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October 26, 2018

Holmes Chapel.

Dear Diary,

Today is the day. Today is the day I've been waiting for my whole life. Okay, maybe that sounds a bit cliché, but you know what I mean.


"Nervous?" Evan asked.

"Too much", I mumbled trying to fix my left barrel cuff.

"Hy", he took my hand and fastened the button. "I know it can be quite overwhelming today, but don't let it spoil your mood."

"Nothing can spoil my mood today", I smiled at him through the mirror.

"Good", he smiled back and went back to his work. The whole room was silent before I started talking.

"How was it, Evan?" At my question, everyone turned to me.

"How was what?"

"Marrying the love of your life."

He smiled softly and said, "You'll find that out, won't you?"

Minutes later I felt my heart beating in my ears as I was waiting for Zayn to walk down the aisle. I don't know if this is how Evan felt. But I can feel my hands shaking, knees giving up and my heart trying to escape the cage.

Then the music started, the slow piano of La La Land's background score, Mia and Sebastian's theme. And then Zayn walked down the aisle with Liam. And that's it, as embarrassing as it sounds my eyes started watering.

"Already?", Louis chuckled.

"Shut up, Louis", I sniffled as Zayn stepped up the dais.

His eyes were already welled up but soon the tears fell free as he looked at my state.

"Alright both of you, stop making us all cry", Liam's father, who is our justice of the peace.

And when it came to exchanging our vows, I know we made everyone cry because we could barely hold ourselves together anymore.

"I only wanted to get away from that place. I only wanted to get away from everything I know, you know? I wasn't searching for you. I wasn't searching for anything but peace, but then you came along. Both my blessing and my curse. My blessing because you're my strength, the answer to all my prayers. My curse because I know I'm nothing without you. I can't function without you, I'm nothing without you. We've been through so much, you've been through so much because of me, and I promise you, from now on, every day will be magical. I will make everything special to show how special you are to me. I promise to never leave your side. Because you're my serendipity darling", I chuckled wetly as everyone else laughed.

I would never forget the way Zayn smiled at me as I finished my speech. The look of admiration, adoration, love and everything else. God! I love this man so fucking much!!

"I know I'm your serendipity, but you're that one dream I've been chasing my whole life to me. I grew up in a household where there was no lack of love. I grew up watching my parents' love for each other, I grew up watching how much Liam and Niall loved each other. I always wanted that. I always yearned for something like that for me. A best friend, a lover, and I found both in you. Yes, we've been through so much, but overcame that, didn't we? We loved and lost each other and then came back to each other but never once we stopped loving each other. I'm so glad you never gave up on me Harry, I'm so glad I never gave up on you, on us, even when everyone asked me to. I promise to love you forever, I promise to give you my everything. I promise to always stand by you, I promise to always choose you, choose us. In the name of God, I, Zayn Jawaad Malik, take you, Harry Edward Styles, to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until parted by death and even after that. Because you're that one dream that always kept me awake", he smiled wiping his eyes. 'I love you', he mouthed as I tried to control myself from falling apart.

"Do you, Harry Edward Styles, take, Zayn Jawaad Malik, to be your husband, to cherish in friendship and love today, tomorrow and as for as long as the two of you live, to trust and honour him, to love him faithfully, through the best and the worst, whatever may come, and if you should ever doubt, to remember your love for each other and the reason why you came together with him this day?"

"I do", I grinned, still trying to contain my tears.

"Do you, Zayn Jawaad Malik, take, Harry Edward Styles, to be your husband, to cherish in friendship and love today, tomorrow and as for as long as the two of you live, to trust and honour him, to love him faithfully, through the best and the worst, whatever may come, and if you should ever doubt, to remember your love for each other and the reason why you came together with him this day?"

"I do", he grinned looking at me.

"You may now kiss the groom."

I cupped Zayn's face as I pulled his lip in between mine. Zayn kissed back with the same intensity as mine as his hands snaked along my waist. Confetti glitters everywhere but all of it was blinded by Zayn's happiness.

Yes, today was a good day and we'll be alright.

Here's to the new beginning!


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