Chapter 17: Trust In Me

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"So you see, this is how I pat the bedding down..."

Goslingpaw glanced sideways at Softpaw to make sure she was watching. Her eyes shimmered with interest as the Littlepaw delicately patted the moss down into the bowl-shaped crevice with her white paws.

It had been two moons since the Starpaw had gotten out of the Nettlecave after the incident, but Chanterellestreak had showed clear disapproval of her apprentice returning to regular Starpaw activities.

She apparently had argued very strongly with Azuregale to get her to stop training as a Starpaw due to her PTSD, even throwing in a couple of unsavoury words into the argument.

Azuregale has been sympathetic, but Cougarstar had not and had instead punished Chanterellestreak for speaking up by demoting her to the lowest ranked Shine and making Softpaw help Goslingpaw with tending to the Prickles.

Goslingpaw was surprised to find that Chanterellestreak had been rather relieved when she was demoted much to Cougarstar's rage and confusion, and frankly she could understand why.

According to Cottonsong, the pregnant Shine she'd spoken to one day when she was delivering herbs to her, Shines who were higher ranked often got more toms after their tails.

Chanterellestreak had never been the type of she-cat who ever wanted to have a mate and kits, let alone ones she couldn't even name herself.

As she watched her Starpaw friend try to mimic her movements in patting down the fresh bedding for the Prickles under their careful watch, she noticed how much the Starpaw had changed in her actions and behaviour.

Now, Softpaw seemed more on guard for any possible danger and seemed easily startled and frightened. Any tom that approached her would trigger her immediate flight response, and it had taken time for her to get used to Slatepaw and Stonepaw.

She had trouble sleeping, trouble concentrating, and lacked almost all interest in the activities she once enjoyed like taking strolls and sunbathing.

Poor Softpaw had also began to get more detached from her family and friends, straying away from Swanpaw and her gang and having severe difficulty showing any positive emotions whatsoever.

She often shied away from any cat and would have constant nightmares about that horrible incident.

That, and throw in the fact that Slatepaw and Stonepaw's insensitive and arrogant older brother Rockpaw had the absolute audacity to flirt with and 'reserve' Softpaw as his future mate just a moon after her incident was her breaking point.

The cream and brown apprentice's heart was filled with nothing but pure sorrow and worry for the Starpaw.

"That should do, good job, Softpaw," she tried to mew in a n encouraging tone, though given how tired she was she could've sounded anything but. Softpaw glanced at her, and cracked a weak smile.

Chervilsky and Poppystreak mewed their approval as well, and Rabbithum gave a warm smile to the Starpaw.

Cloudflower and Hazepaw were already nestled into their nests, sleeping as they had been guarding the den from any possible Claws who wanted to vent their anger on something.

"Um... Goslingpaw?" "Hm?" The amber-eyed she-cat gazed up at the tabby-calico mix, eyes half lidded from exhaustion due to the dreams she'd had last night. "Why and how are there so many plants growing around the den?"

The Littlepaw mentally cursed herself. Usually she was a good liar and would willingly lie to get out of any tricky situations, but now it felt like her tongue was fossilised.

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