Chapter 18: Deep Down Under

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"Claw, kick, claw, kick! That's it! Keep going!"

Goslingpaw kicked her legs hard, copying her mentor as she was taught to pick up speed using that particular swimming method.

Her foster mother yelled out words of encouragement to her, and Gustfang, who was sitting by the bank, nodded in approval.

The Littlepaw huffed as she finally managed to make it to the checkpoint, an algae-covered stone in the water, and clambered onto it with some difficulty, her paws slipping and sliding every once in a while.

Aldertrail had deemed it safe for her Littlepaw to start training in deep water, and Gustfang had agreed, seeing how much the cream and brown she-cat had gotten more confident and faster in the water.

That was very true, seeing that Goslingpaw could swim twice as fast as she did when she first started out.

The Littlepaw leapt to the bank as her mentor clambered out, and shook out her fur nearby. "Oi!" Sputtered Gustfang as water sprayed all over him, and Goslingpaw immediately squeaked out an apology in fright.

Gustfang huffed out an odd laugh. "No worries, small one. My sons did this all the time when they played in the rain." Goslingpaw gave a smile, although, mentally she was grumbling that she was not that small-sized.

Suddenly, pawsteps started approaching, and Aldertrail almost immediately whisked her foster daughter into her protective embrace.

Gustfang didn't even bristle his fur in the slightest, and Goslingpaw wondered if he showed love to his sons outwardly before.

Soon, a patrol showed up nearby, and Goslingpaw gritted her teeth in annoyance when she saw Lionpaw, Cootpaw, Rockpaw and Depthpaw there with their mentors.

Those Titanpaws always made fun of her, and Depthpaw was so annoying...

"Hey, look! It's the fat Littlepaw!" Shouted Lionpaw, and his cronies burst out laughing. Goslingpaw flattened her ears and turned to her foster mother, but this only prompted jeers from the two others.

Their mentors only nodded along with them, smirking malevolently at the she-cats. Thornslash was also there with his son, and he was also encouraging it by not saying a word to defend them.

"What's the matter, Stupidpaw? You about to go crying to your mommy?" Sneered Cootpaw, before his Titanpaw friends burst out laughing. Goslingpaw felt her hackles raise and her fur begin to bristle with anger.

Gustfang glanced at her and quietly hissed, "You're showing weakness, Littlepaw, by cowering away. They'll never stop taunting you that way."

Goslingpaw knew he was right. She turned to stare at them, and slowly stood up. "Goslingpaw, don't," whispered her mentor in alarm. "Oh look! Cry-kit is taking her first steps! Let's hope she falls!" Cackled Rockpaw.

Depthpaw seemed upset as his so-called friends laughed, and he gave Goslingpaw a look of desperation as he twitched his russet ears, as if trying to say he wasn't with them.

Goslingpaw didn't say a word in hopes of possibly psyching them out with a creepy, quiet stare. And it seemed to work.

The toms seemed unnerved by her slit-eyed stare, and Lionpaw tried to 'lighten the mood' by saying, "Well, look at that creepy bug-eyed stare! Stupid kit doesn't know how to fight, only pathetic enough to take flight!"

He then proceeded to thump Depthpaw on the back with a hefty paw in a joking manner and said, "Right, Depthpaw?"

The russet tom never gave his answer because the thump had been so strong he'd stumbled forward, and the riverbank was so slippery that his paws had slipped out beneath him...

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