Only real bitch alive

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Justice pov

When I told Darren his sister was tryna kill me he went off. I mean if I was her I would be scared af. He looked like he was gonna go kill her. He like after we both helped her with he abusive husband. He like is Erin apart of it I'm like id think so. Cause no he ain't dumb he know what I do on the daily bases. He ain't gone try me at all or his dad. Cause I would hate to make that sacrifice. Darren laughs and said right cause no he was actually in love with yo ass. I said I guess he gotta stupid way of showing it. Darren like right but what he couldn't do I will do and more. I smiled and hugged him he so uhh he everything. We ended up getting up and going to the bathroom. I been throwing up and shit I hope I'm not pregnant I'm going to the hospital soon. Darren I think been noticing I hope its just a lil bug cause no I cant deal I just lost my twins I don't have time for another. After doing my business an shit I went and laid on the bed. After a while I was throwing up again. So I walked downstairs and grabbed my keys I told Darren I'll be back and to just stay here. He said okay cool ill see you when you get back.


Doctor well you are not pregnant you have a lil big make sure you don't share food with nobody it'll be gone soon. I said okay and he gave me some medicine and I left. I got home and Darren like like what's that paper you holding you went to the doctor. I'm like yeah he took the paper seen I went to have a pregnancy test it came back negative and he looked sad. I knew his ass was tryna get a bitch pregnant. He like what is the lil bug I'm like idk but I gotta take these pills. I took one and shit that have you high af. Bro you don't understand Darren was talking to me and I only could think about was fucking the shit outs him. I was mad horny now cause he was shirtless for god knows what. I just smiled he seen my face and was like what. I'm like nun just admiring what's mine. He smiles and says okay but I gotta go. I'm like where he like the store and to the warehouse you stay here. I said cool then I hear a knock its Erin. I'm like was sup he like I need to talk to you its important. Darren walks out after kissing my cheek which made Erin mug tf out a him. Erin came in and sat in his usual seat. Im like whats so important he says he thinks Chrissy tryna kill us. I'm like I knew that. He like we only got three weeks before she does. I'm like what in the hell. She got me fucked up frfr. He asked of he could help cause she played him. I'm like how? He says that she said that you was cool with us talking and that you never wanted me it was always Darren. Plus you actions proved what she said to be true. I just stared at him then said how? Erin says well when we was together you would go lay up under him and be on his phone having the time of talks life. I'm like nah it wasn't even like that we use to just have fun frfr. I use to be on the phone with his hoes and you never said nothing so I didn't think it mattered. Erin just was like oh okay but why was you not speaking to me like you said you ain't want me yo get hurt but regardless I was gonna get hurt. All I could say was I just didn't forgive you for all the shit you put me through. Erin looks down and stands up and walks out as he walks out Darren walks in. I didn't even know I was crying till Darren asks what happened? I just told him the truth and I think I hurt his feelings even more. He says man he deserves it for the way he treated you all the time. I said right and just wiped my tears. I got up and and went to work out cause that usually helps all my issues. Once I was done I took a shower and put on a maxi dress and some sandals. I had my long hair in a bun with lil pieces hanging and some gold jewelry. The dress was pink and my sandals was gold with pink on them. I came downstairs to a dressed Darren. He says come on we going to the mall. I said okay and we leave. When we get in he grabbing me telling me to walk in front of him. I asked why and he just mugged some dude and said because I said so. I just let it be cause I'm not tryna argue. So we walk in the shoe store and this guy asks us what we looking for. I said some Nike Roshes. He said there over her so I follow him with Darren behind me. The guy pointed to some I might like. I walk over to them I'm like you think these a look good on me. The dude says you beautiful of course. I said thanks and I said can I get these in a six. He leaves and goes and gets them Darren looks at me and said really Just. I knew he was mad because he never calls me by my street name. The guy brings the shoes and asked Darren what he wants. Darren pointed to four different shoes and said a size 13. The guy says okay I'll be right back. He came back five minutes later and asked Darren if he wants to try em on. Darren says nope and the guy took his to the register. Darren grabbed mine and the guy rung the stuff up. Darren paid and grabs the bags. We walk out he grabs my hand and says sorry for being mad. I smiled and said its okay. He smiles also and pulls me into a kiss. I hear some girl say y'all so cute. I said thanks and we kept walking. Im telling y'all I'm in love with Darren. Like everything I thought Erin was Darren is. But ik I shouldn't compare them cause they are different people. But anyways I see my baby Camille walking in the mall so I run and jump on my baby. She like hey babe who you here with. She sees Darren and says okay. I'm like who you with she like William and Kevin. I said cool where my boys at she like Gucci. I said okay let's go see them. She says okay and we walk there. Darren standing in between us with his arms on our shoulders. We got to Gucci and I ran to Kevin he hugged me and William hugged me also the both dapped up Darren. Then me and Camille left and went to our favorite store Forever 21 yeah we got money to buy more expensive stuff but we don't always have to do that. We walked in and just grabbed stuff. Then I see Erin he was all alone. So I paid and me and Camille ran to him. She hugged him he hugged back. He looked at me and was like I don't get no love. I smile and hug him. He like I wanna work on are friendship I wanna be besties again. I said okay and that ima work towards forgiveness. He said thanks and hugged me till I started crying tbh I did miss our friendship. He pulled back and wiped my tears. Camille was crying to so we all hugged then I pull back to see Darren. He comes over with the guys. Erin's hand was on the small of my back I forgot until he pulled my bra strap to say something cause it was awkward. Camille laughs making me and Erin laugh. Then Darren like wtf is this? I just say a step to friendship we tryna get over our past so we can be friends. Erin says man im sorry for earlier I was just pissed. Darren tries to mug but smiles and they do the bro hug cause they became close since they met each other. Then everyone like finally but then all I hear is shots and Erin and Darren plus William and Kevin pushed us behind them. All I seen was all of them fall. People were screaming I was panicking Camille tryna make sure they don't die. I called 911 they came really fast. I sat talking to them cause the weren't unconscious yet. Camille was making sure Kevin and William stayed up. William was slipping I'm like stay up and you have a raise please. He opened his eyes wide af and Kevin like I better get one to. I started laughing and so did Erin and Darren. When they were tookin to the hospital they were all put in the same room. The surgery went pretty quick and they will be fine. But Erin fell into a coma cause he had one complication from when he was shot the first time. They said he'll be up soon. I hope so cause we were just all happy then this shit....

My Thug Love Boy version( Under Major Editing)Where stories live. Discover now