Who Killed The Bloopers?

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The picture was really funny to make. you're welcome

Y/n's POV

"Y/n, come over here real quick please." You looked over to where Mark and Ethan were huddled around something. "Hold on, I have to get this maid costume adjusted." Once it was comfortable, you lightly jogged over to them. "Okay what is it?" "Do you think this whipped cream would look good all over your face?" "Wha-" Before I could finish my question they sprayed cans and threw spoonfuls of whipped cream in my face, completely ruining my costume. "Really? Now I look like a whore!" I shouted and they broke into laughter.

We began filming the opening scene and as I was acting, Ethan pointed out something on my nose. I internally facepalmed and I realized that I didn't get all the cream off my face. I stayed in character and went on with the scene. After we were done with that scene and waiting for Mark to finish changing I heard everyone cracking up. I furrowed my eyebrows and went over to the noise and saw everyone watching something. "What are you laughing at?" Amy smiled, "Y/n, you are a pure genius!" I tilted my head to the side, "I mean I knew I personally rocked but I didn't know anyone else thought so. Why do you say that?" Kathryn chuckled, "We didn't know you still had cream on your face and you nailed that scene so perfectly. We are definitely keeping that in there."


That's all the ideas I have for this chapter hope you enjoyed.

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