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• Goslingpaw and Swanpaw's father has both Evergreen and Siren elementals. Somehow, both elements were passed down to only one daughter but not the other.

• Elmriver is scorned by some of the more snobbish Shines for her muscular appearance and her rather rough way of speaking, but they all dare not say it to her face because she's physically capable of murder.

• Elmriver was nearly exiled for attacking a Shine named Chirpsong that she eventually killed for insulting her nonstop. The only reason Squirrelstar (previous Leader) didn't exile/kill/degrade her to a Prickle was because the Shine had been having an affair with four toms at once, but Elmriver is still kept under constant surveillance.

• Depthpaw has a small crush on Goslingpaw.

• Gustfang is proud of all his sons even though he won't say it, but he just wishes Rockpaw would stop treating his brothers like dirt.

• Morning Glory is the Princess and future queen of the Tribe Of The Blooming Valley.

• Aldertrail didn't have any romantic feelings for Azuregale at first but she was afraid of making him angry or upset so she agreed to give him a chance.

• Softpaw has serious self-esteem problems.

• If you think Cougarstar is a terrible leader, blame Squirrelstar, his father. He tortured any she-cat that stood up to him or disobeyed him and resorted to violence when it came to outsiders.

• BlazeClan used to swim to practise underwater fighting in case that scenario happened irl but Cougarstar banned that as he deemed it a waste of time.

• Slatepaw is aro-ace and Stonepaw is aromantic.

• Goslingpaw is pansexual.

• Softpaw is an lesbian aromantic.

• Azuregale genuinely loves Aldertrail, and wants to build a family with her.

• Azuregale's ex-mate was a Shine named Seedlingheart who had sandy fur and green eyes, and his unborn kit was supposed to be a tom. If the kit had been born, Azuregale would've named him Palekit or Wispkit for his silvery sand-coloured fur and blue eyes.

• Seedlingheart and Azuregale never truly loved each other, but respected each other as mutuals and even became friends. Azuregale mourned her when she passed like they had been soulmates.

• Floralstreak started to despise her apprentice Swanpaw for all the attention she gets from the clan, and eventually started comparing her to Goslingpaw in secret, often noting the healer to-be's good qualities her own Starpaw clearly lacked.

• Rockpaw is infatuated with Softpaw, and is willing to do anything for her to be his mate, clearly unaware of her attraction to she-cats. This has been going on for so long that even the other Titanpaws agreed with Goslingpaw that his crush on her is extremely creepy.

• Gustfang has trouble showing genuine love to his sons; he is one to believe being soft makes one weak.

• Lichenthorn and Beetlescar both suffer from serious fears of being ignored so they flaunt themselves to try and get other cats to acknowledge them, but they truly just crave for some cat to share their woes with.

• Beechwhisker is actually kindhearted and genuinely cares for Slatepaw, and often takes him on solo treetop hunts to spend time with him.

• Rockpaw, Slatepaw and Stonepaw are called the Granite brothers.

• Goslingpaw is the older sister.

• Goslingpaw and Swanpaw are known as the Avian Sisters, but most of the clan call them the Beauty and the Useless.

• If Hazepaw was never a Prickle, he would be named Hazemask.

• Originally, I planned for Rabbithum to die and Hazepaw to survive and later become Glacier Storm's mate. The idea was scrapped because I didn't see much potential for him to be her mate anyway.
And now for a big secret.

• Thornslash is gay, and even though he won't admit it he's deeply jealous of Aldertrail for having Azuregale's attention because he'd been childhood friends with the silver-furred deputy and had a crush on him since they both became warriors.

• He's also envious of Aldertrail's fur that's just as, if not softer and healthier than his, her more appealing face and her surprisingly well-built body. He spends all his time grooming himself to try and catch Azuregale's eye while trying to bring Aldertrail down.

• Thornslash only took Petalwhisper to be his mate because he wanted kits. He treated her like she didn't exist and immediately broke up with her after Depthpaw was born, but she wasn't upset because she is bisexual and is in a secret relationship with another Shine. (cough cough CHANTERELLE-)

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