12 - Disney's Revolution

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Doctor Disney sat in his private lab inside the Walt Disney Science and Research Centre. He stared intently at a holographic projection of Auradon's main street, watching as two soldiers and Rift approached Mushu.

"Oh my..." The evil scientist chuckled. "This is amusing... Let's see how far they'll let him get..."

"Oh doctor," A voice suddenly called out. "Do you really believe that this will work?"

"Of course!" He snickered. "Nothing can stand against my plans now! Not even the heroes of this artificial country!"

"You underestimate them too much, doctor," The man stepped forward. "They've managed to thwart you before, and they will again."

"How?" He snapped. "How could they possibly stop me from taking over Disney Land The Country? They're just little kids with powers, they can't hope to beat me alone..."

"Perhaps you underestimate their strength, doctor," The man smiled. "These heroes are more powerful than you give them credit for. Disney Duchess' voice is such a weapon and Rift... You did well..."

"Hendricks..." Doctor Disney turned around in his chair.

Looking behind him, the doctor's eyes would land on a familiar tall man. Holding a cane and wearing an expensive purple suit, the man stepped toward Disney.

"Belle caused me to go into hiding..." The suited man sighed. "I had to run to London for a bit. I understand the strength she has!"

"I helped her too, remember!" Disney sounded annoyed. "How did you get in anyway, what do you want Mr P?"

"I told you, it's The Puppeteer now!" He smiled. "You really think I stopped listening in on you lot? I heard what you were doing and I decided to watch you closely... I trained you greatly, didn't I!"

"I guess so..." Disney said, sounding defeated. "But you didn't answer my question! Why are you here?"

"To stand back and watch..." Mr P admitted. "To watch who falls!"

Suddenly alarms began to blare in the room the two men were in. The Puppeteer looked around confused as Doctor Disney's eyes landed on his desktop. Clicking on his mouse and pulling up a tab, CCTV footage of Belle and EVA escaping could be seen. A smirk grew on the original villain's face as he looked down at his trained doctor friend.

"Problem?" Hendricks chuckled.

"Not at all..." Doctor Disney smirked. "Not at all! Time for part two!"

Clicking a few more times on his computer, the doctor pulled up several files. Faked videos and documents began to load. Some seemed to be Disney Duchess herself working on an AIM satellite, more were forms with signatures from Belle too.

"What's all this?" The Puppeteer tilted his head.

"Something... For all of Auradon to see!" With a nod, Doctor Disney clicked on the enter button.

With a shake of the PC, all the videos and documents began to be broadcasted all over the artificial country's capital city.

"And there you have it," Disney laughed. "My plan unfolds perfectly..."

"Perfectly?" Hendricks asked. "Are you sure about that?"

"Of course!" Doctor Disney grinned. "Now, let's leave this place and get back to work! We still need to make the final preparations!"

As if on cue, another alarm suddenly sounded. Looking around the lab, the evil doctor watched as his security guards ran towards the exit.

"Belle and EVA are close to escaping..." Disney chuckled. "The time is right for everything to fall into place!"


Running through the hallways of her unknown prison, Belle and EVA made their way toward a metal door. It was unlocked and opened easily by the two girls, revealing a dark corridor.

"We're getting out of here!" EVA exclaimed.

"Yeah!" Belle nodded. "This is great! But where are we going?"

"There's a staircase at the end of this hallway, it will lead up to the ground floor!" EVA explained. "Then we can find an exit and get out of here!"

The two girls took off running down the corridor, heading toward the stairs. Suddenly, monitors in the hallway began to flick to life. It showed Rift with the AIM soldiers, gaining closer to the hero known as Mushu. Belle could instantly tell that the hero was in danger.

"Rift..." EVA commented emotionlessly. "Where is he?"

Belle stood close to a monitor, studying it intensely. It didn't take her long to realise Rift's location.

"He's at the Auradon Docks!" She announced, peering at the robot. "He's with AIM soldiers!"

"We have to help him!" EVA stated.

"We will, let's get to him!" Belle nodded.

With that, the pair sprinted off. They reached the stairway, making their way to the ground floor before exiting the building. Looking back, Belle would gasp as she realised she was inside The Walt Disney Science and Research Centre all along. Shaking her head, the heroine would turn to the feminine android.

"Do you have any idea where Doctor Disney stores the Duchess suits?" Belle asked. "Or, if there are any in this building?"

"I'm not sure..." EVA shook her head. "Doctor Disney might store them here. Maybe in his private lab or something."

"Private lab..." Belle muttered. "That's a good place to hide them. Let's move!"

Running back into the building, the pair headed straight to the staircase. Hurrying their way up, it wouldn't take them long before reaching Doctor Disney's lab. Stepping inside, Belle quickly felt the feeling of fear wash over them. Three of the four walls were lined with glass, allowing anyone to look into the lab. Though, no one was there. The room was empty.

"Hmph, where would they be..." She mumbled, peering around the room.

Her eyes looked over the worktops and electronics before landing on the white wall. In the middle was a large bookcase, seeming not to fit the room's aesthetic at all. As Belle walked closer, she noticed that the bookcases seemed to be filled with a variety of books, from scientific texts to historical fiction. Walking up to the shelf, the black-haired heroine looked at the spines of each of them. Most were in languages she couldn't understand.

"Hmm..." She turned to EVA. "Can you read those?"

"Most of them..." The android answered. "Though, I don't know how much use they'll be..."

"Knowing Disney, I wouldn't be surprised if this led into a secret room!" Disney Duchess chuckled. "He can be quite a cliche..."

Nodding her head, EVA began to translate the different titles. The pair were looking for a book that seemed out of place, how hard could it be?

"Here we go..." EVA pointed to a book titled, 'The Tale Of The Puppets'.

Leaning forward, the android would tug at the book. Seeming to be stuck to the case, it bent forward before a clicking sound was heard. The two stumbled backwards before the entire bookcase raised into the ceiling, revealing a secret room behind it.

"I knew it!" Belle chuckled. "Let's see what Doctor Disney has hidden away!"

Walking into the secret area, the pair peered around. The place was mainly full of different kinds of weapons, with names of different professors and doctors beside them. As EVA studied one weapon in particular, Belle's eyes would land on a large, black metal box. It was several inches taller than the heroine herself and seemed highly mechanical.

"I wonder..." Belle smirked.

Spotting a small white button on the side, Disney Duchess swiftly pressed it. The entire box began to vibrate, catching EVA's attention as Belle stumbled backwards. Joining the hero's side, even EVA seemed intrigued by whatever was happening. Soon, the box opened up, revealing it was just a storage device. Inside, was another Duchess suit. Being black and dark grey in colour, this version of the suit seemed much more gothic. It was also a much more sleek and smooth design while looking even more protective.

"Wow..." Belle gasped, marvelling at the suit. "This is... Beautiful... The Duchess Mark Three!"

The Adventures Of Disney Duchess: Shapes & RiftsWhere stories live. Discover now