viii|| THE DOOM

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Days, weeks, maybe months, had passed since Rickon Stark left his daughter in The Red Keep. He had not communicated with her and knew if he were to send a raven to her, she would not answer. A decision required for her safety and her future, it was not an easy one to make, but necessary, no matter the strain it put on their newly found relationship.

A shiver ran down Rickon's spine, his thick fur coat did not do much against the cold. 

He was currently seated head of the table in his private study. Dusty, old books made his nose itch and the only sounds in the room were that of his sniffling nose and the rustling of paper as he flipped through the pages of Treana Callisto's journal. Ambrosia's mother had left it at Winterfell before she fled, a mistake Rickon thought, but he learned it was on purpose and nothing Maesella Callisto ever did was accidental. She was a calculated woman, someone who had a plan for everything and would calculate any mistake and its outcome.

The journal was old, very old, the dozens of pages were falling off the seams that bound them together. Rickon made sure to turn every page with care, afraid the pages would fall apart. He had not dared to open the journal all those years, dreading the words and stories that were written down. Words that would change the facts in history, words that would the seven kingdoms' understanding of the throne.

Rickon's eyes were wide as he read the ink on the paper.

The first day of the full moon.

I have dreamt of it again. This scared city will fall by the fires of the fiery mountain. The ground will split in two and Valyria will no longer be. Everything and everyone will be divided, and a great conquest will pursue. I must flee to Dorne to keep myself, and my child safe. The white hair family will rule over Westeros, the new kingdom of seven, and ninety-seven years after the conquest, their reckoning will be born. The rightful leader of the people, blood of The First Men, and blood of the gods will unite the people on this land. Born from my blood, born from the blood of the dragons, will be born the true dragon.

 Ambrosia Callisto will be the dragon.

He had lost count of how many times he had read the excerpt. Ten, twenty, a hundred times? No matter the more he read it, the words were foreign and almost unbelievable to his eyes. He scanned the page a few more times, mumbling the words to himself. As he flipped to the following page, the doors of his study were slammed open.

"Rickon..." It was his wife, Lady Gilliane, with shocked eyes and puffy red cheeks. He quickly closed the journal and tucked it under his coat. "The dragons-" Lady Gilliane was out of breath, her chest heaving as she tried to pump air back into her body.

"The dragons what Gilliane?"

A lump of dread formed in Rickon's stomach as the worst ran through his head.

"They're gone Rickon. The dragons melted their chains and left. They managed to burn down the door of the crypt." Rickon swore he could feel his feeble heart sink to his feet.

"We must send a raven to Ambrosia." Lady Gilliane nodded her head and hurried out of the room, Rickon following after her.

As they neared the raven's room, he sent a quick prayer to the gods that those dragons did not find their way to The Red Keep.

||Hey everyone! This was a super short, filler chapter. But it was needed and I will be updating tomorrow with a more entertaining one. I know this chapter seemed a bit rushed because I was in a hurry to write it. And I also cant write when it comes to any other character that isn't the main one so this was a struggle for me lol. But I hope you guys like it and now understand a bit more on Ambrosia's history!||

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