Acceptance (Trans!Peter Parker x BFF!Reader)

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(Not my picture up there! I just got it off of Instagram. Also, there will be some transphobia in here, bullying, suggestive language, and a small panic attack occurs. If any of these things may trigger you, please do not read or read with caution.)

Peter's POV

"Okay, I'll see you after class Peter. Bye!" Y/n walked into the Science room and I was, yet again, left alone and vulnerable. "Hey, Penis Parker!" I gulped and turned reluctantly to see Flash running towards me. "W-What do you want, Flash?" He chuckled smugly, "You know me, I just want to make sure my friend is all good. And, uh, can I ask you something?" He said this louder, catching the attention of everyone in the hallway.

"Flash, can you not do this here-" He cuts me off, "No, I just have one question. Do you still have boobs and a vagina? Or is it just a penis down there? Do you still get your period? Oh, how stupid of me, why don't we check?" He pulled my pants down and almost pulled my boxers until someone punched him in the face.

My face was hotter than a volcano as everyone laughed at me. I had no words as tears began to flood my vison. I turned to run, and as I ran, I hastily pulled my pants back up and tripped a few times.

I hid behind the gym bleachers and curled into a ball. My breathing became shallow and tears flowed out of my eyes like the Niagara falls. ]

You're a freak

You're just a disappointment

No one could ever care for someone like you

"Peter? Are you in here? Please come out here, Peter, you shouldn't be alone right now." I heard Y/n's voice call out. All I could get out was a pathetic whimper. Footsteps ran over to me and sat down next to me. "Okay, Pete, I'm gonna need you to breathe in for four seconds, hold your breath for seven and exhale for eight seconds. Can you do that for me?" I attempt to inhale with shaky breaths but only succeed for three seconds.

As soon as I got through the exercise and calmed down, I rested my head on Y/n's shoulder. Y/n was one of the only people who helped me through my transition. When I was going from a girl to a boy, it was the hardest time I ever had to go through in my life. But Ned, Y/n, and May were always there for me, every step of the way.

"I should've just stayed a girl, none of this is working out." I whispered. "Peter, you know yourself better than anyone. You felt more comfortable as a male and you were brave enough to make the transition. This is who you are, don't ever doubt yourself for a second."

I look down and see her knuckles were red. "Y/n, did you-" The guilty look on her face was enough. "Look, Flash is a jerk, either way, he had it coming." I bite the inside of my cheek. I knew she needed something to cheer her up. Right as I thought of something, I stood immediately. "Wait right here." I ran away to a small area that was not visible to her. I pulled out the suit that Mr. Stark gave me and quickly slipped it on.

"Peter?" I pulled my mask on and came into view. "Oh my- you're Spiderman. I- wh-what are you even doing here? Shouldn't you be saving the world or something? You know what, forget I said that. I'm just so glad to finally meet you. You may not know this but I actually-"

I giggled at her excitement, "Y/n, I care for you very much, so I'm just going to tell you. I'm Spiderman." She furrowed her eyebrows. "Oh- right. Sorry, I forgot I was in the suit. Uh, Y/n, I'm Peter." I pulled the mask off and looked at her nervously.

Her initial reaction, obviously, was a blank stare directed towards me. "Wait, so you, Peter Parker, adorable little nerd, has been Spiderman, badass superhero, for over a year now, and I never once noticed?" I shrugged, "Basically." She ran up to me and hugged me tightly, "You are so amazing. I love you and admire how you are able to juggle being a hero and dealing transphobic assholes everyday. Lord knows I wouldn't be able to." I smile and hug her gratefully.

Haha, IM BACK GUYS. Anyways, hope you enjoyed and I will be slowly updating a majority of my books so expect more to come soon. Bye!

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