Famous Last Words (Peter Parker x Male!Reader)

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The scene was almost domestic. Peter felt disgusted with himself for making that comparison, but he couldn't help it.

Here Y/n was sleeping in Peter's bed, burrowing himself further into the sheets. The owner of the bed would normally be freaking out about his Star Wars sheets, but Y/n was too tired last night to take notice.

Peter watched with a weird fascination as he curled in on himself, looking more peaceful than he'd ever been. Y/n was one of those guys to normally keep to himself, real quiet and introverted, but always carrying a conflicted look on his face. He terrified Peter before the two formally met.

Y/n was utterly lost in their English class and timidly asked Peter for extra help. He offered to pay him, but Peter, to his own surprise, declined the offer. He always supposed his heart saw something in Y/n before his brain did. But he also sometimes thought he could sing better than most people. So he simply brushed the thought aside.

It didn't take long for Peter after becoming fast friends with Y/n to realize the quiet boy wasn't the tough bully everyone thought he was; he just felt disconnected from his peers, preferring to focus on his classes and art.

Somehow, Y/n felt comfortable around Peter, soon spending almost as much time with the nerd as Ned. It wasn't uncommon to see the two walking to class or going out to the mall together. Peter hated himself for the urges he felt around Y/n, especially in those moments that almost felt like dates. He even let himself slip occasionally into nearly believing they were on a date.

But he doesn't like Peter like that. He can't.

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

Peter clenched his eyes shut. These thoughts often drifted into his head - what coming out as bisexual would be like, what dating a boy would be like. What would kissing Y/n feel like?

No one, not even Ned, knew about these thoughts. Peter hated to think Ned, May, and Y/n would see him differently if he came out. They all cared for him. He knew that. But would May read too far into the times he spent the night over at a boy's house? Would Ned want to distance himself more to keep anything from happening? Would Y/n hate him?

It scared him to think everything would change just by calling himself something brand new.

So, instead, he kept to himself. He ignored the thoughts that so desperately wanted him to get in bed with Y/n and run a hand through his long hair, watching his chest rise and fall.


Peter shook his head, wiping the bit of moisture that escaped from the corner of his eye. 

Y/n stirred, finally blinking himself awake and taking in his surroundings. He rubbed his eyes and slowly sat up.

Getting himself together, Peter forced a small smile and moved over to the bathroom, finally going to brush his teeth. "Hey, you're awake."

"What happened last night?" Y/n mumbled.

Humming, Peter ran his toothbrush under the small stream of water. "You passed out at the party, so I took you back here."

Y/n snorted, "I was more tired than I thought then. Thanks for taking care of me." The soft tone of his voice made Peter's heart flutter.


As he began brushing his teeth, Peter exited the bathroom and entered the room, watching Y/n grab his jacket and shoes. "What time is it?"

"Mmm, eight-ish," Peter answered in a questioning tone.

"Shit," Y/n cursed under his breath and moved slightly faster. Once his shoes were tied, he stood up and made sure he had all his belongings. Once he was sure he had everything, he smiled and looked up at Peter, "Thank you again for taking care of me."

Pulling Peter in for a hug (and not noticing Peter's increased blood flow to his face), Y/n whispered into his ear, "Nice Star Wars sheets, by the way, dork."

With that, he walked himself out of the apartment while Peter tried not to choke on his own shock. 

Y/n made Peter's life so hard sometimes.


The next day, Peter recounted the events to Ned as they stood by their lockers, pointedly avoiding any mention of the blushing mess he quickly became after Y/n woke up.

"I still can't believe you became friends with Y/n Y/l/n of all people. Are you sure he hasn't tried to beat you up yet?" Ned whispered. 

"Ned," Peter started.

"I'm just saying, in the case that his reputation isn't entirely fabricated, I've got your back."

Giving him a flat look, Peter spoke in a low voice. "I think I can protect myself, Ned."

Ned held his hands up in defense. "You never know, maybe you-know-what won't help you in a time of need. That's all."

"Hey, Parker." Peter jumped and turned around, heart picking up speed as he recognized Y/n. His hair dangled in his face, practically covering one eye. This was a pretty normal occurrence, as was Peter's urge to push the strands back.

"Hey, Y/n."

An awkward beat of silence passed before Ned spoke up. "Anyways, I gotta go. See you later, Peter. Y/n." Ned patted Peter on the shoulder, quickly doing their handshake, before walking away.

"What were you guys talking about? If you don't mind me asking." 

Peter barely got to think of an answer before some guys that often messed with Peter stopped in front of the two.

"Hey, Parker. Who's this - your new boyfriend?" A boy named Jack teased.

Thinking to himself, trying to find the best way to get away without putting a target on his or Y/n's back, Peter unknowingly appeared to shrink in on himself. Y/n took this as confirmation he was getting bullied by these guys, thinking back to the conversation he overheard between Peter and Ned.

Y/n forced himself to appear threatening as he glared at Jack. "Leave him alone."

Jack scoffed and shoved Y/n back, "Or what?" Y/n moved closer to him, seeming more intimidating than he actually was. Peter's eyes widened slightly and stepped between them, pushing them away from each other.

"Let's go," Peter whispered, pulling Y/n by his shoulder to their next class.

Y/n seemed lost in thought as they walked. Peter glanced over at him before doing a double-take. He stopped him from walking any farther as he inspected his eye, now visible through his hair. "Y/n, what happened?" Concern laced Peter's voice as he stared at the bruised eye. 

"Nothing, it doesn't even hurt that much," Y/n mumbled. 

Pulling back, Peter searched Y/n's eyes for some sort of answer. "Y/n, please. That's not nothing. You can tell me."

Y/n looked down at his feet and adjusted his backpack strap. "We should really get to class."

Staring for one more second, Peter swallowed his worry and nodded. "Alright," He whispered.


hmmm perhaps a multi-parter, methinks...

this was very self-indulgent


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