I'm stupid for you

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First fic I ever wrote PLEASE cut some slack I've gotten much better

Fluff/cute couple stuff

The era for this oneshot is very early double dare!

You were mad at him. He forgot your birthday after reminding him for the last week and went to band practice instead. You were crying in your room shoving your head in a fluffy pillow Awsten got you last Valentines day. You loved him, but were so mad.

You heard a tap on your window. You took your head out of your now wet pillow, turning your head towards the window.

You got out of bed and a tiny pebble threw to your window making the same tap sound. You slowly walked to your window and open it.

Awsten was holding a Bluetooth speaker, a bouquet of flowers, and a box.

"Go away Aws." You sniffled "I don't wanna talk to you."

He visibly looked upset.


You roll your eyes.

"I don't think I really care. Not even a text message Awsten"


You think about it for a second.


Awsten smiled and looked thankful. He pressed a button on his speaker.

'Hey, tell me what you want me to say, you know I'm stupid for you. hey, can you come and come out and play. You know Im stupid for you!'

It was Awstens voice. He made a song with his band. I'm guessing about you.

'I'm colour coding my moods. You're yellow, I'm natural blue! Let's get together and be green like my insides. At least I'll match your eyes, Jealous and hypnotized, Let's match our faces and be equally in love.
Hey, tell me what you want me to say, You know I'm stupid for you. Hey, can you come and come out and play? You know I'm stupid for you'

You wanted to forgive him.

"Stop! Stop!" You yelled.

Awsten paused it. He looked concerned

"Come up here, come on."

He looked happy. He grabbed the box covered in gift wrap on the floor and ran to the back door.

Less then 2 minutes later he was in your room.

"I'm sorry, i made that song for you if that makes you feel any better?"

"It's fine Aws. Next birthday, be quicker though."

"Heh yea.. um I got you these!"

He passes you a bouquet of roses.

"And this!"

And he gave you a medium size present.

"Aw thanks Aws! Let me put these in a vase real quick."

Your room wasn't a place for nice pretty flowers. But they reminded you of Awsten.

You set the present on your bed and took the dead roses he got you a couple of weeks ago out of the vase by your bedside table, before placing one flower into a box and throwing the rest away.

Then you put the new roses inside of the vase.

"You keep the flowers?"

You nodded. "One out of every bouquet."

Awsten blushed a bit. He didn't know how to show his affection, so he always got you flowers. He is such a sweetheart.

You sat on your bed and pat the space next to you, and set the present onto your lap.

He happily sat next to you. Bouncy and grinning a bit.

"So you wrote and produced a song for me, got me flowers and now a present."

Awsten blushed and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Well.. I felt really bad and I um really like you uh.." he was adorable while he was flustered. "Just open it okay?"

You delicately opened up the present Incase it was fragile. Aws loved touchy feely gifts. So it would make sense if it was glass.

Inside of the box was a small box. You rolled your eyes and opened the little cardboard box.

It was full of tissue paper. 2 small cardstock rectangles were in it. The cardstock read

'VIP : Warped Tour '15. first admission.'

Awsten had got you both VIP tickets to Warped Tour. Your jaw was to the floor. You immediately hugged Awsten

"OH MY GOD!" You almost woke your parents up from your screaming. You were so happy.

"Whoa, slow down jellybean, look further into the box!" He was giggling.

There was a small ring, made with a guitar string, with a small yellow gem, carefully painted as an eyeball.

"Oh my.. did you make this?" You looked back up at Awsten.

He blushed even more.

"Yea, it took like 20 tries but.." he grabbed your hand softly and put the yellow ring onto your hand.

"There!" he flipped his own hand over and showed he had a matching blue one.

Your face was bright red. Promise rings.

You grabbed the back of his head and pushed each others faces together, lips clashing together.

This is going to be the man you spend the rest of your life with. No question.

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