#1 Space Dad

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Listen, this'll be very simple, I am finally caught up on the how so my feelings are very much injured so imma do this story in the hopes of healing myself at least temporarily from my own pain. So, for those of you that know there is pain in the fandom rn but aren't caught up yet, don't worry. This'll be spoiler free. Some things may be a little reference or nod to things in the later seasons but it's not really important to know. You can still understand what is going on without being caught up or even watching the show. Okay enjoy.

"So, if he's any trouble at all, please feel free call me." Mrs. McClain told the caretaker, Mr. Takashi Shirogane. He chuckled, "I don't think that'll be necessary, Mrs. McClain." She looked at the man up and down and looked back up to his eyes seductively. "Well, please, call me anyways. Any time you want, I'm always free on weekends." He winced slightly at her behavior, this was a usual thing with all the parents that came through here, especially newer ones. Too bad for them though, he was already taken. He looked down to the little boy and saw him rolling his eyes and shifting uncomfortably. "While that is a very kind offer, Mrs. McClain, I'm afraid I'll have to decline. Now, if you don't mind, I will be taking in your son now because you are about to be 10 minutes late for work if you don't leave now." She sighs and looks down and the boy. "Do not screw this up again for us, Lance. We can't keep finding new daycares for you." With that, she left out the door and sped out of the parking lot in her mini van.

Shiro's POV

"Do you not like my mommy?" I looked at the young boy and kneeled down to his level. "Why wouldn't I like your mom? I've hardly met her." He looked to the ground, "My old daycare teachers usually like her a lot and they start having sleepovers at our house. Then they get into fights and kick me out of the programs. My mommy tells me that it's because of how I act. But you don't seem to like her. You're the first person that has said no like that." I sighed and smiled sadly at him. "I don't dislike your mother. It's just that, uh, I have cooties. And it get's girls sick. So I didn't want your mom to get sick, you don't want that either right?" He giggled, "No." I got up and lead him to the playroom. "Good, because if your mommy were sick, you wouldn't be able to come here every day. And let me tell you a secret, this is the best, most super funnest place in the entire galaxy. And you happen to be here." His eyes widen as he gasps and runs into the room, beginning to play with some toys.

I have no more inspiration for this, sorry, but I will try to get something for spoopy season.

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