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December 24, 2013.


Dear Diary,

        If someone asks me to pick one favourite day from my whole lifetime, then that would be today. After Louis' little midnight birthday party in his dorm room, we planned to take him to a special place.

"Where on Earth are you taking me at this hour of the night?" Louis asked walking carefully because he was blindfolded.

"We're not Earth Louis," Niall yelled walking past Louis.

"Bloody hell!! Don't tell me we're in fookin' purgatory." Louis cried.

"We're not Louis. Stop shouting!!" Zayn said guiding him.

"We're here," Liam yelled. Zayn unfolded Louis's blindfold.

"What. The. Hell." Louis whispered, surprised. "Tower Bridge?"

"Yep," I said.

"Amazing isn't it?" Niall said cheerfully.

"Yeah," Louis said still in shock.

"It looks amazing at night," Zayn said in awe. "Well look at the beauty of the 1880s." He yelled making everyone jump.

"Harry, ask your boy to shut up," Louis said with a blank face.

"Isn't that 1890s?" Liam asked.

"It was built between 1886 and 1894. And was opened on June 30, 1894." Zayn said proudly.

"C'mon walking Wikipedia, don't ruin my birthday." Louis groaned.

"Huh!! From Encyclopaedia to Wikipedia, we have come a long way." Niall said walking past us.

"Where the hell is this pumpkin going?" Louis asked. After a few moments, Niall came up with an officer.

"Hello, boys." He walked towards us.

"Hi," Louis said.

"Guys this is my uncle Harvey Horan. He is a policeman here. He is the one who helped us to get permission for you know." He said wiggling his eyebrows.

"Oh yeah. Thank you, sir." I said giving him a handshake.

"Anytime." He said.

"Permission for what?" Louis asked. "You're not gonna kill me. Are you?" Harvey placed a hand on his shoulder.

"When I'm here, nothing's gonna happen to you." He said.

"Thank God. You can't believe these guys, sir." Louis said sighing heavily.

"Quit being dramatic you Idjit," Niall said walking forward to stand with us.

"Niall, Louis, Liam, Harry, Zach..." Harvey started.

"It's Zayn." Zayn corrected.

"Sure. Whatever you say, big guy. "He said. "Be safe." He walked us to the police boat.

"Where are we going?" Louis asked. Again.

"Shut up and walk Louis," I said pulling him with me.

"Shut up and walk Louis," I said pulling him with me

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