A Hint Of Red - Raphael [2012]

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[Male Reader]

Raphael was the kind of friend you could tell anything. He'd listen to your every word and make you feel heard. Even if you were just rambling about nothing, he'd listen. Even if his brothers say he doesn't care about anyone else but himself, which couldn't be more wrong. The friend you could hold hands with and be completely comfortable. Raph could just hug you out of no where and it would feel like it was the most normal thing in the world. Though he would rarely ever do this. You could sit in complete silence for hours on end but it'd feel like a million words were said.

It was one of those times. Raph had invited you over just to hang out. You were currently laying on your back, legs over the side of his bed. You were reading a comic book, one you've probably read dozens of times. Raph sat at the top of his bed near his pillows, also reading a comic book.

You took to staring at the roof of the coldish room. There was a ceiling fan, four lights hung from it. It was an annoying yellow color. You noticed there was a light scent of cinnamon, and rain? You noticed the air freshener in the corner of the small room. It was probably the source of the smell. You then noticed the small night light on the wall closest to you. It was in the shape of a space ship. The plastic cover was a light yellow. You smiled at the thought of baby Raphael being afraid of the dark and asking Splinter for a nightlight.

From the corner of your eye you watched as Raph lifted his head to look at you. This past month you noticed Leo would do this quite often. He would look away everytime you caught him. When you would help out on missions he'd watch you with this soft look on his face. One you couldn't quite explain with words, in any dialect. Whenever he got the chance to look at you with that wonderfully unexplainable look in his eyes, he would. And, God, you hope he doesn't look at anyone else like that.

You turned your head to look at him. This time, though he didn't look away.

"Hi." you softly spoke.

"Hi." he replied quietly, almost a whisper.

"What's going on in that beautiful, angry mind of yours?" you ask, lifting your hand up to his face, the pads of your fingers softly tracing his cheek, stoping at his lips for a brief moment. Then you dropped your hand.

"You." he whispered.

"Me?" you whispered back.

"I don’t know when but something changed. The way I see you now, the way I sometimes wish you saw me, is entirely different." he replied, still whispering.

"And how did you see me?" you asked, time seemed to have stopped. Or maybe that was your heart. You still didn't dare to speak anything above a whisper.

He paused for a moment. "I saw you as my friend, but now everytime we part I feel so... strange. I now wonder, no, I wish to know how your lips would feel on mine." he was barely at the end you almost didn't hear him.

"... And how do you want me to see you?" you ask, sitting up still facing him.

"I-..." he froze for a good minute, second guessing himself. You noticed he tend to do that when in serious moments with you.

"Raphy?" you whispered. He looked up at you. "How do you wish for me to see you?"

"Like I am everything you have ever dreamed of." you smiled at his reply.

"And what if you already are?" you asked. "What if I too want you to see me as everything you've ever dreamed of?"

"You are my new dream." He replied.

"Was-... Was that from Tangled!?" you smiled. "Wait, that means I'm Rapunzel!"

"There is no way in hell I'm being Rapunzel." he replied, mood suddenly shifting.

"But what if I wanna be Eugene! Can you even do the smoulder!?" this was probably going to be the best argument you've ever had.

"Probably better than you!" he countered.

"Nuh-uh! Do it I dare you!" you honestly wanted if a turtle could do the perfect Eugene smolder.

"Shut up and kiss me already, will ya!" that made your heart start skipping beats again.

"Aw, why didn't you say anything sooner, Princess." God, you loved teasing this man. You couldn't get over the anger in his eyes. It was hilarious. You scooted closer to him. He looked down at you. He reached his hand out to cup the side of your face. Noses almost touching you could feel his breath on your face. "You want me to kiss you?" you whispered.

"Quit teasin' me already." That got you to giggle. You got closer to his face. You moved your hand to rest behind his head.

"As you wish." with that your lips were on his. It was awkward at first but after a little getting used to, they moved perfectly in sync. You went to break apart but he pulled you back in. You laughed into the kiss and moved you arms to rest them over his shoulders. His hand in return grabbed your waist.

You eventually had to break apart, you know 'cause, Oxigen. He rested his forehead on yours and sighed.

"I've been waiting to do that a long time." he said after awhile. "...Did you quote The Princess Bride?"

"Oo, someones caught up on his Princess movies~!" you teased. "Buttercup." with that he tackled you, which ended in tickles and laughter.

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