Snow Day - Leo [Rise]

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[Gender Neutral]

Waking up to cold, soft, snow was a wonderful surprise in its own! But hanging out with the Turtles--April included--in the snow all day made everything even better. The team was set on building the perfect Jupiter Jim snowman. You just watched enjoying their child-like excitement.

When Raph broke out into song you let out a surprise laugh. It's very unexpected, especially because it was Raph. You didn't take him for a guy who just breaks out into song whenever. Then Leo joined in after him and you could not help but admire him more. Everything he did was so effortless, perfect if you will. You giggled to yourself, utterly in love with the boy in front of you.

"Now what's so funny over there Mx. Giggles?" He askes jokingly, filled with complete joy. You couldn't tell if it was because of the snow or if it was because of you. You didn't really care though  seeing him smile made this whole day worth all the freezing, wet clothes you had to wash later on in the day.

You got up from you comfortable (but will most definitely regret later) spot in the snow covered park.

"Nothing... I Just," You walked over to him and grabbed his hands. "Wished you would sing more..." You confessed.

He laughed, and he thought he couldn't love you more than he did, "Is that so?" he asked completely and utterly in love.

"Yes, Very much so!" the two of you laughed in contentment. Leo rested his forehead against yours, enjoying the calm peacful moment.




Until Donnie brought out a chainsaw. Though that was more expected of him rather then everyone bursting out into song. Truth be told April did in fact sound like a Goddess.

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