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The greatest betrayal was by the bounds of sacrifice

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The greatest betrayal was by the bounds of sacrifice.

Ambrosia's heart ached every passing day, each day she was without her dragons. She was tired of her tormented mind and the burning hate she felt toward her father. She understood his reasoning, but it did not take away the feeling of betrayal gripping her heart. It seemed like she had lost everything in life, and that she would always be destined to lose.

Ambrosia's mind use to be hers, all her thoughts orchestrated by her, no matter how dark and twisted, they were hers. But as of late madness had acted like a poison, a poison that she did not have the antidote to. Ambrosia wished to regain her sanity, but each day she was barricaded by stone walls and bleak faces it chipped away little by little. She found no joy in conversing with her friends, she found no joy in reading scrolls hidden in the library, although that was what occupied most of her day.

Ambrosia was currently seated on a wooden chair, in the far corner of the library hidden from the eye by darkness. The walls were high, and the only light came through the small windows near the ceiling. She preferred it like this lately, finding some sort of comfort in the darkness. Ambrosia did not like the loudness of the capital, even though where she had come from was somewhere louder than The Red Keep. 

Now, the lush green grass and red, blooming roses in the castle's garden brought her no happiness, no joy. Depression had sunk its talons into Ambrosia, and it had no plans on leaving soon.

She now found herself most days walking around aimlessly. Much had been happening around the castle, life there never stopped, even if it had stopped for Ambrosia.

She turned the rings on her finger compulsively, staring down at the wall in front of her. She thought she might look mad from another's perspective, not that she cared much about what others thought. She felt mad, and she wondered if this was what her mother felt when she went crazy. Ambrosia took a deep breath at the thought of her mother. Although it had been long since her mother's death, the wound was still fresh in Ambrosia's heart, and it did not seem it had the intention of healing itself.

The door creaked open, but Ambrosia did not turn her head to acknowledge who it was. She heard the footsteps come closer, stopping behind her chair.

"My lady, you cannot spend your days in this state. Please, let us take a walk through the garden, I deem it will do some good to get fresh air." It was Talla who had come in.

"I am fine where I am, thank you Talla, but you do not have to worry about me, I am fine." Ambrosia internally laughed at her own lies. She could not even convince herself she was fine. She felt pathetic.

"You are making yourself mad Ambrosia! This ridiculousness needs to find a stop somewhere. You only leave your room to eat and seat in this dusty library for weeks now." Ambrosia could feel Talla's aggravation and annoyance pile up. Ambrosia knew her moping would do her no good, but she had lost the effort to care for life. What was life without her children?

"I am content with my routine. Please, shut the door on your way out." Talla let out a huff at Ambrosia's words, growing impatient with the girl.

"Then I suppose you will not find a will to read the scroll from Winterfell. I will ensure to burn it." Ambrosia picked up her head at Talla's statement. She leaned forward in her chair, looking back at her friend.

"What scroll?" Ambrosia questioned.

"It arrived this morning with your father's seal. He wrote on the front that only you were to read it." Ambrosia rose from her seat, walking towards the door of the library.

"Is it in my chambers?"

"Yes." Ambrosia quickly walked down the hall, twisting and turning at corners to reach her room. Her steps were hurried, as were Talla's, who followed after her. The two girls soon arrived at Ambrosia's chambers and Ambrosia opened the doors, her eyes falling on the white paper placed on her table.

"What could it be?" Ambrosia questioned to herself as she walked over to it, picking it up and removing the silk string. Her father had not written to her since his departure, much to her gratefulness. Ambrosia did not care for what he had to say after he had left her there and he knew that. So, if he had written to her months into her stay, it must have been important, and suddenly she was dreading that something bad was written on the paper.

"Well, what is it? Is it bad?" Talla's curiosity only made Ambrosia's nerves worse while she unfolded the scroll.

"To my daughter, I regret to inform you I write to you regarding your dragons. They escaped from the crypt mid-night, unbeknownst to anyone until it was too late. They melted their chains and the crypt door. I have not gained word that anyone has seen them in the North, and I fear they may be en route to you. This will cause a great fuss if they arrive at The Red Keep, and I believe it is best I travel back to the capital to get this matter resolved. Signed Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North, Rickon Stark."

Ambrosia felt as if her heart, lungs, and everything else in her body had sunken down to her toes. She ignored Talla's gasp, and walked towards the fireplace, crumpling up the scroll and throwing it into the blazing heat. She felt the heat of the fire graze her exposed skin, as jumbled thoughts started occupying her head.

"No one is to know about this. Let's pray my father arrives before they do." Ambrosia turned to Talla, looking at the girl who wore a shocked face. It seemed like the fates were punishing her in a cruel way, even though Ambrosia had done nothing to deserve it.

"And if they find their way here before Lord Stark does?"

"As I said, let us pray they do not." 

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