48: Understanding Feelings

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Sorry for the long wait everyone!!! School is a bitch but I need good grades soooooooooo



Akira leaned back in his chair. He was in the empty activity room in the hotel. It was dark in there, but he didn't care. He really, just didn't care. Wait, why hear it from me?

POV: Akira

I shouldn't be like this. Wait, why am I like this? I don't even know. Hmm, I'm not mad, so, why do I feel like shit?

I mean, Miku has a good reason to feel like shit, so why do I? Did I do something wrong back there? Is that why I feel like this? No what could I have done? Nino would just yell at me for getting in the way.

The scene keeps relaying.

"She's trying to get in the way of Miku confessing to Uesugi!"

That was Yotsuba all right. Not paying any attention to her surroundings. The she she's talking about is Ichika, but I don't know. Miku like Futaro huh, I can see that. Nino ran up and yelled at Ichika. That's her alright. Itsuki wasn't even there. She must have ran after Miku right away. Hmm.

I know what happened, I know who is who, so, why? I mean good for Futaro. Wait, maybe not. I can't imagine to even approach that situation.

Damn it, I feel like shit for no reason. I understand my feelings no? Isn't that the whole point of this Fucking exercise?



POV: Narrator

Akira: What's this?

Takeda: A mahjong set. We are in the resource room after all.

Akira: There's only two of us.

Takeda: There's a way to play with just two. There's a way going around I've seen, it looks like fun. wanna give it a try?

A/N: This isn't real Mahjong, but it's damn near simple to learn. Watch it real quick to understand what they'll do.

Round One

It was set. Akira was bamboo, and Takeda was circles.

Takeda: we both know you'll beat me in rock paper scissors. Go first.

He does so, picking up the piece in the center. It was a 5 bamboo. He moves it to the fifth column.

Akira: Did you follow me here?

Takeda: No. Honestly, I came here myself. I can't be in a room alone with those rugrats all day.

Akira: Heh, I understand.

2 circle.

Takeda: Did you talk to any of the Nakano? I couldn't get in touch with Futaro myself.

Akira: No. I didn't.

Takeda: Do you want to talk to them?

Akira: I don't know. I don't feel like it.

Takeda puts down his piece.

Takeda: If you're going to be a bum the rest of the trip, I suggest you stay here.

Akira: Oh, but then you'll be with those, "rugrats" by yourself.

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