Chapter 9: Consumed In Water

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"Goslingpaw, wake up. It's time." The Littlepaw rose from her short nap when her mentor's soothing voice called her. After a quick stretch for her limbs, she padded out of the Nettlecave after Aldertrail.

"Go wait by the Prickles' den while I receive permission to go out of camp. Don't speak to anyone unless it's absolutely important, got it?"

Goslingpaw nodded and set off towards the beaten den while her mentor cautiously approached Cougarstar's den.

When she was beside the Prickles' den, Rabbithum poked her head out carefully and purred, "You seem excited, Goslingpaw. Where are you off to?"

Goslingpaw jumped in excitement and mewed, "Aldertrail's going to teach me how to swim!" "Oh, that sounds lovely." "It is! Soon I can dive down to find herbs!"

Rabbithum chuckled and wished her good luck before looking in another direction and quickly withdrawing her head back into the den.

Upon glancing in the direction she'd been looking in, the Littlepaw saw her mentor approach her with a Claw by her side.

She was disappointed that it wasn't Azuregale, but she wasn't too upset to see the short-tailed Gustfang with her mentor either.

"Come on. We don't have all day," Aldertrail prompted her cream and brown Littlepaw forward as Gustfang curtly dipped his head to her and took the lead.

The guards let them pass, and soon they were out of BlazeClan camp.

Goslingpaw felt like her breath was taken away at the sight of the forest. Trees were full of fresh green leaves, and the grass swayed in a welcoming manner as they walked on.

Birds sang their merry songs as they flew around, and leaves rustled as squirrels and mice scampered about the forest floor.

Soon, they reached the river. Goslingpaw could only gasp at its image. The river extended multiple tree-lengths, and its surface glimmered gold and green.

Small flashes of silver shone beneath the surface, and the Littlepaw could see small fishes darting about.

"There's fish!" She mewed excitedly. Quickly, she gave the water an experimental dab with her paw, but her mentor swiftly grabbed her paw and batted it away sharply.

"We do not eat fish, Goslingpaw. We eat land animals like mice and squirrels," Aldertrail scolded, earning a snort from Gustfang. Goslingpaw bowed her head in embarrassment.

"Come in. The water is shallow here," she instructed her apprentice, and Aldertrail waded into the water until she was in shoulder deep.

Goslingpaw felt Gustfang push her gently with a paw and murmur in his growly voice, "Shove it." She nervously stepped forward, feeling the chilling waves lap at her paws.

Slowly but surely, she felt the water rising up as she ventured deeper in. She wasn't aware of the drop in the ground below in the water, and suddenly felt as if she was consumed in water.

She tried to shriek for help, but water seeped into her jaws and all that came out was bubbles that rose to the surface.

The icy water stung her eyes, and she flailed about desperately to try and resurface, flapping her limbs like a bird to try and propel herself to the surface.

Just then, she felt a pair of teeth grab her scruff and haul her up to the shallow bank. She gasped and spluttered for air, and when she finally blinked open her eyes, she saw Aldertrail and Gustfang staring down at her.

"And that, Goslingpaw, is why a Littlepaw's first lesson of swimming is to always be careful of where you step," Aldertrail sighed.

She stared at the ground with humiliation and her mentor shook her head before beckoning her to go back in. This time, the cream and brown she-cat was careful to place her paws on safe places.

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