70. Are you Scared?

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Davina and Daemon said forever but they said it too soon.

They had rushed in head first, but that was young love. This was different. Viserys was different from Daemon in every way but Davina loved Viserys, she did.

"Are you scared of me Viserys?" Davina questioned softly. Viserys chuckled.

"You are intimidating." Viserys agreed. Davina could tell he didn't want to but he wanted to. he had been confident, forcing smiles but she knew he hated feeling less than.

"We can go slow." Davina offered and Viserys nodded as she pulled at her dress.

There was no urgency in anything they did after that moment. It was all slow and easy, almost hesitant, unrelentingly tender and every touch, every caress was started with a questioning look, a silent request for permission to continue. Davina gave that permission every time he asked for it, either with a smile or a nod or a whispered yes.

The first time he eased his hand between her legs to very lightly touch her, he watched her face carefully, his eyes searching for any sign of discomfort that would signal he needed to stop. When she offered no resistance, he very, very gently stroked his fingertips over her panties. The tickle sent a shiver through her and he waited until Davina relaxed again before he continued.

"Does this feel as good as you remember, love?" he whispered, running his fingers over her, staying outside her under garments for now. Davina sighed, beginning to feel that very small tingling tension in her stomach.

"Yes, it does...I've missed this."

He dropped his head to kiss her softly.

Viserys pressed his lips against the corner of Davina's mouth and continued very lightly touching her between her legs, not going any further than just a gentle stroke with one fingertip. And then he shifted his position and moved his hand up to her stomach.

Viserys fingers brushing so lightly against her bellybutton that they felt like butterfly wings. Davina sucked in her breath and pressed his hand to her, harder than he probably would if it was left to him, but Davina wasn't one to be gentle. She turned him around his head hit the pillow as he looked up at her.

"You want this off?" Davina questioned touching his shirt. Viserys shook his head ever so slightly. "You want this off?" Davina countered pulling at her slip, Viserys nodded eagerly as she threw it to the floor Viserys hand slid up her thigh, her stomach as he sat up.

Viserys kissed her lingeringly, pressing his mouth to the side of her neck. He laid his hand on her ribcage below her breast. He moved his hand up and very gently laid it on her breast.

He kept his touch light, teasing her nipple with his palm, pulling his hand down far enough to slide his fingertips lightly over it before running his palm up again. She could feel him watching her face.

"That's...that's good..." Davina agreed softly and suddenly felt a gush of wetness between her legs.

His eyebrows shot up and she couldn't stop herself; a giggle burst out and she slapped her hands over her face in embarrassment. By the time he pried them away, tears of laughter were in her eyes.

"Wet is good," he laughed. "Wet is very good." He planted little kisses across her face in between his soft laughter until she could look at him again. His hand moved back to her breast again and he started rubbing gently over her nipple. While he massaged her, he pressed his lips to her ear and whispered.

"I love you Davina."

He moved slowly from one breast to the other before he began kissing around her nipple, not touching it, just very very lightly pressing his lips to the sensitive skin near it. It was almost too much to bear and Davina groaned miserably, reaching up to put her hands on his head in the hopes of urging him to stop teasing her. He was having none of it, though, and continued his maddening circle, adding soft little licks to the torment.

When he finally touched his lips to her nipple, a hot jolt of electrically charged pleasure seared its way straight down through her belly to her crotch. Her whole body tensed, responding to the stimulation as he took it into his mouth and sucked it, very gently at first, touching and teasing with his warm tongue, then increasing the suction till she started making sounds she had never made before.

Her reaction encouraged him and he sucked harder, not hard enough to be uncomfortable, but with that perfect amount of pressure that he knew made her throb. And just when her thought she couldn't take it anymore because it just felt too damn good, he let it pop out of his mouth and moved to the other to subject it to the same infuriatingly delightful torture.

"Oh my god Vis," was all she could say, her voice raspy and breathless and something just short of agonized. It trailed off to another moan and he shushed her again.

He didn't say another word about it, just nodded and lowered his head to resume warmly kissing along her jawline as he shifted his hips and started slowly thrusting into her.

She kissed his neck as he moved further up on her, positioning himself for the deeper thrusts that would carry him over the edge.

She slipped her hands down to his hips and reached around to grip his backside, squeezing hard like she knew he loved, bringing a deep groan from his throat and quickening his pace.

She squeezed his ass harder, kneading his firm cheeks with her fingers. His head dropped down to her shoulder and she felt his breathing quicken, shifting to panting gasps before he shuddered and tensed, arching his back as he finally released. Even in the throes of his climax he kept himself under control, holding himself back from thrusting too hard, adjusting to his new body and hers figuring out how they worked together again.

He collapsed beside her when he was done, pulling her over with him so that they were laying face to face on their sides. His arm circled her back and pulled her close, his lips finding her forehead to plant kisses and murmur soft words against her skin, and when his trembling had stilled he looked at her with so much love in his eyes.

They smiled at each other, not speaking any words. They didn't need them. Words wouldn't have been good enough, anyway.

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