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That night, Ambrosia found herself along the shores, gazing into the dark abyss

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That night, Ambrosia found herself along the shores, gazing into the dark abyss. She had dreamt again; her dreams were becoming her reality and she was afraid of what she would dream next. Long before her mother's death, she had dreamt of fire and ice. She remembered what was shown to her that night while she slept, her mother's death. Ambrosia kept it stowed away in her mind, but it stuck like a plague, and she regrettably hates herself for never telling her mother.

Her mother's sickness came quick. It ate away at her mind and soul as Ambrosia watched helpless by her side. She died on a hauntingly dark night, at least Ambrosia remembered the night as eerie, the moon hidden, and the night lasted long after it should've. Her mother had commanded her own dragon to burn her. And as Ambrosia watched from the balcony of her room, her heart exploded into pieces that night, and the tragedy of her mother's death would always be written in Ambrosia's mind. She was left scarred after retrieving her mother's ashes, and the dragon bonded to her was never seen again.

That night of her mother's death,during the little sleep Ambrosia had, she dreamt of a white dire wolf. As strange as she remembered the dream, it did not feel out of place, she did not feel out of place in the wintery forest, and she decided head for Winterfell. Ambrosia was left traumatized from that night and would never turn a blind eye towards the dreams again.

This night was cold, and Ambrosia wrapped her coat tight. The waves crashing ashore lulled Ambrosia into a stupefied sense of mind. The ocean was loud, and the wind whipped her hair all around her ears, but she still managed to hear the light footsteps behind her.

"We find ourselves in the same predicament, my lady." The voice of Alicent rang clear and Ambrosia turned to look at her. She was a pretty girl, admittedly one of the prettiest Ambrosia had seen. Alicent had a youthful face and appeared to be younger than she really was. Ambrosia knew the years would be kind on the girl through the course of the years.

"Yes, it seems sleep had deemed me an enemy tonight. I hoped to find comfort near the sea, forgetting my horrible sea sickness." Ambrosia cringed, thinking back to the grim time she spent aboard the ship. Alicent did not reply, only looking off into the dark water. She wore a solemn face, and Ambrosia wondered what had the girl in such a mood. She did not inquire though, realizing it was not any of her concern, even though her curiosity was pushing her to ask.

"Would you marry someone years apart from you? Or do you find disgust in it?" Ambrosia was taken aback by Alicent's questions. Confusion clouded her mind, wondering why Alicent was referring to. Was she referring to herself?

"I would if duty called, only if duty called. If I had a choice, I would marry who pleased me, but I do not. Did you receive a marriage proposal from some old, pompous lord?" Ambrosia joked, looking towards Alicent. Alicent looked down towards her feet, and Ambrosia caught a glimpse of glossy eyes and puffy cheeks. She had been crying.

Maybe it was about her. Ambrosia cursed her own big mouth.

"No, I did not, at least not yet. But I know it will come soon and I will not be able to disobey." Alicent looked up at Ambrosia, wiping thick tears from her eyes. Ambrosia walked towards the girl, awkwardly pulling her into a hug and comforting her.

"That is the way of life, Alicent . And what can we do? Scream, cry, and curse at the gods for not granting us the privileges of being a man? No, we are to suck it up and preform our duty. As regrettable and horrible it is, we were born with no choice." Ambrosia pulled away from Alicent, putting her hands on the crying girl's shoulders.

"But remember we still have our feminine wits and knowledge. Nobody knows their way around a man's mind like us women do. Do not duty break you." Ambrosia counseled Alicent, surprisingly to herself.

Alicent pulled Ambrosia back into her embrace, muttering incoherent words into her hair. Ambrosia patted her back, feeling pity. Having known her for only a few hours, she knew Alicent was lost, only having her friend to help her. Sadly, Rhaenyra and Alicent were in two different worlds, Rhaenyra had the power to refuse things that were not of convinence to her, Alicent did not and the only thing she could do was shelter her mind from the horrors of a noblewoman's life and not fall victim to it. A sad reality, one that most people turn a blind eye to.

"Thank you, Ambrosia. You are truly kind, and I am sorry for disturbing your peace tonight. It was not my intention to come here and blabber to you." Alicent apologized for her un-lady like behavior. She had only known the poor girl since that same morning and had already said too much to her.

"It is all fine. You should get some sleep; it will do you good." Alicent nodded her head towards Ambrosia, agreeing with her words. The two girls bid one another a good night, and Alicent started to head towards the castle. Ambrosia watched her figure retreat into darkness, turning once again towards the unsettled sea. She pondered on the conversation, confused on why Alicent would ask her anything. Surely, she would have asked her closest friend over someone she had not known a day prior. And a very vague and strange question too. Ambrosia decided to not ponder much and started to head back towards the safety of the castle.

And as Ambrosia neared closer to the castle, she saw a once dark room become alight by candles, and two distinct figures shouting inaudible words towards one another.

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