking through old boxes of his things. He came across a folder from his high school years. He opened it, seeing a single piece of paper folded within the folder. He grabbed it and unfolded it, reading the words written on it.

"Jisung, I like you," it said.

It was not named who said it, but he remembered exactly who he got it from. The handwriting was all too familiar. He had grabbed the paper from his desk and then promptly lost it. And here it was again. He looked up at the wallway with Minho's bedroom, sighing softly. He would approach him about it another time, when it wasn't late at night.

This is gonna be a shorter story, because I don't wanna drag it out.

Btw I never post at a normal time, it's 1:54 am

! Emberly !

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