starry eyed

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Hiii!! So I got a grades part 2 in the works, it's still in development, complicated sets of events held it back, got annoyed because of those events, writing this so I don't get sick of it!!

This is very loosely inspired by starry eyed by Ellie Goulding, of which waterparks made a cover of (as seen above)

Very much so angst.

entertainment era awsten.

LAST NOTE!! if you want a part 2 to this please tell me and I will surely do it.


"He's having another one!" Geoff screamed from the bathroom. I immediately threw off my bass and ran to the bathroom, Otto following behind me.

"What do you mean Geoff!? Please don't tell me it's another seizure!" I shouted, trying to get a view on what was happening. Awsten was sitting on the floor completely locked up. He was practically unmoving. I immediately bent down and shook him. He had no response, staying completely still. Otto and Geoff were practically screaming at each other, and Awsten looked like he was about to break every tendon in his body.

"I'm SORRY for not immediately screaming seizure Otto! I was making sure he was unhurt!" Geoff screamed.

"It's our best friend's life here, not a video game! You should have told us the second he fell!" Otto held up his finger like he was telling off a child.

"Both of you, stop bickering! We need to stay calm don't we?" I mumbled. They both looked at me and softened their gaze, Otto still having an angry look on his face but not nearly as aggressive. I grabbed Awsten's hands and tried to pull away his sharp nails digging into his skin.

"I'm sorry, I'm gonna get his meds for when he gets out of this." Geoff mumbled, squeezing past Otto.

"Thank you Geoff." I said softly, petting Awsten's hair. "It'll all be done soon baby, I swear it's gonna be okay." I nuzzled my face into his shoulder and kissed it. "It's gonna stop soon."

Geoff came back into the bathroom shortly after.

"Everything's on the couch, should we take him there now Incase it turns into the breakdancing type of seizure?"

"Did he see flashing lights to cause this?"

"I don't think so, maybe stress?"

"I think he's fine. He only has those kinds when he sees flashing lights. It should end soon anyway." I said softly. Geoff nodded.

"im going to go make everything comfortable for him." he said, leaving the room.

Awsten's eyes shifted towards me and stared into mine. They looked panicked.

"it's over soon I swear it's gonna end soon." I kissed his shoulder and pet his hair as we waited for it to stop. Minutes passed.

"Y/N, we need to call an ambulance!" Otto said as he checked his phone.

"What, why?" my eyes widened.

"it's been 6 minutes!" Otto frantically said as he typed numbers into his phone. He took a few deep breaths, acting more casual afterwards. Geoff came bolting into the room.

"Ambulance? What?!?!" the brown haired boy panicked.

"I'm calling 911, it's been 6 minutes." Otto's voice lacked any tone, and he tried to deadpan in every other way, but you could tell his face was full of worry. He was trying to hide his fear for Awsten.

"911, what's your emergency?" the operator softly spoke. it was on speaker. I started to speak.

"My boyfriend has been having a seizure for 5 minutes straight!"

"Ok ok, what's you and your boyfriends name?" Otto set the phone down on the floor and sat down cross-legged.

"I'm Y/N, my boyfriend is Awsten, our friends Otto and Geoff are here too."

"Okay Y/N, I want your friends to make sure all medication Awsten has used in the last 24 hours and that he is in a safe place, ok?"

"ok, ok yeah." Otto automatically jumped up and exited the room quickly, running around and grabbing Awsten's many pill bottles.

"Ok, what's the address?"

"103 1st street."

"Does Awsten have Epilepsy?"

"Yeah, a pretty bad case."

"Ok Y/N I have an ambulance on the way. They will be there shortly. I'm going to stay on the line to make sure nothing progresses okay?

"Ok, yeah, yeah." I took deep breaths and kissed Awsten's cheek "it's gonna be ok Aws."

"They are pulling up now, it's almost over. You two are very brave. I'll go when I hear them enter the room." as the operator spoke a knock was heard on the door. Geoff ran to the door. I heard them talking.

"Hello sir, where's the medical emergency?"

"He's in the bathroom!" Geoff guided the paramedics into the room.

"Sir, please step out of the room." they pointed at me. I nodded and stepped away from Awsten. the phone hung up. They immediately checked if Awsten was breathing and talked into a small radio. "he's not okay to be guided out, stretcher now."

10 seconds later a stretcher rolled into the house, moving us to the side. They all lifted Awsten onto the stretcher, quickly moving him back to the ambulance. I followed closely behind. they lifted him into the ambulance, almost closing the door before I interrupted.

"Hey! I'm his boyfriend, can I please ride with him?" I begged to one of the paramedics. The other one was already in the ambulance, checking Awsten's vitals.

"If you aren't by law related to the patient we can't let you in." the paramedic gave me a sorry look.

"please, I beg you. We've been together for 13 years."

"... fine. Don't tell them I let you though. you two need to get married eventually." they gave me a small smile as they opened the door further.

"Thank you so much!" I relaxed as I climbed in. I sat on a seat next to Awsten, holding his hand. I saw Otto and Geoff rush stuff into their car from the window in the back. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, preparing for the worst.


My eyes closed, I almost fell asleep, but Geoff pinched me awake.

"stay awake for Awsten. we need to make sure he's okay."

stay awake stay awake stay awake stay awake stay awake stay awake!

"It's so hard."

"I know but the results are coming back soon, we won't have to wait much longer."

"He's the love of my life Geoff, if he got brain damage I don't know what I'd do."

"He'd still be the same Awsten."

"The same body but likely not the same man."

Geoff grunted and held his head in his hands. After around 30 seconds the doctor walked into the small room they placed us in. All 3 of us jumped up.

"You are the friends and partner of A. Knight, correct?"

"Yes." Otto nodded.

"Well I have good news and bad news." the doctor sighed, sitting in a chair on the opposite side of us.

"Good news, his brain itself is completely fine. No neurons were affected.." the rooms thick and heavy air immediately lifted. all 3 of us sighed and relaxed. "Bad news, his condition significantly grew in severity somehow since the last time we saw him and we know why."

"Why?" I was on the edge of my seat.

"He has a brain tumor."

Everything felt wrong.

"is it cancerous?" Geoff whispered.

"We are still doing tests, but it's likely."

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