Welcome To The Club (Cory Monteith/Finn Hudson x LilSis/Friend!OC)

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Full Name: Scarlet (originally Autumn) Monteith

Age: 23

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Brown


"Guys, we need to get new members for the glee club. Tell everyone you know and be sure to post these flyers everywhere you can." The bell rang and Rachel seemed to be the only one eager to get the flyers everywhere. Her and her boyfriend, Finn, were walking around, putting up the flyers. He was helping her put one on a higher part of the wall when they heard a girl singing through one of the air vents. (Because when didn't they hear someone sing through the vents? Every time there was someone new, "Oh I heard them singing through the air vents/in the locker room.")

"Do you hear-" Finn looked down to see Rachel following the noise. He sighed and followed her. "Maybe we could-" "Shh!" He looked away, but still followed her. When they finally got to the cause of the sound, they found a freshman girl with her eyes closed singing along to "Sweet Child O' Mine".

After staring at her for a few minutes, singing various songs, she finally noticed she had an audience. "Uh, hi, how long have you been there and why were you there that long?" Finn spoke up, "Uh, only a few minutes. We think you're a really good singer and we'd like it if you joined the glee club. We really need new members right now. The auditions are going to be-" Rachel cut in, "They're going to be in the choir room tomorrow after school." The girl smiled and nodded then walked out of the room.

Once she was out, Finn turned to Rachel, "Alright, spill it. What are you planning?" She furrowed her eyebrows. "I don't know what you're talking about." He rolled his eyes, "Don't play dumb, Rachel. I know you. Well enough to know that you like to manipulate anyone who could get in your way." She shook her head, "I'm actually not planning anything. She seem like a really good singer and it'd be better for her to be on our team instead of Vocal Adrenaline's." He looked at her with raised eyebrows. "I'm serious. I mean, I guess it would kind of be using her just to beat them but other than that, I'm not using her. I promise." Finn sighed and smiled, believing she was finally not tricking someone for once.

"Cut! Okay, great job today guys. That's a wrap. Cory and Lea, excellent, and Scarlet, spectacular job acting and singing. I actually believed you were a teenage girl for a while there. You really are a Monteith." (Did I get you there? Did you think this was going to be a Glee story instead of a Glee Cast story? No of course you didn't because thee title says so up there)

Cory smiled and pulled her into a hug, "See? I told you she was like me. Except for the fact that I'm better than her." She pushed him away with a smile, "Whatever, doofus. More people would fall in love with my acting because I'm not a giant man baby, I'm a small, adorable girl." He scoffed pulled her over his shoulder. "Cory, put me down!" He chuckled then ran around the studio lot, careful to not get in anyone's way. "Cory!"

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