am I really? - prequel

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Prequel to am I really, still ftm reader.

Smut scene, no talk about female sex organs though. **** Will appear when it starts and ends.

There's no religious theme, they get married by a family friend who is a retired judge.


"Double dare drops in 30 seconds!" Geoff danced around and took a drink out of his mysterious red solo cup. Someone unpaused the 30 second counter as we waited for 12:00 to hit. I stood beside the couch that had Jawn, Otto, Zakk, and Geoff trying to sit on the pile. Awsten stood behind me and stared at the TV. Everyone started to count down.










Everyone stood up and cheered the number,


Everyone laughed, but then the room went dead silent, a soft voice spoke next to me.

"Y/N," Awsten grabbed my hand softly. "The years I have spent with you have been the best of my life. Every time we touch, I feel electric."

"Oh my god.." I started tearing up as Awsten smiled.

"I want to spend my whole life with you. I want to spend every second breathing in you, feeling you. You are my drug. So, I'm doing something I know I'd do since I fell in love with you." Awsten let go of my hand and kneeled on the floor. We both began crying.

He pulled a box out of his pocket and opened it up to a beautiful silver ring with a diamond.

"Y/N, I double dare you to marry me." he said softly. I nodded.

"Yes, yes yes yes!" I almost screamed. He grabbed the ring, then softly grabbed my hand, and slid it onto my finger. He quickly stood up and slammed his lips into mine. It was a passionate, deep kiss. Perhaps one of the best I have ever had.

People clapped at our achievement, people cried (mostly Geoff and Jawn.) And me and Awsten just stared into our eyes, waiting for the start of forever.


"No, no, the flowers don't go there!" I said to Awsten.

"Y/N, weddings don't need to be exactly perfect." Awsten sighed as he adjusted the bouquet and set them closer to the end of the table.

"But it does! It's tomorrow!" I sigh and sit down on a chair.

"Baby, this is my wedding too, I get it. But it will never be perfect. If you try to force it to perfection you will never be happy with it, because it never will be perfect. And it will never reflect our relationship. Our beautiful imperfect relationship." Awsten walked up to me and kissed my head. "The star of the night will be you, not the position of the flowers on the table."

"Yeah but..." I grunted.

"But tomorrow is about you and me, again, not flowers. How about we go out for something to eat? We have 2 hours before I have to go to the hotel and we can't see each other."

"That sounds nice." I nodded.

"Trashy Italian?" He questioned, grabbing the keys in his pocket. I nodded.

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