In walks

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Just POV

I was so surprised when my mom walked in. Since I left she hasn't called its been a good two years. She looks at me and smiles she tries to hug me but I block her. She says what? I'm like you come after all this time you crazy. She like I'm still yah mama. I'm like you Justice's mom not Just. Just is the girl who left and made it on her own while getting honor roll and putting myself through highschool plus I'm going to college next fall. She says I'm glad your doing good but you still pregnant and I thought you was in Cali. I'm like came to visit my best friend slash baby daddy. She like oh who this pointing to Camille. Im like my rider my sister my best friend. She said oh nice to meet you Camille said the same. Erin introduced himself she looked him over. Then there's another knock it Erin's mom. Im like hey mom. She says hey baby and hugs me while rubbing my belly. She told me I'm coming to live with her till I'm due. I said okay and then she said oh and Erin once yah dad out the hospital you coming home to. He says okay and continued rubbing my belly. Camille like ima be an aunty. She like ima be Aunty Mille and y'all gone be spoiled. I just laughed she so crazy. Then my mom left she looked upset. I hope she ain't bring my father. Erin kept giving me food and wouldn't leave me alone. We been home less than three hours and I ate eight times. But y'all forreal I'm kinda falling for Erin again. Even though Darren is way better in the relationship part. Erin always was a great person with showing he cared. At least when he ain't being an ass hole. I think Erin changed because he knows what happened last time he decided to fuck up. Darren usually all lovey dovey but I think he's getting bored he never has been in a relationship passed a month. But yet I'm with him knowing that. I guess Erin noticed my face. He like you tired? I said yes and he like me mama or Camille. I'm like you. But how did my mom find where we are? He like I don't know I kinda told her she said she missed you she found me on instagram. I'm like wow damn she was searching. Then we went to his bed and got in. Then I got a face time from Darren. I answer and he looked weird. I'm like whats wrong? He says I can't be with you. I start to tear up I asked why? He says cause its not his seed plus he just doesnt feeling it. Plus he believes I'm in love with Erin. Also he can't be with me because of what I do. Basically cause I'm the boss and I'm a high profile criminal. I'm like nigga people still think I'm a nigga that's not in my organization. He says well idc I'm not finna be with you I hope we can be cool I just wanna be yah friend like before. I sucked all my tears up and said fine im good with that. He smiles and said okay do I have my right hand back. I laugh and said yeah. Then I told him I had to go. He says bye and hangs up. Erin like that's the most peaceful breakup. I'm like frfr I wanna kill em but I'm getting better with just using words instead of my metal. He says okay then. Then he gets in the bed. I backed into him and he wrapped his arms around my stomach. He chuckles and I ask why he says I always pictured us like this. I smiled and soon fell asleep.

Next day

Camille in my face yelling I guess at Erin. Then she jumps over me to him kicking him off the bed. I'm dead cause he flew off. Then she cuddles into me I'm like bitch you gay ain't you. She says no that he hogs me and this the only time she gets with me. I'm like let's all go shop then. She said okay and hugs me and walks out the room. Erin gets up laughing he like she crazy frfr. I'm like right. Then I leave him to get dressed I shower and everything. I put on this jean loose fitted button down dress. I put silver sandals with silver accessories. I had my hair straight so I left it alone. Then I did light makeup since I'm glowing from the pregnancy. Then I went downstairs to breakfast from Erin's mom. I smashed it they all came down soon after. They ate and we left. We in the car finna fine a parking deck. We found one and parked. We got out the car me with Erin's help. Then I while walking I swear I saw Kevin. So I called him the man answered the phone so I ran to him. Kevin seen me and hugged me. He like I came here with Darren but that nigga left me and William. I'm like where is Will. He said at the hotel. I told him to tell him to come out. Then finally Erin and Camille caught up with us. They like damn could you not run from us. I'm like sorry I knew I seen Kevin we waiting on William. They said okay and we went into a cafe. I was hungry again so I ate a muffin and some fruit plus some orange juice. Will finally walked in he came over and hugged me and Camille. I think him and Camille like each other. At first I thought Kevin liked her but nah. Then guess who calls lil ole me Mikah my baby. I'm like what's up? He like baby I miss you I'm in new York. I'm like me to baby where yah at. He says he's at his boyfriends house. I'm like see if I can come over. So he asks and he said yeah bring friends. I said okay baby be there soon send address boo. He says okay boo. I hang up I'm like damn that my gay baby. We all get up and get in the car we pull up to this big house. We get out and walk to the door and it opened there was my baby Mikah. He hugs me tight. They like you need to calm down y'all. Y'all need to remember that she's pregnant.
Mikah like girl you having a boy or girl. I'm like both twins. He like who the baby daddy. I'm like yours truly Erin. He like again then he like you better treat her right or its gonna be a problem. Erin says don't worry I'm to excited to fuck up. Mikah says okay now y'all meet my baby. We walk in and its a white man. I'm like wow and he was fionne af. Mikah like he gay close yah mouth. I'm like you gotta straight twin ik. He laughs says no. He hugs me and was like awe you prego huh. I said yeah he got on his knees and was talking to them telling them its uncle Mike. I just laughed it was cute. He says one or two. I said two he said yeah it looks like it. He was like who the baby daddy. Im like my best friend Erin over there. He says hey and that he's lucky I'm cute. I laugh and then Mike whispers and said Erin was cute good pick. Mike says he ain't wanna freak him out I'm like he use to it Mikah petty like that. He laughs and says everyone come sit. We all got lemonaid and chilled I caught up with Mikah and he said he wanted to be in the room with me. I said maybe cause I want everyone in there. He says okay honey bunny. Then Erin like we need to go its almost ten. I said okay but can we get some food. He says yeah. We said bye and left we dropped Kevin and William off at they hotel. Then Camille wanted to be dropped off at her aunts. Then me and Erin went to this restaurant he ordered me some chicken and some other shit I don't remember I just ate it. Then we went to his dads house. I started to play Bryson Tiller's Don't. That's my shit so its blasting through the speakers. I'm killing it tryna dance with my pregnant ass. Erin laughing I'm singing every word. Erin joined in and y'all its a turn on when his fionne ass sing he be into it frfr. I sat down and he sung to me. Even though it describes the old him. But whatever he so cute. It might just be my hormones. But whatever he just my baby daddy for now. Then I hear knocks at the door so I open it cause Erin went to the bathroom. Then all I feel is a knock in the head and I'm sleep....

My Thug Love Boy version( Under Major Editing)Where stories live. Discover now