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Moments after parting ways with the princess, Ambrosia found herself in a rather provocative predicament with a certain Dornish knight.

Contrary to the eye, and what she seemed to be, she always thought herself as a timorous girl when it came to the presence of men. Ambrosia knew how to sweet talk them, learnings from her mother, but when one had his hand in her dress, she lost all sense of conviction towards her supposed confidence.

Now, even as a flustered mess, the two were engaged in mortal sin, in the confines of Ambrosia's chambers. Her flesh warm as the room grew hot and heavy, she could feel all the chains of self-restraint snap as she watched Criston remove the many layers of clothing on his body.

No words were spoken between the two, and no words had been spoken between the two since they found each other in Ambrosia's chambers. She had been in search for Alicent and Talla, but instead, stumbled across the knight, which she believed was not a coincidence, and she shamelessly kissed him in the dark shadows of the hallway. Ambrosia did not give it much thought, for she would allow the shame to guilt her after.

"Turn around." Ambrosia did as told, and Criston's fingers went to work on unlacing the back of her gown. She felt as he removed each string from it designated hole, a shiver invading her body each time his finger grazed the back of her spine. Her head spun with desire, and her mind was clouded with need.

With heavy eyes and her hair undone, she turned as he finished off with her dress.

"Criston..." He hummed in response, his lips meeting her exposed shoulder. "I do not think this is wise. What if someone saw us?" Ambrosia nerves were getting to her, finally knocking sense back into her mind.

Criston ignored Ambrosia's question, instead laying small kisses on her flesh. Her eyes closed, and all sense left her once again when she felt his hands roam her body. Her thoughts turned to ashes as the fire of yearning for what was to come coursed through her body.

"You're beautiful." And with the ending of those two words, Criston indulged himself once again in the taste of her lips. Ambrosia eagerly leaned into him, holding either side of face, while his hands rested on her lower back. They indulged for a few moments, and Ambrosia fell limp in his arms as he carried her to the bed. When he pulled away, brown eyes meeting green, she took a moment to regain her breath.

"Are you sure?" Criston asked Ambrosia, studying her face. He felt the air vibrating around them, and he only wished for her to utter the words he so desperately wanted to hear in that moment.

"Yes." Criston dipped his head down once more, meeting her lips. He lightly bit her bottom lip, and Ambrosia obliged his request, opening her mouth with ease at his invitation. She twined her fingers through his dark hair, tugging harshly when she felt his hand dip in between his parted legs. She moaned as he explored her needy skin, and her eyes became wide when his face dived down and met his hand in between her legs. "What are you do-" Ambrosia was unable to finish her sentence, for he had already indulged in her taste, his tongue enjoying the wetness between her legs.

Ambrosia could feel the knot forming in her stomach, while one hand gripped onto Criston's hair and the other gripped onto the duvet she laid on. Her mouth fell open in an attempt to regain her breath, but each time she felt him work magic on her, she seemed to lose it. She was not innocent to the becoming of adulthood, having done a few things with a few boys back in her homeland. But she remembered none doing the things Criston was doing to her, and the things she had done with them did not feel as pleasuring as what she was currently experiencing.

When Criston was done between Ambrosia's legs, he met her lips once more, guiding his body to be aligned with her own. He took himself in his own hands, moaning into their kiss as he furthered his desire for her. Ambrosia had to resist the urge to thrust herself when he aligned himself with her entrance. 

With heavy breaths, the two moaned when he finally entered.

Finding a steady pace, the room was invaded by the sounds of moans and whimpers. He had made a home inside of her, thrusting deep inside until there was no longer any part left untouched by her. Ambrosia's nails found possession of Criston's back, while Criston's mouth gained possession of her breast. He sucked and nipped at the attentive skin, sending jolts of fire through Ambrosia as he bit lightly on her sensitive nerves. He blemished her skin in a marvel of blue and purple.

"Fuck." That was the first word uttered by the two in a while, and Ambrosia's desired reached its limit at the sound of his voice. She rocked her hips to match the pace, and at that Criston throw his head back in complete rapture. Ambrosia tangled her hand in his hair, pulling him down to meet his lips once again in another heated encounter.

Ambrosia felt her walls constrict as Criston's movements became frantic and sloppy. He moved him arm under Ambrosia, their two bodies meeting. The sound of flesh meeting flesh sent the two into over-drive, Criston swallowing each moan that came out of her mouth in frantic kisses.

"This is how I need to see you, writhing in pleasure." Ambrosia could not pay mind to his words, her body slowly arising to her limits. She heard him moan again, knowing he was also reaching his limit.

"Ser!" Ambrosia voiced as she threw her head back into the bed, her body pulsating around him. He returned her cry, thrusting deeper as he also let himself go. Ambrosia clawed against the muscles of his back, her body shaking. Criston's thrusts become unsteady quickly, and he also allows himself the pleasure of arriving to his high.

Criston felt as if he had reached the eye of the storm.

With hooded lids, Ambrosia looks at Criston, whose eyes were closed as he rocked on his pleasure. When he opens his eyes, they meet his girl's, and he delivers a kiss on her pink lips. Criston pulls out of her, falling to her side has they both caught their lost breaths. When regained, he pulls her into his chest, delivering a small kiss to her sweaty forehead.

The two did not share words, for they had shared enough in the hours of their endeavors. Wrapped around in his arms, Ambrosia felt safe in the warmth his body emitted.

"We will have to marry now, you know." Ambrosia looked up at Criston at his words, a toothy smile gracing her face.

"My hand has not been proposed to yet, you are free to be the first." Criston smiled back at his girl, giving her lips another kiss.

" I am ready when you are." Ambrosia laughed at Criston's words, moving her head back to its original position.

They lay for a while in that position, the sounds of soft wind lulling them both to sleep, unbeknownst the things happening around them.

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