Chapter - 9

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"So what do you say to hosting a small party to celebrate Serkan?"

Eda wanted to celebrate the wedding under the guise of reconciliation, she just wanted to share their happiness with everyone. They could have a party for whatever reason Eda wanted to have a party for as far as Serkan was concerned.

Eda worked with Aydan anne, she wanted to make it a big affair like her fake engagement.

"Aydan anne, you know you loved the theme after all. It was an outdoor barbeque. We can do something similar. And you know I promise not to wear the yellow dress, mostly because it doesn't zip anymore." Both women laughed at that.

Eda had thought about wearing the yellow dress and tried it on, she had Serkan try to zip it for her but it wouldn't work. Serkan kept telling her he had to adjust her breasts and it might fit, he was a lost cause. She could only imagine what was going to happen when she was breast feeding. She just shook her head thinking about it. Though, to be honest, she wasn't complaining. Serkan was becoming very, very creative these days.

Seyfi and Ayfer were organizing the food. Ayfer's catering business had taken off and she had a small staff that would be working the affair for Eda and Serkan. The only person missing would be Fifi, her job in London was keeping her away from the festivities. 

In the three weeks since Eda had come home, Serkan had managed to put back on some of the weight he had lost. He had been working out with the approval of Dr. Burkan and was eating a healthy diet to get him back where he needed to be. His biggest incentive though was Eda, he was sleeping now with no nightmares and finally happy again.

As a surprise for their guests, they had planned on having a social ceremony during the party to transfer their original rings to their left hands. All in all, Serkan thought, this was going to be one heck of a party. He even had a surprise for Eda, Fifi had been telling all the girls that she couldn't come, but she would be arriving during the party to surprise them all.

Serkan had one more gift for Eda, this was something that he had purchased months ago when they had first become engaged. He had bought a house on the sea with a garden for their family. He had taken Eda's original design concepts that she talked about when they toured the 'Doctor's House' so long ago. Pyril had been asking Eda's opinions on what she would like if she had a home for months, sharing that information with Serkan, and working with him to bring the concept to life. He was planning on showing it to her today, he didn't want to wait for the party to give her the surprise.

There were a few more details for the party that Eda wanted to discuss with Serkan so she went in search of him. He wasn't hard to find, he was in his office. They had both started to go back to the office, Serkan was now in the office three days a week, he would probably go back full-time in a couple of weeks. Eda was going to miss their relaxed lifestyle, but with her graduation coming up soon, she would join the ArtLife offices and be there until she took maternity leave. She watched him through the windows, he was reading a letter. Serkan had finally found the love letter that Melo had hidden in the desk.

He looked up to see Eda watching him. She was right, he could be such a stubborn idiot, but he had the proof in his hands that she loved him endlessly.

"Would you like to go for a drive?"

"Now? We have some last minute things to decide before the party on Saturday."

"We can talk along the way, will that work?"

It was a beautiful day. Serkan and Eda in the BMW with the top down and the music playing enjoying the company of each other, the party forgotten. Serkan arrived at their destination and hit the button to open the gate pulling into the drive. Eda could see the beautiful older house and the gardens off to the side, the large hedge giving privacy from the neighbors and the sea ahead.

"Serkan, who's house is this?"

"If you like, this will be our house."

"Ours? Seriously? What are you waiting for, come unlock the door!" Eda hurried to the front door.

Serkan took his time, following his wife, enchanted by her excitement. He reached around her to unlock the door and opened it, taking her hand once she stepped inside.

"Let me take you on a tour."

"Eda thought that she had walked into a dream, the rooms were as if she had designed them herself, the colors and finishing's. There were a few pieces of furniture in the main rooms but it still was not complete."

"Serkan, this is my dream house, how did you know?"

"I bought the house months ago when you told me your dream location for a house, then over time kept notes when you told me what you liked. The colors and design are what you imagined for the 'Doctor's House'. Pyril, she designed the rest of the interior with you by asking you your likes and ideas all the time. We worked together to create this. Your ideas, Pyril's design."

"I didn't even realize that was what Pyril was doing, so she has been here? She did all of this?"

"Mmhmm, before I got really sick most of the construction was complete so when I was going through treatment I managed it through video calls. Engin and Pyril managed it for me when I couldn't. This was always going to be your house no matter what, the title is in your name."

Eda wrapped her arms around Serkan. When he thought that he was dying he had been trying to take care of her, pouring his love for her into a home. His one thought was to keep her safe and protected, this man who thought he gave her nothing. It wasn't about the house, it was the thought that if he didn't survive his fight with cancer, she would feel safe and warm and loved in this house built by him for her, always protected.

"Thank you, I love it. I love that it will be our home and that we will raise our daughter and any other children that we are blessed with." Eda drew his face to hers for a tender kiss, pouring her love for him into the touch of their lips.

Serkan wiped the tears that had gathered at the corners of her eyes as she did the same for him, they both just smiled at each other understanding what was in the others heart. He took her hand, "Let me show you the upstairs."

They walked through the bedrooms upstairs, Serkan showed Eda what he thought would make a good nursery for their daughter, he had put a rocking horse in the room already and a teddy bear as big as Sirius. They walked hand in hand and stopped in what Serkan declared was the master.

"It has the best view, don't you think? Do you remember telling me that it was silly to give the best view to a guest, the master bedroom should have the best view."

The French doors along one wall opened out onto a balcony overlooking the sea. It had soft curtains floating when Serkan opened the doors. She could imagine falling asleep and waking to the sound of the sea in the arms of her husband.

"Serkan, how soon before we can move in?"

"I wanted you to be able to choose the furniture. Pyril chose some pieces downstairs and has some selected for upstairs but I didn't want them installed without your approval."

"You are the most thoughtful man. I'll call Pyril later and we can go through all of her selections. So back to the question, how soon before we can move in?"

"After the party? Maybe start staying here during the week, get some clothes here on Sunday and then get the rest of the things moved during the week? Does that work?"

"As long as there is you and a bed I am fine, though in a pinch the couch downstairs would do." Eda started walking out of the bedroom. She turned around winking at Serkan, giving him a shoulder lift before she laughed. Serkan enjoyed the heck out of pregnant Eda and the sexual minx she had become!

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