this bitch

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You wake up in tommy's arms. Tommy senses your awake and tightens his grip around you. You kiss his cheek and grab your name tag. The drive to the gas station is silent. You go to your station behind the counter. "Now if your family shows up just come to me ok?" Luda asks. "Ok." You reply. With that she goes to her office. Just as luda predicted you family shows up a few hours into your shift only it's just your father, this random girl and her parents. You sigh in annoyance when you see them. The girl comes up to you and looks you up and down then gets a disgusted look on her face. "No wonder you're a fag, what woman would want you." She says. "I could say the same about you." You reply. She gets a shocked expression. "How dare you! I'm the only beautiful woman that you would ever meet." She snaps. "If you're beautiful I could only imagine what ugly is." You reply with no emotion. She slaps you. "You bitch!" You shout. Tommy quickly runs out from the back. The girl screams in terror when she sees tommy. Luda runs out after hearing the scream. When she notices your father her concern turns to annoyance. "You have a lot of nerve coming around our parts." Luda says pointing at your father. "You have guys thinking these are your parts, I suggest you stay out of this less you want to lose what little you have." Your father replies. Luda gets offended but stays quiet. You roll your eyes. "What do you want? Last time I checked I wasn't your son." You say. "I'm here to introduce you to your new girlfriend." Your father replies. You laugh. "First of all, arranged marriages aren't legal in this country, second I'm over 18 so you have no force over me and third of all tommy is my boyfriend and I'd go through hell to keep it that way." You say. Tommy holds your waist and you kiss his cheek. "I'm trying to give you a second chance here, now you better. Take it or you will truly be disowned." Your father says. "I'll gladly sign the disownment papers." You reply. Your father gets an angry expression. "Now listen here little boy, I am your father and you will do as I say." He says. "No I wont cause last time I checked you weren't my dad." You reply. He slaps you across the face and you quickly stop tommy from grabbing him by the throat. "Tommy no! This dick isn't worth the charges." You say. "You will not speak to me like that!" Your dad shouts. "I'll do whatever I fucking want cause you have no control over me!" You shout back. Suddenly hoyt strolls in. "Well what do we have here." He says smugly. "Finally some authority." The girl says. "Are you kidding me! I forgot you were the town sheriff." Your dad says. "Awe dammit." The girl says. "Well now you remember dont ya, we can do this the easy way or I can have some fun. The choice is y'alls." He says. You dad sighs in defeat. "Fine, if you don't want to be apart of your family anymore that's on you but don't expect anything from me or your mom. No money or anything." He says. You kiss tommy on the lips. "Who need money when you have love but I guess you wouldn't understand that now would ya." You reply. He scoffs and leaves. "I was kinda looking forward to beating him into the ground. Damn richies, not you through." Hoyt says. "Its fine." You reply. Hoyt stays at the gas station for the rest of the day and after dinner you and tommy have a nice cuddling session. "I cant believe him and that girl, that was so annoying. I really hope that was the end of it." You. Say. Tommy kisses your forehead and you fall asleep.

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