Different And New, But A Good Different - Leo [Bayverse/Requested]

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[Male Reader]

Leo was always seen as the strong, confident ridden eldest sibling, who always has a plan, the fearsome leader Leonardo. But when it came to you, his bestfriend, he became easily flustered, he got nervous a little too often for his liking, and he rarely knew what to say or do around you. He never really understood why at first. The only other human person he really ever talked to was April or Casey. But it always felt different with you than April. With April he knew how to speak, and how to act when he was around her. It was easy, he was her friend. He loved her, but not in the way he loved you. When he was with you he felt free. Free to be himself and not feel the need to have to put up a strong front.

He didn't often like to talk about his feelings. He'd rather stuff them down, forget about them. Leo was never really taught how to deal with his emotions properly. It was hard for him. Sometimes, but very rarely, he asks his, sometimes very dramatic, siblings for advice. Even if Leonardo and Raphael rarely ever came to an agreement he was always the brother he'd go to when he needed to talk. That is if Raph doesn't catch on to him first.

You were currently at the lair. Mikey had asked you to come over to help him with some strange new food recipe. You decided to humor him. Don was at her computer doing who knows what. Raph was currently watching Leo, watch you.

Raph smiled as he caught on to what was happening with his eldest brother, and all of a sudden everything made sense.

"Hey, Don!" he called.

"Mm?" She hummed and glanced over at him.

"I think our dear older brother has little crush on his bestfriend!" he replied.

That got Leo's attention. "What..?" he asks quietly.

Donnie turned around in her chair. "Oh?" she smiles. "Is that so?" she says ready to tease the life out of Leo.

"Hey! Not fair! I called it!" Replied Mikey, who had been previously eavesdropping, leaving you alone in the kitchen to clean up his mess.

"Oh, can it, Mikey! You did not!"

"Oh, whatever, man..." Mikey (who did in fact call it) grumbled to himself. His favorite trope is friends to lovers so he knew all the signs.

"I-... I am not in love with him!" Leo argued.

"Sure, big brother. Sure, definitely not." Donnie spoke before crossing her arms to stare at him dead on whilst smiling.

"Like you weren't just watching his every move!" Raphael quietly argued back.

"I was not-!" Leo protested.

"I could feel your big lovesick puppy dog eyes from the kitchen, my man!" Mikey added.

"I, well- I was just-!" Leo, who was now as red as a turtle could possibly be, tried to make a very sad attempt of an excuse.

"Aw, he's all red!" Mikey teased his older brother.

"Cute, but please keep the PDA to a minimum." Donnie said turning back to her computer.

"Look at him! He's all flustered!" Raph continued to tease him.

"I am not!" Leo pouted. If that was even possible.

Raphael and Mikey laughed, Donnie quietly to herself. Mikey went back to help you, who was completely oblivious to any of what just happened, in the kitchen. The boy, who was trying so hard to forget his feelings for his bestfriend, was now sulking in shame because his idiot siblings found him out and teased him for it.

"Hey, you all good, oh fearless leader?" Raphael asked noticing the sudden change in mood. "It was just a little fun. We didn't mean anything by it."

"... He's my bestfriend. It's just wrong." Leo replied. His mask of being afraid of nothing, had suddenly vanished.

"How?" He asked.

"What?" Leonardo looked at the Ninja in red.

"I asked how? How is it wrong? Last I checked he has always, and I mean always, been there for you. He makes sure you're alright before and after every mission. Hell he almost lost it when we were facing the Kraang! He worries about more than he probably should. God, if he isn't in love with you then there is something just completely wrong with him!" Raphael reasoned with his brother.

Leo looked away. "But... What if he doesn't feel that way about me. What if he's just worried because we're just close friends..?"

Raphael laughed softly. "The 'fearless' leader is finally afraid of something. I watch the two of you and from what I can tell he is absolutely smitten by you." he said. He pat Leo on the back and left him to his own devices.

A good twenty-ish minutes had passed and you came out with a, definitely too big for you, cupcake. Leo gave you a questionable look as you made your way over to him.

"For you, my Ninja Turtle in blue." you smiled and offered the cupcake to him.

"Pumpkin?" he asked as he gently grabbed the treat.

"You told me pumpkin was your favorite! And somethings were more salvageable than others." you replied.

"Thank you." he smiled. "You remembered..." he said more to himself than you.

"Of course I did! I also remember you hate pumpkin pie unless it has whipped cream on top with carmel."

He looked down at you. "You remembered how I like my pie?" he asked shocked.

"I love, Mikey, I do... But he kinda has a big mouth." His eyes widened and he stiffened in fear. "Not to mention Raph also might've told me you were afraid of admitting your feelings for me." you added.

"He-... What?" he paused. Only thinking of the worst. "Listen, Raph- he-..." He tried to get out a lie only to be met with your giggles. "...why are you laughing..?"

"Oh my god, Raph was right! You really are oblivious! I thought I was being obvious! God, even Casey caught onto me, and he has like... zero braincells!" you laughed softly.

"You...?" He slowly smiled and began to turn red once again. Though if you asked him he'd deny.

"You know, maybe, sometimes, you should listen to Raph. He can be a bit temperamental but he notices a lot of things." you heard Donnie laugh from her spot at her computer.

He sighed of relief. "I was afraid of nothing?" he relaxed, finally.

"Nothing." you confirmed. "Now I believe, you kind sir, owe me a date!"

"No, I think it's, you who owes me a date." he jokingly replied.

"Oh? How so?" you asked.

"For making worry for nothing." he partially unwrapped his cupcake so he could take a bite.

"Mmm, but I made you a cupcake, so technically..." you trailed off.

You both broke out into a soft laughter. Completely content.

"We'll make a deal then... I owe you a date and you owe me..." You paused. "Cuddles!"

He laughed such a soft sound. "It a date then." With that he grabbed your hand so he coukd lead you to his room to make up for all the cuddle sessions you could've had if either of had been brave enough to admit your feelings for one another.


A/N: I am so sorry this took so long <3

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