Chapter - 3

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Eda had settled in with Aydan and Seyfi, they provided her with regular updates on Serkan. About a week after moving in Aydan came upstairs to give the morning update to Eda on the Serkan situation only to hear her getting ill in the bathroom.

"Edacim, are you okay? Come, wash your face, I'll get you some tea."

At the mention of tea Eda turned around and threw up again. "Maybe just some water Aydan anne?" as she rinsed out her mouth and brushed her teeth.

"Edacim, are you pregnant?"

Eda burst into tears, "I think so, I have been so sick these past few weeks and have been holding it in. At first I thought it was nerves because of Serkan's treatments but I'm late, really late. I haven't taken a test yet though."


Aydan had Seyfi run to get a pregnancy test for Eda, Aydan couldn't wait to find out if she was going to be a babanne or not. When Seyfi returned with three different tests, Eda went back into the bathroom to take them, she brought them out and set them on the counter. The three of them waited the five minutes and then lifted the towel that Eda had placed on top to prevent peeking.

She was pregnant! Oh my God, she was pregnant and her idiot fiancé or whatever he was didn't know and she wasn't telling him, at least not today. She would give him a while and then she would start dropping clues in the annex. First she would let him figure out where she was, that shouldn't take too long, he was a smart man when he wasn't being an idiot.

Eda and Aydan figured that she was about three months along already but Eda needed to have a visit with and OB/GYN first. Aydan anne, being the queen of knowing everyone and everything had Eda into a private clinic two hours later.

Aydan insisted on going with Eda, there was no way that she was letting her go alone and she wanted to get a peek at baby Bolat. Eda loved her kooky future mother-in-law so they went into the appointment together. Aydan stayed at Eda's head through the examination and questions. When Dr. Hayta asked if the father would be present at the appointment, Eda simply said that he was unavailable today but that he would most likely be at the next visit.

The doctor applied the gel to Eda's abdomen and spread it with the wand, she moved it over her abdomen to reveal the gestational sac and their baby. It was beautiful, they could see the head and the body and Dr. Hayta pointed out the heart, she flipped a switch and the rapid heartbeat echoed through the room.

"Oh Edacim, isn't that wonderful?"

"May I record this? Serkan is going to want to hear this." Eda asked the doctor. She recorded a video of the baby capturing the heartbeat and the image. Dr. Hayta had typed BABY BOLAT in the upper corner for the records, Eda made sure to capture all of that.

Eda was loaded up with information as well as prenatal vitamins and a diet that the doctor recommended for a healthy pregnancy. She also gave Eda tips on how to help with her morning sickness though in a few more weeks it should be getting better. The due date was set for May 5th based on the date of Eda's last period and how the baby was measuring. The doctor was pleased with Eda's overall health and set her next visit for the following month. Eda only hoped that Serkan would come to his senses before then.

With the excitement of the visit over, fatigue hit Eda hard. She hadn't gotten any sleep the night before so when they arrived home she went straight to bed. Seyfi had taken all her things to her room for her when she moved there but she had yet to unpack anything but the basics. She was holding out hope that Serkan would het his head on straight sooner rather than later. She had taken out a picture of her and Serkan to place beside the bed, she kissed the picture, set it back on the nightstand and fell asleep.

In the annex when Serkan wasn't trying to work, he was cradling Eda's pillow inhaling her fragrance, he needed her so badly. He was stared at their picture on the nightstand. When sleep finally overtook him his sleep wasn't restful, he was plagued with nightmares. In his dreams he was constantly searching for Eda, she was lost, he couldn't find her. He woke several times sweating, knowing that he had succeeded in making his nightmares a reality. She hadn't even been gone a week, how was he supposed to get through the rest of life like this?

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