27. Take A Break: Enji Todoroki

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Pairing: Enji Todoroki x GN! Reader

Word Count: 1389

Summary:  Your husband keeps overworking himself as the Number One hero, so you help him unwind and relax. 

Art is not mine! Credits to the owner!


You sat in the living room of the house you shared with your husband, Enji Todoroki. Ever since All Might retired, Enji had taken on the mantle of the number one hero and had been tirelessly working to protect the city. As you scrolled through your phone, you came across a news article highlighting Enji's heroic actions in saving multiple people from a raging fire. Pride swelled within you, but it was quickly accompanied by worry. Was he okay? Was he hurt? Thoughts raced through your mind, each one intensifying the knot in your stomach.

Restlessly, you paced back and forth in the living room, the TV still broadcasting the news coverage. Just as anxiety threatened to overwhelm you, the shrill ring of the phone pierced the air. Your heart leaped with hope, hoping that it was Enji calling to reassure you. But to your disappointment, it was your best friend, Mirko.

"Hey, what's up?" you answered, trying to mask your concern.

"Have you seen the news?" Mirko's voice crackled from the other end.

"Yes, I have. Were you there at the scene? Is Enji okay? Does he have any injuries? Do you know where he is right now?" Your voice trembled with worry as you bombarded Mirko with questions.

"Woah, calm down," Mirko responded, sensing your distress. "I don't know where he is exactly, but he managed to slip away from the media. I'm pretty sure he's on his way home."

"Is he hurt?" you pressed, anxiety seeping through your words.

"Just expect a few scratches at best. I don't think he's hurt too badly. I gotta go now though. Later!" Mirko hastily ended the call, leaving you with a mix of relief and lingering unease.

Collapsing onto the couch, you felt the weight of anxiety settle deep within you. The uncertainty gnawed at your thoughts, until suddenly, the sound of the front door unlocking broke the silence. You shot up, turning your gaze towards the hallway, where your husband's weary face appeared.

Enji's tired eyes met yours, and in a hushed voice, he spoke, "I'm home. Sorry if I made you worry."

You couldn't contain your emotions any longer, rushing towards him and enveloping him in a tight hug. However, you couldn't help but notice his flinch at your touch, drawing your attention to his untended wounds.

"Enji, why didn't you get this patched up?" you exclaimed, a mix of concern and frustration in your voice, as you hurriedly went to retrieve the first aid kit.

"It's nothing too big," Enji replied nonchalantly, shrugging off your worries. "There were others who needed medical attention more urgently. This is nothing, honey."

Your eyes fixated on the blood trickling down from his side and the multiple scratches that marred his skin. The gravity of the situation became evident, and you guided him to sit on the couch, determined to take care of him.

As you lifted his shirt to get a better view of his injuries, Enji flashed you a smirk. "Like what you see?"

A soft laugh escaped your lips, followed by a playful smack on his arm. "Not the time for your humor, honey."

"Ow, that hurt. I'm already injured. Show me some mercy," Enji replied, feigning a pained expression.

Sighing, you opened the first aid kit, only to discover an empty space where the bandages should have been. Frustration welled up within you. It was unusual for you to run out of supplies, especially given the frequency of these incidents.

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