The Younger You Get (Sanders Sides)

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(I was going to put fanart of the sides as babies but I couldn't find one and this was too cute [especially when I love Joan and Talyn so much] so yeah. ART IS NOT MINE CREDIT TO THE ARTIST)

"Virgil! Wake up please! There's a bit of a situation here!" Virgil groaned and reluctantly got out of his comfortable bed. Usually, he'd ignore Princey, especially in the morning. But today felt important enough to help the dramatic side.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw Roman chasing after a four year old that held a limited edition Disney "figure" that Roman cared for deeply. The child stopped at the stairs and turned to him. In an instant, Virgil recognized him. It was Deceit. His hat was a tad bit lighter as well as the yellow decorating his clothing. As Virgil observed the younger trait more, he noticed the snake half of his face was almost not visible.

"Jack, I will not tell you once more. That artifact is very special to me. If you give it here now, I promise I will get you all the ice cream you want. Do we have a deal?" Virgil didn't know whether he should question why he call the toy an artifact or why Deceit was a child.

"Hmm, maybe..." Roman sighed in relief, "" Jack threw the glass figure down the stairs and disappeared with a chuckle. Thankfully, a boy around the same age ran onto the steps and caught it before it met with the ground. "Is that..."

Roman cut him off as he ran down and thanked the boy endlessly. "Patton, thank you so very much. I don't think I could ever thank you enough but I sure can try. How about we get you some ice cream?" Patton giggled, "It's all good, kiddo! Don't sweat it." The young boy skipped away humming the tune of 'Good Morning' from 'Singin' In The Rain'.

Virgil gulped heavily  and rushed down to Roman, who was inspecting and kissing his quote-unquote, "artifact". "Okay, what the hell is going on around here?" He asked. Roman sighed, "Well, I was looking after Logan and Patton, making sure they didn't get in any trouble or hurt themselves when Jack came over, with my precious baby I might add, and ran straight for the highest point of the mind palace  to throw-" Virgil groaned (*insert lenny face*) "Not that, Prince Not-so-charming! I mean, why are Patton and Deceit-" "Actually, his name is Jack, I just learned that this morning. Apparently, when a trait is younger, their function is diminished so he lies less than usual."

Virgil took in a deep breath, "Stay calm, now is not the time to lose your temper." He muttered to himself, "Princey, why are our fellow traits all children? And, more importantly, WHY ARE WE STUCK BEING OLDER AND TAKING CARE OF THEM?!" He screamed.

Roman winced and exhaled, "Right, I was hoping that you wouldn't ask that. You see, the thing is, I have no idea. Thomas is awake but he is barely keeping it together. He too has turned into a child. I don't have a definite answer yet but I'm assuming that maybe we were left this way because we were the only two that didn't eat that food that was left on Thomas' doorstep last night. But, who knows? I'm not Logan. All I know is I woke up this morning and I couldn't go back to sleep. So I came downstairs for some breakfast, like usual, but Logan was sitting on the couch reading a fifth grade level book, Patton was coloring in his book on the floor, and Jack was sitting at the table with scissors in his hands. I don't know what he was planning to use them for but I know it was nothing good."

"Oh good, Virgil's awake. I, regrettably, chose this sappy biography with a horrid word choice. Due to the lack of better vocabulary, I really must be getting a new book, so if you would excuse me." Both boys moved out of the way for the smart trait. As he ascended the stairs, he stopped and turned to Roman and Virgil at the bottom of the stairs, "Oh, and, Virgil? Roman? Your sweater and your sash are tattered. Jack got a hold on the scissors again." He went back up to his room as both traits looked down and screamed in unison, "Jack!"


Oh boy, this is literal grey water right here. But it's an improvement. I would say. From the rough draft I wrote on testing day, this isn't that bad. But I do have new ideas for more stories so please do expect more chapters soon. I'M BACK BABY!

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