Before are friendship is over

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Erin pov

Well my dad is coming tomorrow im scared but i told my dad who she was i just didnt let her know. She never knew my dad to be a druglord she thought  he just lived on the East coast because of business. So ima tell her right when i get to school so she cant kill me there but after that im alone i mean i can shoot and kill i aint no bitch or punk but shit i finally got my looks aint nobody tryna loose them that quick. 

Well me and her just met up at school shes telling me about the new deal and that she hopes they can stop the end the feud and merge. So i was happy for that so much that i just said that she would be meeting with my dad she stopped and looked at me. She said how long have i known what he did i told her not long and that i he wants the same and he knows about her being her. She said okay and we finished talking and we got to class and sat in are same seats next to my niggas.  So then my dad walk in the room asking if he could speak to me and justice im like hell nah he crazy he irritating as fuck. He looks at her and lets her know he knows and that he blah blah blah but yeah then they talking they hug and she like we oficially merged and you are the person that will speak for him so you will own his half of the company that merged. I make this face like hell nah they like yeah fix ya face. See i got myself in some shit. I wanted to just help them and now they thinking they helping me.

Tomorrow my dads people is coming from New York where he resides and they will be moving here to Los angeles.  They know that im new at this and Justice said she'll help me i mean i can shoot and fight pretty well i mean my dad and my bestfriend is a druglord i had to learn right now i box i win every match i have mostly because i remember when people picked on me and shit but watch ima be at the top and they gone bowing down to a nigga. Shit im starting to like this idea i cant wait to stunt on these niggas once again. But my dad sitting here saying shit im sitting here thinking of how great ima be and barely listening to anything thats coming out his mouth.  I guess him and Justice caught on and started to shake me im like huh they like listen then i remember this  bitch coming to my locker so she can give me some quick head cause i was stressed earlier. 

Justice pov

Well as you know im Erin's best friend he is so sweet and nice i hope he cut out fr this life i mean he can get pretty mad at times and he dont play with these hoes or niggas out here. Thats why i think he would work well for both are organizations. Plus it would be fun for me to have one of my best friends in the same line of business as me. But i lowkey think he like me but im not worried cause i like him to i liked him before he became everything and a bag of chips. Thats why i helped him that day but yeah lets keep this under wraps till i know for sure he like me. But yeah we back in class now just doing are project and laughing while this girl staring at him like she wanna eat him. I m lowkey mad but whatever she aint got a damn thing on me and i can have her handled anyways. But ima leave her dehydrated ass alone for Now.

But yeah we walking in the halls to gym then he turns to me and was like he had to go to the bathroom us being so close i was like ill wait he like nah go ahead. Thats how i know he finna get some head watch he gone come in gym with a big smile he gone come hug me and then go change just watch his dumb ass. 

So about 10 mins later this nigga walk in gym like i said and he walked over to me kissed my cheek  and went and got dressed. That was the only other change was the cheek thing but i was right he so eww. Are coach looking at me like whats up with him im like shit if i know. He like okay then he comes out and hugs me im like dang great mood or nah. He was like yeah so we stretching so he helping me with legs im on my back while he's pushing my leg to my forehead and its such an awkward position. Then coach came over and told us to change positions so we do. We then start to run are track but i had no inhaler and he told us to do eight laps so on me and Erin's 6th one i passed out i feel is being lifted up. I woke up with Erin in my face holding my hands and now yelling talking bout she up. Coach and the principal walk in talking bout they sorry for having me do that many laps and that Erin helped me to the nurses office and that he'll help me to all my classes since we have the same classes anyways.

Well me and Erin in are 7th period which is are last class he asking me all these random questions about the business and shit im just like damn nigga hold on. Are teacher walked over to us and said do we have something to share with the class i said yeah and i looked at him and said I love you he said it back and we gave eachother pecks and was like besties forever. Then we busted out laughing i swear we be clowning she wasnt expecting that shit.  Then she sent us out i was laughing hard as fuck then he was like lets go to my house so we walk to the house and we went straight to his room i undressed to my bra and panties and then  put on a pair of his jogging pants they baggy like i like them. He walks out his bathroom in his room and he was like damn you change fast he had basketball shorts and a tshirt. He look so fucking sexy like damn but im his bestie we decided to take a nap and then go to dinner then he coming to the warehouse with me.

But yeah i laid down and so did he and he wrapped his arms around me and we were out. Then like 30 mins later i wake up to his mother tapping me i jump up with makes him jump and he like what. He looks up and he like it aint what it look like which he says every time his mama comes in while we sleep and she says the same shit like dont be doing the nasty. Im like we all know we besties we aint like that and we were resting up she like what yall doing here so early im like are teacher kicked us out because we said we loved eachother and we kissed. She was like besties really im like it was because she was being irritating and saying that we had to share what we wre talking about with the class so we did that. She like yall crazy and im like right we only got like one week left of school so she need to calm down. Then his mama was like well go back to sleep and she was like yall crazy im like we know. He half sleep the whole time we all talking im like hat dont make no sense. 

I lay back down we got back in are position and was gone again. Then we wake up like 3 hours later and we get redressed and we go to Olive Garden because he loves that place.  We order are food and we talk and some random lady walks up and was like you two are so cute together i looked from her to him and i was like thats my best friend he said the same and she said not for long i was like okay thats weird. She walks off and we get are food and we ate i treated him since he always treats me and then we went srtaight to the warehouse we got there and  all i hear is shots and i see blood.

Finally added a new chapter now that i know where im going with this book but yeah Justice is mostly talking right now cause i want to give yall a feel of her. But Erin will be talking soon and Camille. But vote and read my other two books they are awesome also. Thanks and muah  I ill update soon again.

My Thug Love Boy version( Under Major Editing)Where stories live. Discover now