22. Egg

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 'You're the most comely girl at court. Why do you destroy yourself? Hm?" Otto questioned grabbing his daughters hand to stop her from destroying her nails. 'Will you see the King tonight?'

'If you wish it.' Alicent agreed. 'Good day, Ser Criston.'

'My Lady. I've assembled 20 of your best household guards, my Lord Hand. Sir Harrold will also join us.' Cole told them as Alicent tried to act natural and calm but she was failing she was a mess of nerves.

'Please look after the Hand, Ser Criston.' Alicent said as she headed out.


'Welcome to Dragonstone, Otto.' Daemon said happily

'Your occupation of this island is at an end. You're to relinquish the dragon's egg, disband your army, banish your whοre... and leave Dragonstone by order of His Grace, King Viserys...' Otto told him sternly

'Where is the King? I don't see him.' Daemon mused.

'His Grace would never lower himself to entertain such a mummer's farce.'

'Ser Crispin, wasn't it?'

'Ser Criston Cole, my Prince.' He corrected.

'Ah, yes, apologies. I couldn't recall.' Daemon remarked smugly.

'Perhaps my Prince recalls when I knocked him off his horse.' Cole retorted and Daemon chuckled so this cunt was going to keep bringing that up.

'Very good.'

'This is a truly pathetic show, Daemon.' Otto told him. "Are you so desperate for the King's attention that you've resorted to skulking about like a common cutpurse?"

"I'm simply keeping with the traditions of my house, the same as my brother did for his heir." Daemon said innocently.

"Those traditions are for the trueborn children of royalty, not for bastards fathered on a common whοre." Otto corrected

"Lady Mysaria is to be my wife." Daemon corrected.

"This is an abomination. With every breath you soil your name, your house, and your brother's reign." Otto shouted at him.

"Our love does not know titles and traditions." Daemon told him smugly.

"And what of you, men of the City Watch? Aiding the Prince in his treason?" Otto tsked at them.

"The King made me their commander. They are loyal to me. You've come for the egg." Daemon moved grabbing the egg and held it out. "Here it is." Caraxes growled above them.

"Are you mad? You'd never survive this.'

"Well, happily, neither would you." Daemon retorted with a grin.

"To choose violence, here, is to declare war against your King." Otto warned.

"Wonderful." Daemon agreed. Let there be fucking war.

"Even if it ends in the death of your unborn child and its mother?" Otto countered and Caraxes came closer, Caraxes screeched and roared. Prepared for a fight, dragons trump... everything.

" All of you... sheathe the fսcking steel.' But there was a distant dragon rumbling, they turned to the sky to see wings flapping, they heard Fury screeching, he roared getting closer.

'What are you doing here, Princess Davina?'

'Killing my brother.' She hissed as she slid off Fury's back. She marched past the guards and Daemon had the fucking nerve to smile at her.

'Davina!" he coed happily

'What the actual fuck Daemon!' Davina shouted pushing him back.

'Hello gorgeous. '

'Daemon! You married a whore? You got a whore pregnant and you stole a fucking dragon egg!' Davina shouted still pushing him back angry fists on his chest.

'Baby girl stop it.' Daemon demanded grabbing her hands in his.

'You wanted a rise out of Viserys well you got one. You pissed them all off Dae.' Davina warned. 'Me too!'

'Davina love-'

'Don't love me you shit.' She pulled the egg from his hand marching back to Otto, she saw Rhaenyra on Syrax hovering waiting and watch. 'Take this back to my brother.' She demanded passing it off. "GO HOME RHAENYRA!" she shouted up at her. Davina marched back over to daemon. 'Fuck you.' she turned again but he grabbed her wrist keeping her body hostage to him.

'Davina love lets talk.' daemon coed he pulled her back to dragon stone and she let him. Taking sluggish steps as she went.

'She isn't pregnant and i haven't married her.' Daemon told davina

'That's supposed to make me feel better?' Davina shouted 'Getting a fucking invitation to your wedding! Daemon...' she stared at the whore. 'We always talked about you and me. What happened to that?'

'There still can be.' Daemon told her. 'I love you more than anyone.'

'Then why her?" Davina snapped an accusatory glare in daemons whores direction.

'Baby please listen to me. I just wanted to get a rile out of Viserys I knew that doing this taking the egg it would.' Daemon tried to explain.

'Why though?'

'He refused my claim. Your claim too love.' Daemon reminded her

'I don't have a claim. Women-'

'He named rhaenyra the heir. A woman.' Daemon coed kissing her cheek lips trailing down her neck. 'Your claim and mine we should rule. Not them. You and me... together as it always has been.' Daemon assured.

Looking at Daemon now Davina used to think Daemon was nothing more than an untainted dream. But the reality of him was he did what he wanted, damn the consequences or who he hurt, Davina included.

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