day 1,2 and 3

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You awake nervous. You look at Thomas who was already awake and staring at you. You jump seeing him looking at you. He puts his hand on your cheek. You try your best to hide your fear but he can tell you're scared. He runs his fingers through your hair. "Good morning tommy." You say with a shaky voice. He wraps his arms around you. You sigh. It could be worst. God knows how the others would treat their pets and God knows if they already have some. Tommy gets up from the bed and leaves the room. You look at the room. There's a small round window that you can tell you wouldn't fit through. The room is a little messy too. Serial killers dont usually have clean houses. You start feeling nervous when you hear footsteps getting closer. You cover your face. You hear the door open and the steps stopping in front of you. Tommy moves your hands from your face. He has a plate in his hands. You look at the plate then him. He gets a spoonful then puts the spoon close to your mouth. You quickly put the spoon in your mouth and try your best not to show that the taste definitely isn't the best. You chew then swallow. Tommy makes you eat the whole plate. It wasn't  the best meal you had but you know that you're gonna have to get used to it. He leaves the room again. You feel like you could physically recoil do to the terrible after taste. You look out the small circle window. There's nothing but a field and woods. You lay back down and take it all in. The fact that this is most likely gonna be the rest of your life and that you gonna be another missing poster that was never found. The fact that your funeral will happen when you're not actually dead, you'll never see your family again and you'll never have your freedom. Everything you every had is now permanent out of reach. You just wanted to be nice and now your life is gone. You just a pet in a house full of cannibals. Who knows what's gonna happen if they cant find anyone else and they're hungry. You feel your anxiety consuming you and you start crying. Tommy comes in and tries to comfort you. He wipes your tears and hugs you. You cant feel calm. He holds your face. "I'm scared." You whimper. He hugs you tighter and sighs. You calm down a bit. "I'm not scared of you tommy if that's what you're thinking." You say realizing you might've hurt his feelings. He looks at you confused. "I just feel scared, I'm gonna spend the rest of my life handcuffed to your bed and I cant do anything about it cause it's the only way I'll stay alive." You say sadly. He nods and sits down next to you. "I have a rich family so I was always at risk of being kidnapped more than a normal kid so my parents were defensive about letting me live on my own so far away from their protection and now they were just proved right. In only two days of moving here I was kidnapped." You say. He looks away from you. He grabs your waist and pulls you in closer still looking away. "I dont want to hurt your feelings tommy but this is kidnapping and you know it." You say. He nods and leaves the room. You sigh. You feel bad for hurting him but how else would you describe it? It is kidnapping. You lay back down. The sun shines on your face. You realize you're probably gonna be left alone for a while. You could easily escape the handcuff, sure you would break your thumb but you would be a step closer to freedom then you would need to get out of the house unnoticed and then run like hell till you find a place to call the cops but what would happen if you got caught? You'd most likely be killed and it would hurt tommy's feelings whether you fail or succeed in escaping. It's to risky. And you've hurt tommy enough today. You sigh. You know that your just gonna have to accept it. Maybe it wont be as bad as you're thinking. You lay there with only your thoughts as company for hours till tommy comes back in with another plate. He sits down at the foot of the bed. "Hey tommy, I'm sorry I hurt your feelings earlier. You saved my life and I should be more grateful and I'm sorry for what I said last night." You say sadly. He smiles at you and runs his finger through your hair. You smile back. He feeds you the plate. Before he leaves the room you thank him and once again he leaves the room for hours then comes back to feed you. Soon it's dark out and the room is only lit by a dim lamp. You and tommy cuddle. He holds you tightly and close. You feel a strange safety in his arms. They're strangely comforting and loving. They're strong and covered in blood and cuts but you feel loved in his arms. You didn't feel this feeling last night probably cause you were scared but now that you're calm you feel it. You fall asleep before him and he stares at you lovingly as you sleep in his arms. The next day you wake up happier. Tommy was waiting at the foot of the bed with a plate. You eat it more willingly today. You hope that the taste grows on you. He leaves then comes back a few minutes later. He looks through the drawers on his night stand till he finds one of those tiny portable TVs. He plugs it in and shows you how to change the channel. "Thank you so much tommy." You say trying to hug him forgetting that you're handcuffed to the bed. He comes in closer so you can hug him. After you hug him he kisses your forehead then leaves quickly. You sit there in shock for second then blush hard. You flip through channels till you find something that is kinda entertaining but you just zone out on a random channel thinking about tommy. You're pretty luck he's your captor and not someone else. If you were kidnapped by someone else you'd be in some dark dirty basement with only a dirty mattress and a bucket or dead or God knows what other horrific things kidnappers do. He's nice and caring. Who knew giving chips and a plushie would save your life later. Speaking of the plush you look around the room and see it on top of a cabinet. You smile seeing it. You watch the tv patiently waiting for tommy to come back. While waiting your mind wonders. Hoyt tried to make tommy kill you with specificly butchering utensils, so if he did kill you would he butcher your body then eat it? Is that what happens to the other people that fall into hoyt's trap? Have you been eating human meat. Just as your thinking that you hear a female scream. You jump and look around frantically. You than realize that it was just the horror movie on the tiny tv. You change the channel to something calm and lay back down. Its probably just the animals that were left at the slaughterhouse, tommy used to work there so he would know what to do. You nearly doze off but tommy some how appears and is gently shaking you awake. You look around in a groggy state. You realize hoyt is in the room too. "Um hi." You say awkwardly. He chuckles then leaves the room. "Ok then." You mumble. Tommy holds your face. "Are you ok?" You ask him. He nods and feeds you. "Are you sure?" You ask. He nods more aggressively. "Is hoyt trying to make you hurt me again?" You ask. He shakes his head. "Is he just bothering you?" You ask. He shrugs then leaves. You expect to not see him for a few hours but he comes back in a few minutes later. He sits down next to you again. You decide to be a bit flirty and put your hand onto his. He gets suprised and quickly puts his hand on top of yours. You smile seeing him get suprised easily. You get revenge for this morning by kissing his cheek. He gets flustered, squeezes your hand and covers his face with his other hand. "Dont you get excited quickly." You say seductively. He pushes you making you lay down the gets on top of you. You blush knowing with this is going. He starts making out with you while pinning your one free hand down. You quickly embrace him. While he's only focused on you, you hear the door open and a gasp. You struggle slap his hand trying to get his attention. He doesn't care so you kick his knee making him fall of the bed. He looks at you angrily then notices hoyt and his mom in the doorway and his mom with a surprised expression. Tommy gets an embarrassed look and hoyt starts laughing his ass off. "DINING ROOM NOW!!!" His mom shouts. He walks down stairs embarrassed. Hoyt is on the floor laughing and gasping for air. "Stop fucking laughing, this isnt funny." She says angrily. Hoyt goes down stairs not even trying to hide his laughter. His mom stares at you with a blank expression then closes the door.
♡tommy:pov♡ 3rd person♤
Tommy stands in the dining room with his head down. Hoyt Pat's him on the shoulder laughing. "I cant believe it." He says between laughs. "Sit now." Luda mae says. Tommy sits down. "I'm not angry at you or anything, I'm just surprised." She says. "So am i." Hoyt says chuckling. "Shut up, I'm trying to have a serious conversation." Luda mae says. Hoyt covers his mouth. "Now tommy, I know it's hard to find people who arnt family who are nice to you and I of course want you to have someone special but are you sure that's what you want?" She asks. Tommy looks at her confused. "She means are you sure you want a guy." Hoyt says happily. Luda mae gives him an angry look. Tommy shrugs. "What does that mean?" She asks. "It means he dont care." Hoyt says. "If you put your two cents in again, I'll shove that badge were the sun dont shine." Luda mae threatens. "Now, is that true?" She asks. Tommy thinks for a second then nods. "Ok, as long as your happy so am I but I want grandkids tommy." She says. Tommy looks down. "Dont some of them queers get a woman to hold there babies or something." Hoyt says. "Yea but first of all dont say queer, say gay." Luda mae says. "Why, it means the same thing." Hoyt says. "No queer means weird and gay means happy so I'd rather you say gay." She replies. "You always have to be so controlling." Hoyt says. "Oh just leave already if you cant be serious." She says. "Fine." He says. "So tommy, how about next time a woman comes around here how about you just catch her instead of killing her imedantly." She says. Tommy nods. "You know what we would want you to do to her when you catch her right?" Hoyt asks. Tommy looks at him confused. "We'll deal with that when that time comes." Luda mae says. "Ok come on, we both saw what was going on up there. We should give him the talk now." Hoyt says. "He was just kissing." She says. "First of all, that was more than kissing. Second of all, he ain't no little boy no more." Hoyt says. "Fine, tommy do you want to here the talk?" She asks. Tommy nods not knowing what they were talking about. Luda mae sighs. They gave him the talk then sent him up stairs. He sat down on the bed confused.
Tommy leaves for a little while then comes back looking weirded out. "What did they say?" You ask. He looks at you. "Do they not want us to kiss?" You ask. He shakes his head. "Really, they're fine with us being romantic." You say confused. He nods. "Huh, did they tell you about sex?" You ask. He nods. "Is that why you look so weirded out?" You ask. He nods again. "I was weirded out too when my parents gave me the talk, mostly because they gave it to me when I was 10." You say. He raps his arm around you and pulls you closer. You spend the rest of the day cuddling and watching tv. After dinner you both fall asleep. The next day you wake up to tommy cuddling you tightly. "Are you ok tommy." You say groggy.  You feel him nod. You feel the sun shining on you. You still feel tired. Tommy tightens his arms around you. "Not so tight. You're hurting me." You say. He loses his grip. You feel him shaking as if he's scared. You look at him and he's still sleeping. You wake him up. He wakes up breathing heavily and then looks at you. "Did you have nightmare?" You ask. He nods. "Its ok." You say holding his face. He pulls you in closer. You hear something hit the window. You both look as it begins to rain. He starts rubbing your back and kissing your forehead. "I like when it rains. Its pretty relaxing." You say. You close your eyes and fall asleep again. When you wake up, it's still raining and tommy has a plate for you. After finishing eating you and him cuddle and watch tv for the day. It's a calm relaxing day.

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