4 - Disney's Made A New Friend

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"Now, where did that girl go?" Belle murmured.

She wandered aimlessly around the streets, searching for any signs of The Pink Lady. Eventually, after several hours of walking around, she gave up.

"Dammit, I lost her..." Belle muttered.

She was now sitting on a bench in a dark part of town. She looked around, trying not to get noticed by anyone. It wasn't long until a man stepped out from behind a corner, looking at her suspiciously. Belle remained still, but the man seemed to just ignore her. Walking past, he continued on his way. Belle waited for a few minutes, checking if the man was going to turn back. After a while, she decided it was safe and walked towards the man.

"Excuse me," Belle spoke. "Are you lost?"

"Yeah," The man chuckled. "I don't know how I got here. No idea who I am or where I came from."

Getting closer to the man, Belle realised it wasn't a man at all. This stranger was covered in some kind of black and blue armour. He even had a helmet covering his head. Maybe he was a superhero like herself?

"Your costume?" Belle questioned.

"It's called armour," The stranger explained. "It protects me from harm. You?"

"Me?" Belle laughed. "Nah, I'm a regular girl."

Her eyes peered down to the pink handbag that hung over her shoulders. She couldn't reveal her identity to anyone, even if they could have been a hero. She only trusted The Outcasts really, but maybe this person will soon be an ally?

"I'm Belle," She smiled. "And you are?"

"My name," The man paused. ".... Rift."

"Rift?!" Belle replied with a gasp, was it really that easy to just find this guy.

"You're a Rift?" She asked again.

"I am," Rift nodded.

"So Rift is a person..." Belle mumbled to herself. "Why haven't I heard of you before?"

"I've only recently begun my training," Rift explained. "This body isn't used to this world yet."

"Your confusing my brain?" Belle stopped.

Scanning around the area, a feeling of dread quickly washed over the heroine. She knew it was probably unsafe to have this guy aimlessly wandering about. She knew an alien wanted him dead. If she left him, Rift might die.

"Belle?" Rift's voice sounded worried.

"Doctor Disney" Belle whispered. "We need to get to his lab."

"Who?" Rift asked.

"Doctor Disney and his lab," Belle repeated. "We'll need to hurry."

"Okay," Rift nodded. "But why the urgency?"

"Because someone is after you," Belle replied.

"Me?" Rift sounded shocked, shaking his head. "Is it those soldiers again?"

Belle blinked a few times, shocked by his words.

"I was more thinking this weird pink alien girl...." Belle sighed. "What bloody soldiers?"

"They've been tracking me for a while now," Rift continued. "I was lucky enough to make it away, I've been on the run the entire time."

"A while?" Belle frowned. "So you have no one? With Christmas so soon..."

"What's a... Christmas?" Rift tilted his head.

Shaking her head, Belle's eyes would peer down the road. She'd spot a bird. A pink bird. Just watching the pair, the heroine would gasp. Blinking in disbelief, she'd take a step backwards. She knew they had to go. They had to run.

The Adventures Of Disney Duchess: Shapes & RiftsWhere stories live. Discover now