Chapter - 6

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Contains Mature content (aka SMUT) between the ****


Serkan woke slowly from his nap confused as to where he was but knowing that his sleep had been dreamless. He felt the rise and fall of her chest and heard her heartbeat. Eda, it explained his peace. Serkan didn't want to move but he knew he had to be too heavy. Serkan pushed back and studied her. Her thick eyelashes, her pert nose, those lush lips, down her body.


Serkan was staring at Eda's breasts, he knew her body, every inch, her breasts were considerably fuller. He couldn't help himself and reached out to cup her breast, yes definitely larger, heavier. Serkan was so absorbed in unbuttoning her shirt to get a closer look that he didn't notice Eda watching him. He didn't notice that she had moved so she was fully on her back with him between her spread legs he was so absorbed in her breasts.

When he had her shirt opened, Serkan continued cupping them. He saw that her nipples were darker through her sheer bra, they were larger and so responsive. Serkan leaned forward to suck one into his mouth. Eda's moan, and her hand holding him to her breast let him know that she was awake and enjoying his attention. Serkan suckled at her other breast while he pinched the nipple on the breast he had just left. Eda's hips rocked upwards. With his free hand he reached down into her leggings and dipped into her core, she was already so wet. He added another finger and then a third, using his thumb to massage her clit. Eda was so close to orgasm, her pregnancy had made her super sensitive, she wanted more.

"Serkan, I want you, in me. I need you."

He lifted himself off of her and stripped her leggings and panties in one then unfastened his pants and shoved them and his boxers down his legs, kicking them off. Eda had removed her shirt and bra, they were both finally naked. Serkan wasted no time climbing back on Eda, he took his erection in his hand and rubbed it up and down her slit, coating himself with her excitement, then drove into her with one hard thrust.

"Yes, hard and fast Serkan."

That worked for him, he was already starting to come, he could feel it in the base of his spine. He leaned forward as his hips were slamming into her and took a breast into his mouth and sucked hard, the combination threw Eda over the edge and Serkan joined her, stream after stream emptying into her.

Maybe because they had been away from each other for so long, he wasn't sure what it was but the lovemaking was more intense than it had ever been. Eda didn't want to let him pull out so they lay there skin to skin just kissing, Eda running her hands from his shoulder to his buttocks and back. She ran her fingers along the ridges of his spine and shoulder blades vowing to not let him go again. Her heart hurting as she touched the bones of his spine and shoulder.

Serkan was getting hard again, so he pulled Eda to sit astride him. Her larger breasts fascinated him. He was running his hands over her body reacquainting himself with it when he reached her abdomen and froze. He placed his hands on her lower belly then her waist and back to her breasts and lower belly again. Serkan lifted Eda off of him to stand in front of him so he could look at her naked body, her pregnant naked body. He pulled her to him and kissed her small baby belly and just kept his face buried there while Eda stroked his hair.

"We're having a baby?"

"We are, I'm seventeen weeks. I was at the doctor earlier today with anne. I have a video of the ultrasound if you want to watch it but we can go back to have another one done. I told her that I didn't want to find out the sex of the baby until you were there with me. I figured you would eventually stop being an idiot."

"How many have I missed? How have you been feeling?"

"This was the second one, anne has gone with me both times. I'm mostly over the morning sickness, mostly. Otherwise I'm good, I just get tired sometimes. It's gotten better now that I am in the second trimester."

"I like the new breasts, I like them a lot."

"I noticed, they'll get bigger." Serkan just smiled when Eda told him that, pervert.

"Also Serkan, we might want to get you a new doctor because you definitely aren't infertile."

Serkan pulled Eda back down onto his lap, Eda Yildiz never ceased to amaze him.


A much refreshed Serkan joined Aydan, Eda and Seyfi for dinner that night. Serkan finally got up his nerve to ask Eda where she had gone when she left him.


"What do you mean nowhere?"

"Nowhere, I stayed right here with Aydan anne and Seyfi, where else was I going to go? I wasn't going to actually leave you idiot. I talked to Aydan anne earlier in the day and told her what I thought was going to happen, and it did, so we thought if that happened I should just stay over here until you came to your senses. It took you way too long, you weren't cooperating."

Serkan was confused, "So you were over here the whole time and everyone knew it, literally everyone."

"Even Sirius."

"I should be mad."

Eda rolled her eyes, Serkan was predictable, "But you're not, and even if you are you'll have to get over it because I talked to Dr. Hayta and she is meeting us at the clinic in forty minutes so that you can see the baby for yourself on the ultrasound and if the baby is cooperating then we can find out what we're going to have."

Again Serkan thought, why do I ever think to argue with Eda Yildiz, I will never win. The woman really should have been a lawyer.

Serkan and Eda drove to the clinic and thanked the doctor for opening the clinic for them. Serkan explained that he had been recovering from cancer and had been unwell and unable to attend the last visits. Dr. Hayta asked him some questions regarding his cancer and his diagnosis and care, she made a lot of hmmm noises.

"Let's get this ultrasound underway shall we?"

Eda got up on the table and lowered her pants to expose her abdomen, the doctor once again spread the gel with the wand and explained to Serkan what he was seeing and then turned on the sound for the heartbeat. He was amazed that it was so fast. The doctor assured him that it was normal. Serkan took his very own video of BABY BOLAT.

"Would you like to know the gender? The baby is in a perfect place to tell."

They both agreed.

"Congratulations, your baby is a girl."

They were overjoyed, BABY BOLAT became BABY GIRL BOLAT. As Eda was wiping the gel from her abdomen Dr. Hayta handed Serkan a card.

"Serkan bey, you may be perfectly satisfied with your current oncologist, but if you are not I might recommend Dr. Burkan, he is recently returned to Istanbul after a residency in the United States at Johns Hopkins, he worked with leading oncologists in the US, you might want to give him a call. I will mention to him that I spoke with you and to not be surprised if you do call."

"Thank you Doctor, I just might do that." 

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