94. Doesn't Want You

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''She wanted to come home and he denied her.'' Rhaenys hissed that night

''Daemon did what he thought best.'' Corlys countered

''Daemon only ever does what is best for Daemon. Laena needed our maesters.'' Rhaenys spat

''The surgeons in Pentos are as well-trained as our maesters. You are looking to place blame for an act of the gods.'' Corlys corrected

''Mayhaps the gods have scorned us... for our insatiable pride.'' Rhaenys remarked softly as she let her ring clink to the ground.

''The crown was yours until those fools at the Great Council plucked it from your head. Is it such a terrible thing for your husband to wish to win it back?'' Corlys asked incredulously.

''Tonight of all nights, let us lay aside this falsehood. It is not justice for your wife that drives you. It is your own ambition.'' Rhaenys said bitterly.

''Tis desire for the throne, if not for yourself, then for the scions of your house.'' Corlys countered

''I gave up the idea of wearing a crown a generation ago. It is you, lord husband, who refuses to abandon this pursuit, even now, at the cost of our children.''

''What is this brief mortal life... if not the pursuit of legacy?'' Corlys countered through the wailing of the wind across the waters around them.

''Legacy may be why you live your life, Corlys. I want Driftmark to pass through Laena's line to Baela. To true Velaryon blood. Declare it now, while all are gathered here, and we will say that is how we will honor Laena's memory.''

''And disinherit our son? He will be the King Consort. His son will one day sit the Iron Throne. You would have me cast an even darker shadow over those little boys than already exists.'' Corlys spat. Their daughter was gone, yes but they still had a son, he would be king and his children would ascend to the throne as well.

''We are alone here, husband. You can speak the plain truth as we both know it: Rhaenyra's children are not of your blood. But Laena's are. They are her legacy.'' Rhaenys reminded him bitterly.

''History does not remember blood. It remembers names.'' Corlys reminded her.


"Did you miss me Dav?"

"Go away Daemon." Davina seethed.

"You want to go down the beaches, find a cozy spot-" Daemon when on.

"Go. Away." Davina hissed.

"Would you like me to escort the prince out?" Criston offered.

"Perhaps.' Davina agreed simply.

"Are you happy?" daemon asked.

"I am happy. I have been happy and I don't want you here. I don't want you at the capital. I don't want you near my children." Davina begged. "You bewitched me long ago and I broke the spell. I think I did." Davina admitted not catching her breath she kept going breathlessly but she had to spit it out. "I am happy, I love Viserys. I love my children. I don't want you. I don't need you."


"I moved on. So should you." Davina spat marching away. She was headed to check on Aemond but with her mind spiraling she collapsed in her own bed instead.

"Do you need anything Davina?" Criston asked.  Davina lifted her head and looked to him.

"You're a good friend Criston."

"Thank you Davina."

"If you wouldn't mind going to the kitchen and looking for carrot cake for me, I might consider you a best friend after Seamus." Davina remarked.

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