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Justice pov

Well Erin suggested a trip but ion know if its the right time. Camille and Chrissy saying thst we should go it'll be fun. Mikah on the phone like yass we should i need to spend time with you. Im like okay we can go but where they all yell Hawaii. Im like well somebody do hotels while i book flights. We did and finished i emailed Mikah his plane ticket. Me and him get off the phone and i chilled with the girls. Since the boys where at the trap for the day. Today was a pajama day we just chillin forreal. We cooked and ate all day. Until these niggas come in being loud. We got Erin, Darren, William, Kevin being stupid. They asking about the trip im like thats handled we leave in a week. They like to where i simply say Hawaii. They get loud and was like we wanted to go to Canada. Me and the girls like its cold af there you got us fucked up. They laugh and said they was just kidding. Im like alright whatever. They like whats wrong we like nun just chillin. They like yall boring im like actually yall ruined are fun. William like what was yall doing. Camille was like rating yall from who cutest to just cute enough. He like wow who the cutest im like we all have different answers. They like speak.

Justice- Erin, Darren, William, Kevin but the last two tied.

Camille- Darren, Kevin Erin William but the last to tied

Chrissy- William, Kevin, Erin, Darren he last cause thats blood.

They like nice lists im like yeah  yall all very good looking so be proud you made it into a list. They mug us and walk in the kitchen coming out with our snacks we cooked. So me and the girls jump up and snatched are food. Erin grabs my waste trying to get it back. Then i see my girls getting jumped by the others so i break free from Erin and i grab my girls we run to the kitches grab the stuff i tell the girls to run up the stairs with it and to hold the door closed until i come. I see them coming so i throw stuff on the floor. I run up the stairs. And i knock once and i yell they open i close the door and locked it. It was so funny they was banging hard as hell. They like Justice you childish im me no you is yall play to much. This went on for four hours. While they was sleep outside the door we TRIED to sneak out. But nope Camilles ass tripped over Darren and William. And they jumped up and pulled all of us down. Im trying to get away but Erin wont let go.  The girls laughing and trying to help but when you laughing hard its hard to do anything. Im telling Erin to let go cause im finna pee. He gone say so yall was playing to much. Im like im finna tinkle please. He lets me up i went to pee. Then i came out and jumped on him. He started tickling my feet and i fell. I hit my back hard af. I was sick af it hurt so bad. He gone laugh at me telling me i should have left him alone. Chrissy and Camille helped me up and told me we gotta get some sleep cause tomorrow we shopping till we drop. Im like yass cause we most def gotta get some shits for Hawaii. The girls got me situated and went to they rooms. Erin came and laid with me while the others went to Darrens house. He was apologizing for dropping me on my back. I told him im fine but he steady getting on my damn nerves about it. So i just ignored him and went to sleep.

Next morning I wake up to this nigga dancing around my room to Single ladies. Bro yall dont understand i swear sometimes this nigga suspect. I start singing and he look back and smiled and was like thats my shit im like i see. He like get dressed we going shopping today. I get up and do my hygiene stuff. Then i go to my closet to get something to wear. So since it was hot i got a jean skater skirt with a white and gold Chanel half shirt. I put on my limited addition white and gold 11's. I put on only bracelets and some diamond earrings. I put my hair in big loose waves and put the front in a knot bun. It looked cute plus its my real hair which im thinking about putting a sewin in. But who knows i grabbed my matching chanel purse. Then i went downstairs everyone dressed me and the girls had on similar ouyfits they had different skater skirys and stuff. But we all got in my truck to meet the rest of the boys. We get to the mall me and my girls getting stares bitches even looking at my man until his ass come and kissed my cheek talking bout he gotta meet the boys at a store. Me and my girls go looking for bathing suits. I find this cute polo one it was like a bandeu top with a highwaist bottom like from the 50's it was everything. We all got one in different colors. Then we got regular looking ones and went to shop for cover ups and other things. We had bought so much shit we made two trips to the car every two hours. We finally seen the boys walking with hella bags. My back was hurting a lil so me and the girls went to the lil spa place. I got a massage while they got there nails done. Erin walked in asking what happen i told him im fine just a lil pain. He like okay then he went to talk with the girls. When i was done they all were gone im like hell nah. So i go to the food court i get some pizza cause shit this diet thing isnt for me this week. Then some dude sat across from me. I look up he smile and went back to his phone. In my head im like we gone be rude. So im like hello he says hey. Im like why you sit right here when theres seats over there. He like cause you looked lonely. Im like well im not. He looked up he like your very pretty but your mean. I look at him im like im nice but you just sat and aint say nothing to me. He smiles and was like well im sorry. Im like what you doing on your phone thats so important. He like instagram. Im like oh how fun. He like this girl looks just like you. So he shows me the picture i laugh im like thats me bruh. He like you insta famous im like i guess bruh. Im like come lets take a picture. He like okay and we have some take our picture on my phone. It was cute matter fact he's cute. I got his insta name and tagged him. Are caption: New Friend here follow this cutie yall!!!

My Thug Love Boy version( Under Major Editing)Where stories live. Discover now