state lines

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Takes place in greatest hits era! Also sorry this is short, I wrote this while getting my hair dyed and it's kinda hard to focus on 2 things at once yk lol

Awsten sighed and parked his car. Tour was over and he could finally see his boyfriend again. Y/N was the sweetest person he had ever dated. They cared about him, helped him, and made him feel like he was the only man in the he world.

He stepped out of the small janky silver car his mom gave him in 2011, and walked to the door of his home. He couldn't wait to see him again.

Knock knock knock.

No awnser.

Knock knock knock.

No awnser yet again. He eventually got his keys out and searched for the one that had 'house' messily written on it on sharpie. Jiggling it into the keyhole of the doorknob once he had found it.


The door had unlocked. Awsten slowly opened it and peaked his head inside, checking if anything was wrong. He slowly walked inside once he had concluded everything was alright.

"Honey I'm home!" Awsten boomed in a false deep voice. He giggled to himself.

Suddenly, quick pitter patters of footsteps banged down the stairs of the two story home. Y/N bursted into the foyer where Awsten was standing, immediately enveloping him in a giant hug.

"Awsten!" Y/N cried. He kissed Awsten's neck and sobbed into his white shirt.

"Y/N!" Awsten copied, reciprocating the hug and kissing his forehead.

It was a long hug. Y/N cried, and Awsten just held him as he let him emotions out.

"I missed you!" Y/N sniffled. Awsten smiled.

"I missed you just as much." Awsten rubbed his back.

"I love you." Y/N whispered.

"I love you too." Awsten kissed the smallers forehead.

Y/N pulled away and grabbed Awsten's hand.

"I wanna show you something, Kay?"

Awsten nodded, and Y/N led the way to the duo's bedroom upstairs.

Y/N opened the door to the giant room.

"I got you those bedsheets you said you wanted!"

Pink silk bedsheets laid on top of the thick mattress. Awsten had been begging for these because he loves the texture of silk, and the good quality authentic sheets were over 200 dollars.

"Oh my god, this is so dope!" Awsten flopped onto the soft bed. Rubbing himself in the smooth touch of the covers.

Y/N walked beside Awsten and played down beside him. They both stared at the ceiling and smiled.

"Did Otto almost burn down the tour bus again?" Y/N asked, mainly as a joke.

"Believe it or not, twice." They both giggled.

A few seconds later, Y/N moved towards where Awsten was and rested his head on his neck, grabbing Awsten's hand after he adjusted. Eventually, they both fell asleep as they intertwined together. Yea, Awsten's shoes were still on. Yea, all of Awsten's stuff was still in the car. Yea, it was 12 in the afternoon and he should up and awake by now. Yea, sure, but it was their moment. They were the only two things in the world.

Awsten traveled and fought though mental anguish on tour for so long to experience Y/N's warm touch once again. He fucking loved this boy.

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