Info about BlazeClan

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Leader (King)
Highest rank, reserved for toms only. The Leader eats first, addresses the clan, and is to be respected in every way. He dishes out punishments to those who commit treason or do something disrespectful. He and his children are to be well treated, and he changes mates whenever he feels like it.
Second In Command and the next leader, also only reserved for toms. They assign patrols and spot hunting and training sessions for trainee Claws. They become leader after the current one dies. They also act as the leader's royal advisor.
Royal Heirs
These cats, regardless of gender, are to be made respectable Claws by their father. They cannot be medicine cats as that role is only for non-royal she-cats and royal she-cats cannot be Shines unless they desire a mate or unless their father does not wish to allow them to become a warrior.
They are to be respected and their word is law like their father's unless said otherwise.
When their father dies, the oldest male heir can challenge the deputy to fight for the Leader position. If there are only she-cat heirs, then a vote is held for a new leader and the she-cat will temporarily lead the clan.
If a non-royal tom is chosen as the Leader, the she-cat heir will be his mate.
Reserved only for toms. These cats are the muscle of the clan. They hunt and fight, and have the authority to order around she-cats if they desire. They are allowed to switch mates as much as they want because she-cats are deemed weak and unworthy of respect.
A trainee Claw is called a Titanpaw.
Reserved only for she-cats. To-be Shines are chosen at kit age for how beautiful they are. Their job is to simply be beautiful for the toms and sing their praises and bear their children until they can no longer do so, then they will be thrown to Prickle status. Shines are also not allowed to name their kits; only their Claws can.
A trainee Shine is called a Starpaw.
She-cats deemed not pretty enough by the parents and the Leader are to be Nettles, aka medicine cats. It is considered the lowest rank as medicine cats are, to the clan, the ones who chose a life of cowardice even if the she-cat desires to be a Claw. As I said, the toms are sexist as heck and think their opinions are superior to the she-cats'.
A trainee Nettle is called a Littlepaw.
These are she-cats who are disabled, disfigured or cannot bear kits any longer, and to the clan they are known as the Crown Spirits Disgrace. They are tortured and constantly mocked by the Claws and the Shines and Nettles can do nothing to help them.

Code of the Blazing Star

1. Royals and Generals must be well-treated and obeyed.

2. She-cats are expected to bear at least 2 litters of kits, otherwise they will be thrown to Prickle status.

3. Claws are NOT allowed to mate with a Starpaw unless there is a lack of Shines.

4. The Royal Heirs, deputy and Leader's word is law.

5. She-cats are not allowed to speak ill of their mates, leave camp alone, take on new mates while they still have another or name their kits. If any of these rules are broken they will be thrown to Prickle status or killed.

6. No she-cat is to be part of the Council of the Blazing Star.

7. Toms can call the she-cats whatever they please but she-cats must call toms Sir or General.

8. She-cats must obey what their mates say.

9. Nettles and Littlepaws are to be held at lowest regard in the clan because they lead a life of cowardice over glory.

10. Royal heirs that are female can only lead the clan temporarily until the clan has voted for a new male leader. They can also be disobeyed if their father either disowns them or commands the clan to.

11. Leader, his heirs, deputy and his highest ranked General eats first, Elders and Claws second, Titanpaws third, Starpaws and Shines fourth, and the Nettles and Littlepaws are lucky if they get anything to eat at all. Prickles are given scraps.

12. If the first mate of a Shine dies, she is not allowed to choose another one.

13. Titanpaws are allowed to 'reserve' a Starpaw as their mate until they become older and can claim them.

14. Any act of disrespect towards the royals or generals is punishable by various ways.

15. Nettles cannot have any kits at all. If a Nettle is found to have kits, adoptive or blood-born, the kits will be taken away/killed and the she-cat will be killed.

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