1 - Disney's Not Here

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Alarms would ring through the Disney Safeguarding Agency Headquarters. With guards searching the building, it was apparent something was up. With everyone inside the DSA looking for one thing, it could be wondered what it was... Well...

What seemed to be a man, ran down the hallway. He was covered in some kind of metal armour from head to toe. With blue and black padding, silver linings and blue visors which simulated eyes, this man was in some kind of serious, futuristic or even robotic get-up. Sprinting as fast as he could, the man would skid to a halt. He could sense that someone else had joined the hunt.

As the double doors to the building screeched open, several soldier-type men marched inside. With the company name 'A.I.M' inscribed on their suits, anyone who knew of them knew that whenever they appeared, trouble would surely soon follow!

Marching into the building, they too dispersed and began to search. Everyone needed to find this loose man, and he couldn't allow that. Spotting a storage room, the cyborg esq man quickly made his way inside. His heart would beat at an incredible speed. He'd take a deep breath as he entered, noticing a crate opposite him. With the lid hanging off, the robotic blue man would make his way over to it. With no time to lose, he jumped inside. Pulling the wooden lid to cover his presence, the door to the room would violently swing open. With a BASH ringing through the place as the door smashed against the wall, two men with guns would storm in. One A.I.M soldier and one DSA guard stood side to side.

With a pistol in the guard's hands and a rifle in the soldiers, they proceeded towards the box. Inching closer, the two would nod to one another. With a sudden push, the crate's lid would fall onto the floor. Revealing the metallic man inside, he'd let out an audible gasp.

"We've located PROJECT RIFT!" One shouted, aiming his words into a walkie-talkie. "2nd-floor storage room!"

Clenching his fists and closing his eyes within his helmet, the unknown cyborg shook his head. Within a flash of blue light, he'd disappear! The two men would blink with shock, turning their heads to each other in disbelief. 

A few hallways away, the same blue light would flash. Falling onto the floor, the robotic man peered up. He'd successfully teleported away! A small chuckle would leave his lips. Scuffling onto his feet, he heard more gun-wielding foes heading his way. With that, he just decided to run. He was new to it still, but running was keeping him safe. Sprinting down every corridor and skidding past the corners, he began to run out of breath. Coughing and gasping for air, his legs would suddenly give way. Collapsing onto the ground with a grunt, he'd be surrounded by guards in seconds. Holding their guns to his helmeted head, he'd stay on the floor.

"We are the DSA!" One would yell.

"Stay down!" Another added.

Within seconds, they charged towards him. Bashing the grip of their weapons against the metallic man's head, more and more guards would join in. The victim would cry out in pain, quickly curling up in a ball. Rocking back and forth as he was attacked, small cries would ring out from him.

"Please stop..." He sobbed. "I don't know where I am..."

Suddenly, a tall man would march in, wearing some kind of corporal outfit. With dark brown hair, an 'A.I.M' label and a cap covering his head, his eyes would peer down to the beating. An evil smirk would grow on his face, turning to one of his soldiers.

"Doctor Disney and his... Friend... Can never know any of this, erase any evidence that this happened..." He spoke with an intense tone.

Nodding back to their leader, soldiers would storm off to different rooms of the DSA Headquarters. Deleting all CCTV footage and paying off the staff to keep quiet, the unknown man was left shackled on the ground. Shaking to try and free himself, all he would do was fail. The leader of the soldiers slowly strolled towards the project. Gazing down upon him and chuckling, he'd shake his head.

"Oh, Rift... Did you really think you could escape?" He'd stop beside him. "A.I.M will always find you..."

The man didn't respond.

"You're our property..."  The colonel added.

Leaning down to grab hold of the cyborg-like man, something would surprise him. Suddenly, small diamond-shaped knives lifted off of the man's shoulders. With a light blue light shining off the small blades, they spun up into the air. Rolling backwards and staring down the leader of the soldiers, Rift would shake his head.

"I will never be anyone's property!" He yelled.

Without any warning, the knives shot forward. Launching into the corporal with a lethal force, he'd be thrown backwards and onto the floor. Jittering and grunting in pain, the same blue light would suddenly flash again. Before the stabbed man would lie the shackles, but no sight of the project could be seen.

As the light dissipated, several guards and soldiers came storming from round the corner. Noticing the injured leader and the missing metallic man, they all looked at each other confused. Rushing over to the corporal, they'd hurriedly help him onto his feet. Helping keep his wounds from bleeding, they'd begin to question him. All the talking and the touching instantly overwhelmed the man, pushing everyone away from him. Shaking his head in an angry manner, he'd squint his eyes.

"Get the fuck off me!" He yelled. "Find PROJECT RIFT, or you're all fired!"

With that, the guards and soldiers spread back throughout the DSA Headquarters. They had to find Rift, they couldn't afford to lose their jobs after all. As they scoured through the building, they tried their best to locate the project, but unknown to them, he would have appeared somewhere else. With the sunlight shining down onto him, the robotic man would look up at the sky. Studying the clouds, a happy-sounding sigh would leave him. Being outside of the DSA HQ, he was surprised by the lack of enemies, taking the opportunity to escape. Spotting a car nearby, he quickly hurried over to it. Pulling open the door, and throwing out the driver GTA style, the scared Rift jumped inside.

The driver of the vehicle would jump onto their feet and run off screaming, causing the robotic man to gasp. Looking down at the steering wheel and the gear stick, he'd instantly get confused. Shaking his head in annoyance, he'd look up to spot the car owner with two soldiers. Pointing him down, the two instantly lifted their guns up. They'd aimed them directly at Rift.

"Please please please please..." He repeated.

Closing his eyes, he'd let his hands do the work. Turning the keys inside the ignition and starting the engine of the car, his hands would move to the gear stick to a random selection before forcing his foot down onto one of the pedals. Without warning, the car instantly sped forward. Driving right into the soldiers, they'd be thrown up into the air as Rift's eyes shot open. Gripping onto the steering wheel and nodding his head, the vehicle would race off, into the distance.

Stumbling out of the entrance of the DSA, the colonel's eyes would land on Rift in his escape car. Speeding away and out of sight, the man would scream with anger. Throwing his weapon to the ground and shaking his head, he'd peer over to one of the soldiers that stood beside him. Gripping his left fist, he squinted his eyes.

"Send out a message to all workers and allies!" He demanded. "I want everyone on the lookout for Rift, we can't allow him to get far!"

Smiling and nodding back to his boss, the soldiers would sprint off, leaving the leader alone with a pissed-off look. Shaking his head as he peered in the distance, the head of the A.I.M soldiers would cross his arms.

"Doctor Disney is not going to be pleased..." He sighed.

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