Never (Rose x Ten)

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(This is short but adorable with some feels. I love TenRose and if you say otherwise, I will end you. Just kidding, but I do love them and I guess NineRose is good too, but I prefer Ten, so I made this. I just realized that I'm actually starting into the actual tv shows and movies so I have a spoiler alert in place right now. If you have not seen at least to Donna Noble, I'd recommend you not read this.)

Doc's POV

"John! Get in here, please!" Rose called me from the living room. I strided over and looked at her, "Yes?" She chuckled, "These two want to explore the 23rd century. I told them to ask you first." I looked down at the childern clinging to my legs, "Please. We will do anything." Charlie said, "Yeah, we'll even clean our rooms." Marie added. "Don't give them options like that. That's just ridiculous." Charlie tried to whisper to her but we could still hear him.

I slowly bent down to their level. "Okay, we'll go..." I trailed off. They continued to stare at me expectantly. Of course, they knew well enough by now that trips come with a price. "...if you both go attack your mother with kisses and hugs now." They smiled widely and ran to Rose, doing as told. I smiled widely. I'm so thankful everything turned out the way it did. Right now, where I am, is perfect. I have a perfect wife, perfect children, everything is amazing. I suddenly get hit with the realization of all this. I do not have any children, not with her anyways. Rose got stuck in another dimension almost 100 years ago. I'll never be able to hold her, hear her laugh, see her smile, listen to her countless jokes, not ever again. Everyday, I miss her so much. But she can never come back. If she does, it won't be for long. I am constantly tortured by that fact everyday since then. I sigh heavily and walk out from the room in the TARDIS.

"Oi, Spaceman! Why the blue face?" I chuckled and looked up at the red head before me. "Nothing. How about we head to the 23rd century? Huh? It could be fun. What do ya say?" She pretended to think about it. "Fine, I just hope that we won't have to fight any of your wonky aliens again."

Rose's POV

I sighed and looked down at my feet. "What's on your mind, Rose?" I looked up at my mum and shrugged. She knew what was in my mind, she always did, somehow. "Rose, he's fine. He can't come back. I know how much you want to see him again but you just can't Rose. I'm sorry." I nodded, knowing she was right. She walked off, probably to go talk to my dad. "Doctor, if you can hear me, just know that I still love you." I began to head in the direction of the house we were staying at when I heard a voice echo through my head. 'I still love you too, Rose.'

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