42. A Girl

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''Okay now I want you to tell viserys it's a girl either way.' Davina informed the nurses.

''Your grace?'' they stared at her confused.

''I'm pushing a large melon sized human being out of me. This is going to be his punishment. Tell him its a girl either way.'' Davina told them

''Of... course your grace.''

"Wonderful." Davina agreed.

"Davina, love any day now." Viserys said happily.

"Where is my cursed tourney and-'' Davina began.

"Carrot cake, no tourney." Viserys corrected.

"Way to my heart, Vis." Davina declared.

"You look beautiful."

"I feel disgusting." Davina told him.

"You are about to bring life into this world, it is beautiful." Viserys corrected.

"I can't see my toes and Fury is mad." Davina told him.

"How can you tell?" Viserys countered.

"A mother always knows." Davina corrected. She felt a sticky wetness running down her leg.


"Baby." She told him. "Coming. Now." she said slowly.

"Right now?" Viserys questioned happily.

"Looks like my cake is going to have to wait." Davina remarked.

"Davina!" Viserys declared happily.

"Either that or I pissed myself." Davina remarked. 'But I think it's the former."

"This is wonderful." Viserys told her as they walked back down the hall.

"Yeah, yeah, lets get this over with." Davina agreed.

The nurses got Davina situated her face pinched with pain as the contractions started. A nurse struck her fingers up inside Davina and she slammed her legs closed.

"Excuse you!" Davina shouted.

"I need to cheek the dilation your grace."

"Viserys!" Davina shouted. "I don't like them touching me." Davina informed him.

"To know when you start pushing your grace."

"Davina they know what they are talking about." Viserys assured.

"Get Rhaenyra." Davina demanded. "Argh Fuck!" She shouted her shoulders curled over as her back arched in pain. "Get her!"

"Right away." Viserys agreed

'Not you." Davina corrected. "You did this, you are staying." Davina informed him. "Harwin, get Rhaenyra." Davina said slowly.

"Right away Your grace." Harwin agreed.

"Your grace, I must feel to know if you push too soon-'

''Davina, let them do their job, it is to help you love." Viserys begged.

"How would you like a stranger shoving their fingers up you?" Davina countered loudly.

"I'm going to stay right here, right here love." Viserys assured grabbing her hand as the door opened.

"Is it happening!" Rhaenyra declared running up to Davina.

"I already hate this." Davina told her.

"You are going to be a great mom, because you were great to me." Rhaenyra assured and Davina nodded.

"I meant giving birth." Davina countered. "But thank you for that."

"You are going to get through this." Rhaenyra assured and Davina nodded.

"Fuck it, do it." Davina grumbled.

"Dilation was quick your grace, almost ready."

"Great," Davina moaned out at another contraction.

"Breaking my fingers love." Viserys remarked.

"I'm pushing your child out of me, you can fucking deal!" Davina shouted and Viserys nodded.

"Just wait until she starts pushing." Rhaenyra said giddy.

"Not helping." Both Davina and Viserys said simultaneously.

"Look at us, reading each others minds." Viserys remarked kissing her forehead.

"Stop trying to be cute." Davina hissed.


"I can't breathe." Davina rasped, 'is that supposed to happen?"

"You are almost there."

"Breathing... seems... important...' Davina remarked stiffly.

"Another push." Davina screamed as the baby was freed and she felt her shaking legs stop for a moment but her hold on Viserys didn't loosen. The baby's cries filled the room as he was wrapped up and his umbilical cord cut.

"Well?" Viserys questioned hopefully. The nurses looked to Davina her face pale and sweaty as her grip slowly released and Viserys got blood flow back to his fingers. "What is it?" Viserys questioned.

"A... girl."

"A girl!" Viserys said happily as he kissed Davina and she chuckled.

"You passed." Davina whispered.


"What is it?" Davina countered.

"A boy." They confirmed and Viserys smiled got bigger.

"I don't understand." Viserys said as he took the baby from them.

"You did good, you get to live another day." Davina teased. "Gods I still feel like shit." Davina groaned.

"The afterbirth your grace."

"The what?" Davina hissed.

"Discharge and blood, fluids and, remaining-'

"It all needs to come out." Davina realized.

"Yes your grace."

"Fan-fucking-tastic." Davina griped.

"a boy." Viserys said happily.

"A boy." She agreed looking to Rhaenyra. "You have a brother, or cousin..." Davina remarked as she adjusted on her seat. "Fuck, it feels like another, I don't have twins do I?" Viserys perked up.

"No your grace, just after birth."

"Fucking hell." Davina moaned as it felt like her insides were becoming her outsides. "Child birth is gross." Davina groaned as she heard the gush and squish of blood and fluids drop from in between her legs to the floor. She groaned out as she doubled over.

"Aunt Davina!" Rhaenyra declared grabbing her hand.
"I pray you never have to have children." Davina murmured. "Gods to be a woman." Davina groaned. "I'm sleeping for the next moon, can I have my cake now?"

"you want hold your baby?' Viserys countered.

"We did enough bonding over the past nine moons." Davina teased extending her hands for him. "What shall we call you?" Davina whispered kissing his little head.

"Aegon." Viserys requested.

"Aegon, is he going to be a little conqueror?" Davina mused. 

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