hes actually nice in person

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As you load the last box into your new house you sigh. This is a big change for you. You look around the empty house. It's a decently sized house for just one person. You check the time, it's almost time to go to work. You already applied for a few jobs before you moved so everything would be ready when you moved. You unfortunately only got a job of being a cashier. Luckily your parents are rich and have no problem helping you if you need it. Your grateful for having a family that's loaded but you also want to be able to earn your own stuff by working. You figure you'll get ready for work then unpack everything after your done working. You put on your uniform and name tag. You awkwardly smile at the mirror. Your parents didn't really like you moving out and acting like a commoner but you just wanted to know what it was like to be independent a little bit. You get into your car and drive to work. You park your car and step into the store. It's not a mom and pop shop, it's a chain store. You smile and wave at your coworker. He gives you a weird look but waves back. He's probably suprised that someone's happy to be a cashier. You take your position at the register next to him. "I'm gonna go restock some stuff." He says his voice cracking. You nod and he walks away. You watch the doors intently waiting for customers. After a few minutes your first customer comes in. You greet them but the dont even react, they just continue walking around the store. During your shift you only had about 10 customers. As it it's close to closing time you figure you can start a conversation with your coworker. "Hi, what's your name?" You ask happily. "Jim, it's on my name tag." He replies. You feel dumb for a second. "Oh yea. I forgot we had name tags." You say awkwardly. "Are you the new guy?" He asks. "Yea, I am." You reply. "Are you new to town too?" He asks. "Yea, do you know any cool places to hang out around here?" You asks. "Yea, there are some places around here. Theres a ice cream shop a few blocks down from here, a bowling alley near the post office, a tattoo shop next to us, an arcade across the street but a place I like to hang out is actually this abandoned slaughterhouse, if you go on to the highway a few block from here, take the first left, then a right, another right and your there. It's a pretty chill spot. It's nice and quiet and a good place to listen to music peacefully, but you should be careful when you go there cause sometimes after sundown some really tall strong guy also goes there. He's never caught me before, I don't know if he's a cop are a security guy and I don't want to find out. He's really fucking scary. I nearly pissed myself when is saw him. You should have seen him, he had a bunch of the butchering utensils in his hands. I thought he was just talking stuff but he came back a few days later." He says then abruptly stops when he realizes he was rambling. "What does he look like exactly, like tall and strong and all but are there any other features that make him look scary?" You ask. "He has some leather face mask on, black hair, he's kinda chubby and he has like a death stare. I mean bro had the angriest look on his face. That mixed with the fact he was holding knives and shit was scary. Who know who or what he used them on when he went home." He says. "Ok so dont go there after sundown, got it but are you sure he wasn't just sent there to get the supplies out of there. He might have been angry that he had to work at night and he could have been were the mask because who knows what kinda diseases could be in an abandoned building." You say. "I dont know but if you want to stay there after sundown and ask him you can. I would be angry if I had to work at night too but still he could be a murderer." He says back. "Your being overdramatic. He's probably just some worker or someone who ransackes abandoned buildings and sells the stuff he can find." You say. "True, and not gonna lie that's not a bad idea. I might takes some stuff from there and try to sell it." He says happily. "I think that might be illegal, I'm not sure though." You say awkwardly. "Who cares though, I mean they just left the stuff there so why not take it. It's clear that they didn't want it." He says. "I think its time to close." You say. He nods and you two close up the store. You drive home. Its sunset. You contemplate going there now to see if that tall guy will be there. You know you said you would unpack after work but if he is there, by the time you would finish he would probably be gone. You get into your car and drive to the slaughterhouse. Its bigger than you thought. You look around inside. When you think you hear footsteps you go towards them. You peek in only to see cows. After being there for an hour no one shows up. You drive home disappointed. The next day, during the morning before your shift you unpack and decorate your home. You get ready for work, drive there then go through you shift and close. You don't have plans for after work so you think about going to the slaughterhouse again. Consider your disappointment last night there's a chance it could have been your coworker messing with you but you have nothing to do anyway and you can stay there longer since tomorrow's your day off. You hop into your car and drive there. You check the whole place out and again find no one. You decide to chill with cows for a few hours. You feel bad that they were just left here but also find it strange how they look fine considering this place has been closed for a while. You sit down and sit back on a cow that's just laying down. It doesn't seem to mind. After a few minutes of just looking at your phone in peace you look up and see a silhouette in the doorway, a tall on too. There an awkward silence as you two just look at eachother. "Um hi." You say awkwardly. He tilts his head. You stand up. He steps forward and you can see his features that you coworker told you about. "What's your name?" You ask happily. He doesn't reply. "My name's y/n." You say. He doesn't say anything. "I dont want to sound rude or anything but can you talk or are you mute or something?" You ask. He nods. "Do you want to chill with me and the cows?" You ask happily. He thinks for a second then nods. You two sit down were you were before. You and him watch funny videos on your phone for a few hours. You figure you should head home soon. "Its getting late. I should go home soon." You say. He gets a sad look on his face. "It was nice meeting you maybe we can meet back here earlier tomorrow." You say. He cheers up a bit. "Oh yes you never really told me your name. Do you think theres any way you could tell me it?" You ask. You both stand up and he grabs your arm and he guides to a old work station. He rummages threw the it and then finds a name tag. It says "Thomas hewitt". "It was nice meeting you thomas. Oh can I also get a picture so my coworker believes I met you?" You ask. He he agrees and you take a selfie with him. You two leave the building. "Do you need a ride home?" You ask. He shakes his head. "Bye." You say walking off. He waves goodbye. You drive home happy and fall right into bed.

(Ate Your Heart) Tommy x male reader Where stories live. Discover now