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From the flaming ruins of what once was a building, it strode forth. Pillars of smoke rolled off the creature as it made its way to what had dared challenge it. The opponent, a squad of mere humans yet they'd had it cornered.

It was a creature of an indomitable nature, one of the hardest shells found on earth cloaked it in entirety. Its jaws snapped and hissed as yet more rounds flew at it from his pathetic enemy's cover!

It strode forward, the rounds crushing themselves against its might!

It was all his opponents could hope for.

It moved forward, yes, into the hands of its enemy.

Explosives made quick work of the thing's balance and from there it only got worse for the titan of muscle and chitin! Swiftly, canisters rolled forth! They sprayed a foul choking agent.

The beastly figure struggled to its feet, blinded by both the mist and the pain it wrought.

It heard from one of its hunters "Now!-" the creature's rage deafened it to the name "-Move in!"

The men drew closer pitiful weapons raised with a strange confidence. One, however, stood unarmed and the shelled beast knew fear.

The man bearing the helmet, even beyond the painful fog, could be sensed. It made the thing's skin crawl.

The man in the mask was not a man at all. Rather, a predator much like himself...

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